Xiaomi G10 Plus 25.2V, White

Изображение может отличаться от реального товара, могут быть аксессуары и детали, не поставляемые с реальным товаром.
ID: 978402 Код товара: BHR6179EU
В наличии 2 шт.
Гарантия: 2 лет
263,44 €
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  • Доставка в почтовое отделение Латвии, камеру хранения посылок или Circle K бесплатно: 06.01.2025.
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  • Доставка в пункт выдачи посылок Dateks.lv на улице Земитана, 9: 02.01.2025 после 15:00
Основные параметры продукции Все параметры
  • Емкость контейнера для пыли (л): 0.6 l
  • Максимальная мощность (Вт): 450 W
  • Мощность всасывания (Па): Н/Д
  • Цвет: Белый
  • Bид уборки: Xимическая чистка
Все параметры
Время зарядки (ч) : 4
Время работы (мин) : 65
Длина кабелепровода (м) : Аккумулятор
Емкость контейнера для пыли (л) : 0.6 l
Максимальная мощность (Вт) : 450 W
Мощность всасывания (Па) : Н/Д
Очистка паром : Nav
Тип кормления : Akumulators
Тип трубки : Aлюминий
Типы пылесосов : C контейнером
Типы форсунок : Mini turbobirste, Spraugām, Turbobirste
Уровень шума (дБ) : N/A
Цвет : Белый
Bид уборки : Xимическая чистка
Pегулировка мощности : Ir
Более подробная спецификация
barcode - 6934177788642
brand - Xiaomi
Category - Root/Household articles/Cleaning/Vaccum cleaners
Category_1 - Appliances
Category_2 - Small Electronics - Vacuum Cleaners
category_en - Home appliances
category_en - Home Appliances > House cleaning equipment > Vacuum cleaners
category_et - Kodumasinad
category_lv - Mājas ierīces
category_lv - Sadzīves tehnika > Mājas uzkopšanas tehnika > Putekļu sūcēji
category_ru - Sadzīves tehnika > Mājas uzkopšanas tehnika > Putekļu sūcēji
category_ru - Домашние приборы
Code - BHR6179EU
depth - 33
description_en - Capable and thorough
A flagship model designed for all types of dust.
The Xiaomi G10 warehouse vacuum is equipped with a high-performance digital motor. The newly improved high-speed digital motor provides up to 150 AW of powerful suction power to remove dust, hair and mites, providing a great cleaning experience. 12-cyclone dust separation system
Dust-air separation for smooth airflow. The vacuum cleaner is equipped with a 12-cone cyclonic dust separation system, which generates strong centrifugal force through cyclonic air flow. Effectively sends large particles to the bottom of the dust container, maintaining smooth airflow while increasing filter efficiency. 99.9% dust removal
Five-stage filtration to prevent secondary pollution. The vacuum cleaner uses a sophisticated five-stage filtration system that effectively absorbs particles as small as 0.3 μm and has an overall filtration efficiency of 99.9%. Wiping and washing in one motion
The magnetic water tank allows you to suck and wipe everything in one go. Protect your flooring and make cleaning easier by using the switch on the 230ml flat mop to adjust the water flow rate, making it suitable for use on different floor types and conditions. Large diameter high torque floor brush
Clean your entire home effectively. Powerful high-performance motor deep cleans living room carpets and floor cracks. The unique wheel design helps the vacuum move smoothly on the carpets, further improving performance and efficiency. Mini electric brush
For cleaning dander, pet hair and more, a mini electric brush is included, which can be used to clean hair, dander and pet hair on the surface of the bed or to clean the layers of fibers of the bed itself. Clean bedding and sofas with ease, taking care of your health and bringing peace of mind. Tangle-free technology
The roller brush is equipped with three-part blades that automatically cut off any hairs that get stuck on the roller brush, while this technology is safe and does not damage floors or carpets. Check the cleaning status quickly
The newly upgraded high-quality LED interface clearly shows battery performance and information, providing a great visual and control experience that is convenient even for the elderly. Automatic electrostatic discharge and lock button
The middle part of the handle is equipped with a static discharge device, which can effectively neutralize the static electricity of the vacuum cleaner, eliminating sparks for the user and preventing dust from sticking to the dust container. Gently press the lock button once to keep the vacuum in the current suction mode. That way, you don't have to keep your finger on the button while cleaning. Large 0.6 liter dust container
The G10 Plus is equipped with a 0.6-liter dust container, so you don't have to empty the vacuum cleaner constantly when cleaning. With a one-touch release button, the dust container can be removed for convenient cleaning, so it's always clean. Extremely long battery life for easy cleaning of large rooms
The large capacity 3000 mAh battery ensures a better daily experience. The removable battery design allows you to change the battery with one push of a button. Convenient charging and a powerful battery
The Xiaomi G10 Plus stock vacuum cleaner has a convenient wall-mounted charging station that also simplifies storage, it not only holds the brush and bits, but also charges the extra battery at the same time. An optional dual-charge expansion slot can charge two batteries at once, eliminating the need for frequent charging. It takes 4 hours to charge the vacuum cleaner, and the fully charged, capacious 3000 mAh battery allows you to work for 65 minutes in economy mode, 27 minutes in normal mode or 8 minutes in turbo mode. A practical two-in-one cordless vacuum cleaner Can also be used as a hand vacuum cleaner Up to 65 minutes of working time wirelessly Tangle-free technology Automatic power and speed control capability on different types of surfaces Removable 600 ml dust tank One-touch emptying Space-saving storage Washable filter Comes with 4 nozzles Charging time: 4 h Working time: 65 minutes High suction power of 150 AW Capacious 3000 mAh battery Power: 425 W Dimensions: 128.6 x 21.4 x 25.6 cm Weight: 1.7 kg
description_en - Say goodbye to dust for good with superior cleaning.
Features: Upgraded performance, clean beyond expectations
12-cone cyclone dust-separation system
High-quality LED operation interface
Vacuum and mop all in one go
One-button self-locking design, effortless operation
Roller brush with anti-entanglement design
New 3+1 functional brush head set
Maximum of 150AW suction power Technical specifications: Net weight: 4.2kg (with Accessories)
Item dimensions: 1286x214x256mm
Rated voltage: 25.2V
Charging voltage: 30.8V
Rated power: 425W
Battery capacity: 3000mAh (nominal capacity) / 2800mAh (rated capacity)
Charging time: Approx. 4 hours
Dust compartment capacity: 0.6L
description_et - Võimekas ja põhjalik
Lipulaevmudel, mis on loodud igasuguse tolmu jaoks. Xiaomi G10 varstolmuimeja on varustatud suure jõudlusega digitaalse mootoriga. Äsja täiustatud kiire digitaalne mootor tagab kuni 150 AW võimsa imemisvõimsuse tolmu, karvade ja lestade eemaldamiseks, pakkudes suurepärast puhastuskogemust. 12-tsükloniline tolmueraldussüsteem
Tolmu-õhu eraldamine sujuva õhuvoolu tagamiseks. Tolmuimeja on varustatud 12-koonilise tsüklonaalse tolmueraldussüsteemiga, mis tekitab tsüklonaalse õhuvoolu kaudu tugeva tsentrifugaaljõu. Saadab tõhusalt suured osakesed tolmumahuti põhja, säilitades sujuva õhuvoolu, suurendades samal ajal filtri efektiivsust. 99,9% tolmu eemaldamine
Viieastmeline filtreerimine sekundaarse reostuse vältimiseks. Tolmuimeja kasutab keerukat viieastmelist filtreerimissüsteemi, mis neelab tõhusalt nii väikseid osakesi kui 0,3 μm ja mille üldine filtreerimise efektiivsus on 99,9%. Pühkimine ja pesemine ühe liigutusega
Magnetiline veepaak võimaldab imeda ja pühkida kõike ühe korraga. Kaitse oma põrandakatet ja hõlbusta puhastamist, kasutades 230 ml lamemopil olevat lülitit, et reguleerida veevoolu kiirust, muutes selle sobivaks kasutamiseks erinevatel põrandatüüpidel ja oludes. Suure läbimõõduga suure pöördemomendiga põrandahari
Puhasta tõhusalt kogu oma kodu. Võimas suure jõudlusega mootor puhastab sügavalt elutoa vaibad ja põrandapraod. Ainulaadne rattakujundus aitab vaakumil vaipadel sujuvalt liikuda, parandades veelgi tööd ja tõhusust. Mini elektriline hari
Kõõma, lemmikloomade karvade ja muu puhastamiseks on kaasas mini elektrihari, mida saab kasutada juuste, kõõma ja lemmikloomade karvade puhastamiseks voodi pinnal või voodi enda kiukihtide puhastamiseks. Puhasta voodipesu ja diivanid hõlpsalt, hoolitsedes oma tervise eest ja tuues meelerahu. Sasipuntravaba tehnoloogia
Rullhari on varustatud kolmeosaliste teradega, mis lõikavad automaatselt maha kõik rullharja külge takerduvad karvad, samas on selline tehnoloogia ohutu ega kahjusta põrandaid ega vaipu. Kontrolli puhastamise olekut kiirelt
Äsja täiendatud kvaliteetne LED-liides näitab selgelt aku tööd ja teavet, pakkudes suurepärast visuaalset ja juhtimiskogemust, mis on mugav isegi eakatele. Automaatne elektrostaatiline tühjendamine ja lukustusnupp
Käepideme keskmine osa on varustatud staatilise lahenduse seadmega, mis suudab tõhusalt neutraliseerida tolmuimeja staatilise elektri, välistades kasutajale sädemed ja takistades tolmu kleepumist tolmumahutisse. Vajuta üks kord õrnalt lukustusnuppu, et hoida tolmuimeja praegusel imemisrežiimil. Nii ei ole vaja pidevalt koristamise ajal sõrme nupul hoida. Suur 0,6-liitrine tolmumahuti
G10 Plus on varustatud 0,6 liitrise tolmumahutiga, nii et Sa ei pea puhastamisel tolmuimejat pidevalt tühjendama. Ühe puutega vabastusnupu abil saab tolmumahuti mugavaks puhastamiseks eemaldada, et see oleks alati puhas. Äärmiselt pikk aku tööiga suurte ruumide lihtsaks puhastamiseks
Suure mahutavusega 3000 mAh aku tagab parema igapäevase kogemuse. Eemaldatava aku disain võimaldab akut vahetada ühe nupuvajutusega. Mugav laadimine ja võimekas aku
Xiaomi G10 Plus varstolmuimejal on mugav seinale kinnitatav laadimisjaam, mis ühtlasi lihtsustab hoiustamist, see ei hoia mitte ainult harja ja otsakuid, vaid laeb samal ajal ka lisaakut. Valikuline kahe laadimisega laienduspesa saab laadida korraga kahte akut, vältides vajadust sagedase laadimise järele. Tolmuimeja laadimiseks piisab 4 tunnist ning täislaetud mahukas 3000 mAh aku võimaldab töötada 65 minutit säästurežiimis, 27 minutit tavarežiimis või 8 minutit turbo režiimis. Praktiline kaks-ühes juhtmevaba tolmuimeja Võimalik kasutada ka käsitolmuimejana Kuni 65 minutit tööaega juhtmevabalt Sasipuntravaba tehnoloogia Automaatne võimsuse ja kiiruse reguleerimise võimekus erinevat tüüpi pindadel Eemaldatav 600 ml tolmupaak Tühjendamine ühe nupuvajutusega Ruumisäästlik hoiustamine Pestav filter Kaasas 4 otsakut Laadimisaeg: 4 h Tööaeg: 65 minutit Suur 150 AW imemisvõimsus Mahukas 3000 mAh aku Võimsus: 425 W Mõõtmed: 128,6 × 21,4 × 25,6 cm Kaal: 1,7 kg
description_lv -
description_lv - Atvadieties no putekļiem uz visiem laikiem ar izcilu tīrīšanu.
Iespējas: Uzlabota veiktspēja, tīra, pārsniedzot cerības
12 konusu ciklona putekļu atdalīšanas sistēma
Augstas kvalitātes LED darbības interfeiss
Vakuums un mops viss vienā piegājienā
Vienas pogas pašbloķējošs dizains, bez piepūles darbība
Rullīšu birste ar pretsapinīšanās dizainu
Jauns 3+1 funkcionāls birstes galviņu komplekts
Maksimālā sūkšanas jauda 150AW Tehniskās specifikācijas: Neto svars: 4,2 kg (ar piederumiem)
Preces izmēri: 1286x214x256mm
Nominālais spriegums: 25,2V
Uzlādes spriegums: 30,8V
Nominālā jauda: 425W
Akumulatora ietilpība: 3000mAh (nominālā ietilpība) / 2800mAh (nominālā ietilpība)
Uzlādes laiks: apm. 4 stundas
Putekļu nodalījuma ietilpība: 0,6L
description_ru -
description_ru - Попрощайтесь с пылью навсегда благодаря превосходной очистке.
Функции: Повышенная производительность, чистота, превосходящая все ожидания
12-конусная циклонная система пылеулавливания
Высококачественный светодиодный рабочий интерфейс
Пылесосите и швабру за один раз
Самоблокирующаяся конструкция с одной кнопкой, простота в эксплуатации
Роликовая щетка с защитой от запутывания
Новый набор функциональных насадок 3+1.
Максимальная мощность всасывания 150 Вт. Технические характеристики: Вес нетто: 4,2 кг (с аксессуарами)
Размеры предмета: 1286x214x256 мм.
Номинальное напряжение: 25,2 В
Напряжение зарядки: 30,8 В
Номинальная мощность: 425 Вт
Емкость аккумулятора: 3000 мАч (номинальная емкость) / 2800 мАч (номинальная емкость)
Время зарядки: прибл. 4 часа
Емкость пылесборника: 0,6 л.
description_short_en - A practical two-in-one cordless vacuum cleaner Vacuums and washes Interactive LED user interface 600 ml dust tank The battery lasts up to 65 minutes
description_short_et - Praktiline kaks-ühes juhtmevaba tolmuimeja Imeb tolmu ja mopib põranda Interaktiivne LED kasutajaliides 600 ml tolmupaak Aku kestab kuni 65 minutit
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Практичный беспроводной пылесос «два в одном»Пылесосит и моет полИнтерактивный светодиодный пользовательский интерфейсПылесборник 600 млБатарея держит до 65 минут
Design - Dirt capacity dry - 0.6 L
Design - Dust container type - Bagless
Design - Product colour - White
Design > Cordless - Yes
Design > Dust capacity - 0.6 L
Design > Dust collector type - Container
Design > Type - Handstick
dimensionalWeight - 7110
EAN - 6934177788642
Eans - 6934177788642
EAN_code - 6934177788642
Features > Colour of product - White
Features > Device type - Cordless operating
Features > Producer product family - Vacuum cleaner
Features > Producer product name - G10 Plus EU
Features > Water tank capacity - N/A L
feature_group_en - Cordless vacuum cleaners
feature_group_et - Varstolmuimejad
feature_group_lv - Bezvadu putekļu sūcēji
feature_group_ru - Беспроводные пылесосы
gross_weight - 4.5 kg
gross_weight - 4.8
height - 74.5
Manufacturer - Xiaomi
manufacturer_code - BHR6179EU
Manufacturer_code - BHR6179EU
Model - BHR6179EU
Name - Xiaomi G10 Plus, stick vacuum cleaner (white)
Name - Xiaomi Mi Vacuum Cleaner G10 Plus biały
Name - Xiaomi | Vacuum cleaner | G10 Plus EU | Cordless operating | Handstick | 450 W | 25.2 V | Operating time (max) 65 min | White
name_en - Xiaomi stick vacuum cleaner G10 Plus
name_et - Xiaomi varstolmuimeja G10 Plus
name_lv - Xiaomi stick vacuum cleaner G10 Plus
name_ru - Xiaomi stick vacuum cleaner G10 Plus
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - Yes
Package features > Ferrous metals - 45.00 g
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 330.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 745.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 130.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 42 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 790.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 10.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.80 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.50 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Accumulator
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.03 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - Package contents - 2-in-1 charging and storage holder
Packaging content - Package contents - 2in1 brush
Packaging content - Package contents - Charger
Packaging content - Package contents - Crevice nozzle
Packaging content - Package contents - Extension
Packaging content - Package contents - Main brush
Packaging content - Package contents - Mini brush
Packaging content - Package contents - Mop pad
Packaging content - Package contents - Water tank
Performance - Cleaning type - Dry&wet
Performance - Dirt separating method - Cyclonic
Performance > Operating time (max) - 65 min
Performance > Washing function - No
Performance > Wet & Dry - No
Performance > Wet suction - No
Power - Battery capacity - 3000 mAh
Power - Charging time - 4 h
Power - Charging voltage - 30,8 V
Power - Power source - Battery
Power - Rated power - 425 W
Power - Rated voltage - 25,2 V
Power - Runtime - 65 min
Power - Suction power - 150 AW
Power > Battery type - Lithium Ion
Power > Charging time - 4 h
Power > Power - 450 W
Power > Voltage - 25.2 V
Producer - Xiaomi
ProducerCode - 40756
producerCode - BHR6179EU
productName - Xiaomi Vacuum Cleaner G10 Plus upright hoover
productSize - Normal
ShortDescription - Moc [W]: 425 | Moc ssania: 150 AW | Napięcie: 25.2 V| Czas ładowania [h]: 3,5 | Maksymalny czas pracy [min]: 65
sizeX - 337
sizeY - 770
sizeZ - 137
Technical details > Gross weight - 4.80 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 4.00 kg
Technical details > Other features - 2-in-1 wide flat suction: Suction time up to 65 minute. High-torque ground brush: Suction time up to 45 minutes. Suction Power 150AW. Anti-Tangling Multi Brush
Technical details > Producer - Xiaomi
title_en - Xiaomi Mi Vacuum Cleaner G10 Plus (BHR6179EU)
title_lv - Xiaomi Mi Vacuum Cleaner G10 Plus Bezvadu vertikālais putekļsūcējs (BHR6179EU)
title_ru - Xiaomi Mi Vacuum Cleaner G10 Plus Беспроводной вертикальный пылесос (BHR6179EU)
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
warrantyLength - 24
warrantyType - G
weight - 4.2 kg
Weight - 6,20
weight - 6200
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 214 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 1286 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 4.2 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width - 256 mm
width - 13
263,44 €
Xiaomi G10 Plus 25.2V, White
Tālr. 67275758 gsm 26117175 (p.o.t.c.p. 9:00-18:00)
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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