Xiaomi Dust Mite Vacuum Cleaner 2 BHR8276EU, White

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ID: 1159825 Код товара: 55205
В наличии >50 шт.
Гарантия: 2 лет (Гарантия для субъектов предпринимательской деятельности 1 год)
54,49 €
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  • Доставка на Smartpost бесплатно: 21.03.2025
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Основные параметры продукции Все параметры
  • Время работы (мин): N/A
  • Емкость контейнера для пыли (л): 0.3 l
  • Максимальная мощность (Вт): 350 W
  • Цвет: Белый
  • Bид уборки: Xимическая чистка
Все параметры
Вес (кг) : 1.65
Время зарядки (ч) : Nav
Время работы (мин) : N/A
Длина кабелепровода (м) : 3.5
Емкость контейнера для пыли (л) : 0.3 l
Максимальная мощность (Вт) : 350 W
Мощность всасывания (Па) : 12000
Очистка паром : Nav
Тип кормления : Tīkls
Тип трубки : Не указано
Типы пылесосов : Ручной пылесос
Типы форсунок : Mīkstajām mebelēm
Уровень шума (дБ) : 78
Цвет : Белый
Bид уборки : Xимическая чистка
Pегулировка мощности : N/A
Более подробная спецификация
Accessories included -
barcode - 6941812774519
brand - Xiaomi
Cable length - 3.5 m
Capacity - 0.3 l
Category - Root/Household articles/Cleaning/Vaccum cleaners
category_en - Home appliances
category_en - Home Appliances > House cleaning equipment > Vacuum cleaners
category_et - Kodumasinad
category_lv - Mājas ierīces
category_lv - Sadzīves tehnika > Mājas uzkopšanas tehnika > Putekļu sūcēji
category_ru - Sadzīves tehnika > Mājas uzkopšanas tehnika > Putekļu sūcēji
category_ru - Домашние приборы
Code - BHR8276EU
Color - White
Description - Xiaomi Dust Mite Vacuum Cleaner Powerful suction
Maximum of 12000Pa powerful suction UV germicidal lamp  99% sterilization 99% mite removal Beating frequency
12000 high frequency beating Hot air drying
Hot air drying at 50 Upgraded cyclone dust filter system
Four-stage cyclone dust filter system Visual dust cup
Transparent dust cup
description_en - Color: White
Dust tank capacity (l): 0.4 l
Suction power (Pa): 10000
Type of cleaning: Dry cleaning
Type of power supply : Network
Power adjustment : Yes
Type of vacuum cleaner : Handheld vacuum cleaner
Cord length (m) : 4.2
description_en - Four-in-one mite removal for pristine bedding and fabrics Three-zone high-frequency beating UV light irradiation 12,000 Pa powerful suction 50 °C hot-air drying Effectively eliminate dust mites and bacteria
To address the complex micro-environment of bedding, it combines beating, UV irradiation, powerful suction, and hot air to ensure the deep cleaning of dust, mites, and bacteria, resulting in clean bedding for a peaceful sleep. High-frequency beating: break the grip of mite hooks Deep UV irradiation: mite and bacteria removal Cyclone suction power: remove dust mites Hot-air drying: destroy mites' living environment 12,000 beats per minute for deep mite removal
The newly added three-zone beating plates deliver 12,000 high-frequency beats per minute, dislodging mite hooks and extracting deeply hidden mites for a thorough cleaning of your bedding. Three-zone beating High efficiency: broad coverage and high beating efficiency Deep mite removal: strong vibrations from the surface inward extract deep-seated mites Tangle-free: vibrating beating plates are resistant to hair tangling UV light irradiation
254nm UV light irradiates the bedding fabric, disrupting the cellular structure of bacteria and mites, and providing sterilisation and mite removal for a peaceful sleep. 12,000 Pa cyclone suction power
A robust motor unleashes up to 12,000Pa of suction power, not only removing mites but also extracting hair, debris, and dust, ensuring deep and efficient cleaning from the surface inward. 50 °C hot-air drying
The air duct delivers 50°C hot air to dry internal moisture in the bedding, restoring it to fluffy dryness while disrupting the habitat of bacteria and mites, reducing their proliferation. Four-layer protective filtration
The upgraded cyclonic dust separation system confines fine dust and mites within the dust compartment, preventing filter blockage, ensuring clean exhaust air, and reducing secondary pollution. Enhanced transparent dust compartment
The redesigned transparent dust compartment allows for easy monitoring of the cleaning process. It also features one-click disassembly for straightforward and convenient dust disposal. Easy handling for effortless mite removal
Weighing only 1.63 kg, the device features an ergonomically designed open handle for comfortable one-handed operation. Simply push and pull to effortlessly clean away mites and reduce the burden of household chores. Comprehensive cleaning throughout the home
Extend cleaning beyond the mattress with a versatile machine that tackles various cleaning scenarios, ensuring fabric cleanliness everywhere and protecting the health of you and your family. Bedroom bedding: ensure a peaceful sleep for the whole family Living room sofa: maintain a clean living space Infant toys: care for baby's delicate skin More special features Washable filter components designed for repeated use One-button operation for easy control Smooth-rolling wheels for effortless manoeuvring
description_et - Neli ühes tolmulestade eemaldamine Kolmetsooniline kõrgsageduslik löök UV-steriliseerimine 12 000 Pa võimas imemine 50 °C kuuma õhuga kuivatamine Eemaldab tõhusalt tolmulestad ja bakterid
Voodipesu keerulise mikrokeskkonna lahendamiseks ühendab see kõrgsagedusliku löögi, UV-steriliseerimise, võimsa imemise ja kuuma õhu, et tagada sügavpuhastus tolmu, lestade ja bakterite vastu. Kõrgsageduslik löök murrab tolmulestade haare UV-steriliseerimine eemaldab lestad ja bakterid Tsüklonimemine eemaldab tolmulestad Kuuma õhuga kuivatamine hävitab lestade elukeskkonna 12 000 lööki minutis lesta eemaldamiseks
Äsja lisatud kolmetsoonilised plaadid annavad 12 000 kõrgsageduslikku lööki minutis, murdes lestade haarde ja eemaldades sügavalt peidetud lestad, et Sinu voodipesu põhjalikult puhastada. Kolmetsooniline löök Kõrge efektiivsus: lai katvus ja kõrge löögi efektiivsus Sügav lesta eemaldamine: tugev vibratsioon pinnalt sissepoole eraldab sügaval asetsevad lestad Vibreerivad plaadid on vastupidavad karvade takerdumisele UV-steriliseerimine
254 nm UV-valgus steriliseerib voodipesu kangast, rikkudes bakterite ja lestade rakustruktuuri ning pakkudes lestade eemaldamist rahulikuks uneks. 12 000 Pa tsükloni imemisvõimsus
Tugev mootor vabastab kuni 12 000 Pa imemisvõimsuse, eemaldades mitte ainult lestad, vaid ka karvad, prahi ja tolmu, tagades sügava ja tõhusa puhastamise pinnalt sissepoole. 50 °C kuuma õhuga kuivatamine
Eraldab lestade eemaldamise ajal samaaegselt 55 °C kuuma õhku, et vähendada lestade aktiivsust sügavuses. Pidev kuuma õhuga kuivatamine hoiab voodipesu värskena, pärssides lestade ja bakterite taastumist. Neljakihiline kaitsefiltratsioon
Täiustatud tsükloniline tolmueraldussüsteem piirab peentolmu ja lestad tolmukambrisse, vältides filtri ummistumist, tagades puhta väljatõmbeõhu ja vähendades sekundaarset saastet. Täiustatud läbipaistev tolmukamber
Uuendatud läbipaistev tolmupaak võimaldab puhastusprotsessi hõlpsalt jälgida. Sellel on ka ühe klõpsuga lahtivõtmine lihtsaks ja mugavaks tolmu eemaldamiseks. Lihtne käsitsemine lestade lihtsaks eemaldamiseks
Vaid 1,63 kg kaaluval seadmel on ergonoomiliselt kujundatud avatud käepide mugavaks ühe käega töötamiseks. Lihtsalt lükka ja tõmba, et puhastada vaevata lestad ja vähendada majapidamistööde koormust. Põhjalik puhastus kogu kodus
Laienda koristamist madratsist väljapoole mitmekülgse masinaga, mis tegeleb erinevate puhastusstsenaariumidega, tagades kanga puhtuse kõikjal ning kaitstes Sinu pere tervist. Magamistoa voodipesu: taga rahulik uni kogu perele Elutoa diivan: säilita puhas eluruum Imiku mänguasjad: hoolitse beebi õrna naha eest
description_lv -
description_lv - Krāsa: Balta
Putekļu tvertnes tilpums (l): 0.4 l
Sūkšanas jauda (Pa): 10000
Uzkopšanas veids: Sausā tīrīšana
Barošanas veids : Tīkls
Jaudas regulēšana : Ir
Putekļu sūcēja tips : Rokas putekļu sūcējs
Vada garums (m) : 4.2
description_ru -
description_ru - Цвет: Белый
Емкость бака для пыли (л): 0,4 л
Мощность всасывания (Па): 10000
Тип уборки: Химчистка
Тип электропитания: Сетевое
Регулировка мощности: Да
Тип пылесоса : Ручной пылесос
Длина шнура (м) : 4,2
description_short_en - 350 W hand vacuum cleaner Four-stage mite removal 12 kPa suction power Transparent dust tank Lightweigh design, easy handling
description_short_et - 350 W käsitolmuimeja Neljaastmeline tolmulestade eemaldamine 12 kPa imemisvõimsus Läbipaistev tolmupaak Kerge disain, mugav kasutada
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Ручной пылесос мощностью 350 ВтЧетырехэтапное удаление пылевого клещаМощность всасывания 12 кПаПрозрачный пылесборникЛегкая конструкция, удобная в использовании
Design - Color - White
Design - Depth (mm) - 144
Design - Ergonomic design - Yes
Design - Height (mm) - 239
Design - Material - Technopolymer
Design - Product colour - White
Design - Weight (g) - 1630
Design - Width (mm) - 230
Design > Cable length - 3.5 m
Design > Cordless - No
Design > Dust capacity - 0.3 L
Design > Dust collector type - Container
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 2695
dimension depth - 175 mm
dimension height - 270 mm
Dimensions -
dimension weight - 2300 g
dimension width - 280 mm
Disain - Kaal (g) - 1630
Disain - Kõrgus (mm) - 239
Disain - Laius (mm) - 230
Disain - Sügavus (mm) - 144
Disain - Värvus - Valge
Dizains - Augstums (mm) - 239
Dizains - Dziļums (mm) - 144
Dizains - Krāsa - Balta
Dizains - Platums (mm) - 230
Dizains - Svars (g) - 1630
Dust bag - No bag
EAN - 6941812774519
ean - 6941812774519
Eans - 6941812774519
Efektivitāte - Ieejas spriegums (V) - 220 – 240
Efektivitāte - Izejas jauda - 350
Efektivitāte - Trokšņa līmenis - 78 dB
Efektivitāte - Vakuums - 12 kPa
Ergonomics - Easy to clean - Yes
Ergonomics - Easy to use - Yes
Ergonomics - Handle colour - White
Ergonomics - Safe to use - Y
Features > Colour of product - White
Features > Device type - Corded operating
Features > Producer product family - Dust Mite Vacuum Cleaner
Features > Water tank capacity - - L
feature_group_en - Handheld vacuum cleaners
feature_group_et - Käsitolmuimejad
feature_group_lv - Rokas putekļu sūcēji
feature_group_ru - Ручные пылесосы
Filter - Cyclonic
General - Vacuum cleaner type - Handheld vacuum cleaner
gross_weight - 2 kg
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - normal
Jõudlus - Müratase - 78 dB
Jõudlus - Sisendvool (V) - 220 – 240
Jõudlus - Vaakum - 12 kPa
Jõudlus - Võimsus - 350
manufacturer_code - BHR8276EU
Model - Xiaomi
name - Vacuum Cleaner Dust Mite Vacuum Cleaner 2
Name - Xiaomi Dust Mite Vacuum Cleaner EU
Name - Xiaomi | Dust Mite Vacuum Cleaner | Corded operating | 350 W | White
name_en - Xiaomi Dust Mite Vacuum Cleaner, white
name_et - Xiaomi käsitolmuimeja Dust Mite Vacuum Cleaner, valge
name_lv - Xiaomi Dust Mite Vacuum Cleaner, white
name_ru - Xiaomi ручной пылесос Dust Mite Vacuum Cleaner, белый
Noise - 78 dB
Other features - Lampa bakteriobójcza UV: Lampa rtęciowa Temperatura gorącego powietrza: 50°C Przepływ powietrza: 0,6 m3/min Wibracje: 12000 razy/minutę
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 260.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 160.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 250.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 166 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 190.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 10.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.20 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.01 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging data - DFU / User manual - Y
Packaging data - Package type - Box
Packaging data - Vacuum cleaner - Yes
Packaging data - Warranty card - Yes
Parking system - Horizontal
Performance - Air filtration stages quantity - 4
Performance - Audible noise - 78 dB
Performance - Bacteria removal rate - 99%
Performance - Built-in display - No
Performance - Cleaning type - Dry
Performance - Disinfecting - Yes
Performance - Filtration system - Yes
Performance - Hot air - Y
Performance - Input voltage (V) - 220 – 240
Performance - Power output - 350
Performance - Rotational speed (max) - 4000 RPM
Performance - Suction power - 12000 Pa
Performance - Ultraviolet (UV) wavelength - 254 nm
Performance - UV lamp - Yes
Performance - Vacuum - 12 kPa
Performance - Vacuum air filtering - Cyclonic
Performance - Washable dust container - Yes
Performance - Washable filter - Yes
Performance > Noise level (max) - 78 dB
Performance > Washing function - No
Performance > Wet suction - No
Power - 350 W
Power - Frequency - 50 - 60 Hz
Power - Noise level - 78 dB
Power - Power - 350 W
Power - Rated voltage - 220 - 240 V
Power > Power - 350 W
producer - XIAOMI
Producer - Xiaomi
ProducerCode - 1088611
producerCode - BHR8276EU
productName - Xiaomi Dust Mite Vacuum Cleaner 2
productSize - Normal
Safety warning - Hazard pictogram(s) - GHS04: Compressed gas
Safety warning - Warnings - Do not use in damp conditions or on a wet surface.
ShortDescription -
sizeX - 275
sizeY - 280
sizeZ - 175
Special functions -
Suction - 12000 Pa
Technical details > Gross weight - 1.83 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 1.63 kg
Technical details > Other features - Suction Power: 12kPa; Hot air temperature: 50℃; Suction power: ≥40AW
Technical details > Producer - Xiaomi
title_en - Xiaomi Dust Mite Vacuum Cleaner 2
title_lv - Xiaomi Putekļu ērcīšu putekļsūcējs 2
title_ru - Xiaomi Dust Mite 2 Пылесос
Type - Bagless/cyclone
Type - Handheld vacuum cleaner
vendpn - 55205
Vispārīgi - Putekļusūcēja tips - Rokas putekļu sūcējs
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
warrantyLength - 12
warrantyType - G
Weight - 1.6 kg
weight - 1.63 kg
weight - 2254
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 230 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 144 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 1.63 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width - 239 mm
Üldine - Tolmuimeja tüüp - Käsitolmuimeja
Дизайн - Вес (г) - 1630
Дизайн - Высота (мм) - 239
Дизайн - Глубина (мм) - 144
Дизайн - Цвет - Белый
Дизайн - Ширина (мм) - 230
Общее - Тип пылесоса - Ручной пылесос
Производительность - Вакуум - 12 kPa
Производительность - Мощность - 350
Производительность - Наприжение на входе (В) - 220 – 240
Производительность - Уровень шума - 78 dB
54,49 €
Xiaomi Dust Mite Vacuum Cleaner 2 BHR8276EU, White
Tālr. 67275758 gsm 26117175 (p.o.t.c.p. 9:00-18:00)
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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