Huawei D2, Black

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 1149573 Product code: 55020DAC
In stock 17 units
Warranty: 2 years
392.08 €
Delivery options More about shipping
  • Delivery to Smartpost free of charge: 03.04.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel machine free of charge: 03.04.2025
  • Piegāde uz DPD Pickup Paku Skapi free of charge: 03.04.2025
  • Delivery to Latvian post office or parcel locker free of charge: 03.04.2025
  • Delivery to address in Riga 3.99 €: 03.04.2025
  • Delivery to address in Latvia 6.99 €: 03.04.2025
  • Delivery to parcel drop-off point at 9 Zemitāna Street: on Thuesday, 01.04.2025 after 15:00
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Always-On Display: N/A
  • Bluetooth: Ir
  • Built-in memory (GB): N/A
  • Color: Melna
  • Contactless payments: Ir
  • Display size: 1.80"
  • GPS: N/A
  • Model: Huawei D2
  • SIM cards: Nav
  • Battery capacity (mAh): 524
All parameters
"Find my phone" function : Ir
Alarm clock : Ir
Always-On Display : N/A
Average battery life : 6 dienas
Barometer : Nav
Bluetooth : Ir
Built-in memory (GB) : N/A
Calendar : Ir
Charging time (h) : N/A
Color : Melna
Complete : Lādētājs, Lietotāja rokasgrāmata, Pulkstenis, Siksniņa
Contactless payments : Ir
Display : AMOLED
Display size : 1.80"
Games : Nav
Health and activity tracking : Attālums, Kaloriju skaitītājs, Miega uzraudzība, Sirdsdarbības ritms, Skābeļa daudzums asinīs, Soļu skaits, Stresa līmeņa uzraudzība, Temps, Treniņa taimeris, Treniņu režīmi
Model : Huawei D2
Music management : Nav
Notices : Ir
Photo camera : Nav
Pulsometer (HRM) : Ir
Quick "SOS" function : Nav
Resistance to frost : Nav
Screen brightness (nits) : N/A
Screen protection : N/A
Screen resolution : 480 x 480
SIM cards : Nav
SMS/Invited : Ir
Touch-sensitive display : Ir
Type of charging : Magnētiskā
Video calls : Nav
Voice control : Nav
Water resistance (m) : Ir
Weather : Ir
Weight (g) : 41
Wi-Fi : Nav
Battery capacity (mAh) : 524
More detailed specification
Andmeside - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.2
barcode - 6942103131417
Barošana - Darbības laiks - 1 day (ABPM on)
Barošana - Darbības laiks - 6 dienas
Barošana - Enerģijas avots - Iebūvēts litija akumulators
Barošana - Uzlāde - Bezvadu uzlāde
Battery - wireless charging
Battery - battery life up to - 144
Battery - capacity - 524
Battery life by activity level - 5 days
Battery performance, mAh - 524
Battery recharge time, h - 2
Bluetooth - Yes
Bluetooth version - 5.2
Brand - Huawei
brand - Huawei
BrandCode - HUAWEI
BrandPartCode - 55020DAC
Built-in microphone - Yes
Built-in speakers - Yes
Category - Root/Home/Sports equipment/Smartwaches and watches
Category - Smartwatches & Sport Watches
Category 1 - Tablets & Smartphones
Category 2 - Smartwatch
category_en - Sports watches
category_et - Spordikellad
category_lv - Sporta pulksteņi
category_ru - Спортивные часы
Citi - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - IP68
Citi - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - Putekļdrošs
Citi - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - Ūdensizturīgs
Citi - Darba temperatūra - 5 – 40 °C
Citi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Lietotāja rokasgrāmata
Citi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - L size strap with pad
Citi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - M size strap with pad
Citi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Uzlādes doks
Citi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Viedpulkstenis
Citi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Wrist circumference ruler
Citi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Īsā pamācība
Citi - Korpusa materiāls - Alumīnijs
Citi - Krāsa - Melna / sudrabota
Citi - Krāsa - Sudrabota
Citi - Siksnas materiāls - Fluorelastomērs
Clock - changeable band
Clock - casing material - aluminum
Clock - compatible with - Android
Clock - compatible with - iOS
Clock - included in the set - cable
Clock - included in the set - extra band
Clock - watch type - activity tracker
Code - 55020DAC
Data exchange - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.2
description_en - Smart health watch with blood pressure monitoring Health Overview 2.0: up to 9 health indicators Real-time wrist-based health monitoring 26.5 mm thin mechanical airbag 1.82" AMOLED screen Compatible with iOS and Android devices Design your own dials
Turn your watch into a timeless timepiece with a stylish watch face and always-on display (AOD). You can personalize your watch face to keep your most used functions literally at your fingertips. Measurements on the go
Use the Huawei Watch D2 smart watch to measure your blood pressure quickly and easily. You can also have the watch monitor your blood pressure regularly, regardless of whether you are sitting at your desk, watching a movie or sleeping soundly. Blood pressure monitoring
Start a 24-hour automatic monitoring plan anytime to see what your blood pressure has been and what the trends are, even while you sleep. Accurate data such as average systolic and diastolic blood pressure during the day, night and last 24 hours. Complex stacked architecture
The watch's brand new TruSense system is supported by a high-precision pressure sensor, a mini pump and an inflatable airbag for accurate blood pressure measurements that never miss a beat. Innovative strap airbag Unibody
The two-in-one design is a 26.5 mm ultra-thin mechanical airbag that fits well and inflates easily. It's also sweat-absorbent and skin-soothing, and can be removed and replaced with just the push of a quick-release button. Holistic health at your fingertips
Get a convenient Health Glance report in just a few moments and browse up to 9 key indicators with dynamic trends presented in intuitive graphs and charts to see what your body is saying about you. ECG analysis
New and improved electrode technology has made ECG signal acquisition more accurate and responsive. Just touch the electrode on the side for 30 seconds to get real-time data that can help detect the most common heart conditions at the earliest opportunity. A better night's sleep
Clear your mind with a special sleep mode, white noise, natural soundscapes and relaxing music to get a good night's rest every night. Track your heart rate, SpO2, breathing rate and any unusual breathing patterns while you sleep for peace of mind at all times. Check out accurate ratings to see how well you've been sleeping, and try customized sleep hygiene tips to start sleeping better now and bring more balance to your life. Blood oxygen monitoring
Stay informed of your SpO2 24/7 with a smart tracker that's customized for you. Heart rate
Stay in rhythm all day with the new and improved heart rate monitor, even during training. You can even enable a smart tracking mode that adjusts the frequency of measurements depending on your activity level. Stress level
An always-ready stress monitor to track and manage your daily challenges with calming breathing exercises to help your mind relax. Skin temperature
Monitoring skin temperature is important, even when you feel well, and especially after exercise, as high temperatures may require extra attention. Health trends
Stay on top of the day with easy-to-follow analytical reports and intuitive visual data in Health Glance. Health for the whole family
Create a health community for family and loved ones to check blood pressure, heart rate and SpO2, daily steps and sleep quality in one easy place. Smart measurements and reminders
Use automatic reminders that work seamlessly with the watch's scientific sleep tracking to take blood pressure readings at optimal times and determine the best automatic blood pressure monitoring plan for you. Weekly blood pressure reports
Stay up to date with your blood pressure changes and health check data and get tips on how to manage your health. Huawei Health+
With the purchase of the Huawei Watch D2, you get a 3-month membership to Huawei Health+, which gives you access to many exclusive benefits, including workouts from beginners to advanced, guided meditations, the "Stay Fit" plan, sleep music and breathing exercises. 80+ Exercise Modes
This watch makes it easier than ever to immerse yourself in your favourite workouts, with 80+ exercise modes,15 automatic detection of six common activities,16 and pinpoint GNSS positioning backing you up. Screenshot on Wrist
Press the Up and Down buttons to take a watch screenshot, and go to your phone's Gallery to share it. Bluetooth Calling
Connect the watch to your phone over Bluetooth to answer or reject calls and view call logs from the convenience of your wrist. Custom Cards
Your favourite features are now just a tap or two away, thanks to the wealth of multi-function cards at your fingertips.
description_et - Vererõhu ambulatoorne jälgimine Health Overview 2.0: kuni 9 tervisenäitajat Reaalajas randmepõhine tervise monitooring 26,5 mm õhuke mehaaniline turvapadi 1,82" AMOLED ekraan Ühildub iOS ja Android seadmetega Kujunda ise numbrilauad
Muuda oma kell ajatuks ajanäitajaks, koos stiilse kella numbrilaua ja alati aktiivse ekraaniga (AOD). Saad kella numbrilauda isikupärastada, et hoida oma enimkasutatud funktsioonid sõna otseses mõttes käepärast. Mõõtmised liikvel olles
Kasuta Huawei Watch D2 nutikella, et mõõta kiirelt ja lihtsalt oma vererõhku. Saad lasta kellal ka regulaarselt oma vererõhku jälgida, olenemata sellest, kas istud laua taga, vaatad filmi või magad sügavalt. Ambulatoorne vererõhu jälgimine
Alusta igal ajal 24-tunnise automaatse monitooringu plaani koostamist, et näha, mis Su vererõhk on olnud ja millised on trendid, isegi siis, kui magad. Täpsed andmed, nagu keskmine süstoolne ja diastoolne vererõhk päeval, öösel ja viimase 24 tunni jooksul. Keeruline virnastatud arhitektuur
Kella uhiuut TruSense'i süsteemi toetavad ülitäpne rõhuandur, minipump ja täispuhutav turvapadi, mis tagavad täpsed vererõhu mõõtmised, mis ei jäta ühtegi lööki vahele. Uuenduslik rihma-turvapadja Unibody
Kaks ühes disainis on 26,5 mm üliõhuke mehaaniline turvapadi mis istub hästi ja täitub kergesti. See on ka higi imav ja nahka rahustav ning selle saab eemaldada ja asendada vaid kiirvabastusnupu vajutamisega. Terviklik tervis käeulatuses
Saa vaid mõne hetkega mugav Health Glance'i aruanne ja sirvi kuni 9 peamist indikaatorit koos dünaamiliste trendidega, mis on välja toodud intuitiivsete graafikute ja diagrammide kujul, et näeksid, mida Sinu keha Sinu kohta ütleb. EKG analüüs
Uus ja täiustatud elektroodide tehnoloogia on muutnud EKG signaali kogumise täpsemaks ja reageerivamaks. Lihtsalt puuduta küljel olevat elektroodi 30 sekundit, et saada reaalajas andmeid, mis võivad aidata tuvastada enimlevinud südamehaigused esimesel võimalusel. Parem ööuni
Puhasta oma mõtted spetsiaalse unerežiimi, valge müra, loomulike helimaastike ja lõõgastava muusikaga, et igal õhtul korralikult välja puhata. Jälgi oma pulsisagedust, SpO2, hingamissagedust ja igasuguseid ebatavapäraseid hingamismustreid kui magad, et tagada meelerahu igal ajal. Uuri täpseid hinnanguid, et näha, kui hästi oled maganud, ja proovi kohandatud unehügieeni näpunäiteid, et alustada paremat und kohe ja tuua oma elu paremasse tasakaalu. Vere hapnikusisalduse jälgimine
Ole oma SpO2-ga kursis ööpäevaringselt, nutika jälgijaga, mis on Sinu järgi häälestatud. Pulss
Püsi uue ja täiustatud pulsikellaga kogu päeva rütmis, ka treeningute ajal. Saad isegi lubada nutika jälgimisrežiimi, mis reguleerib mõõtmiste sagedust olenevalt Sinu aktiivsustasemest. Stressitase
Alati valmis stressimonitor Sinu igapäevaste katsumuste jälgimiseks ja haldamiseks koos rahustavate hingamisharjutustega, mis aitavad meelel lõõgastuda. Naha temperatuur
Nahatemperatuuri jälgimine on oluline, isegi kui tunned end hästi, ja eriti pärast treeningut, kuna kõrged temperatuurid võivad vajada täiendavat tähelepanu. Tervisetrendid
Ole päevast päeva kursis hõlpsasti jälgitavate analüütiliste aruannete ja intuitiivsete visuaalsete andmetega Health Glance'is. Tervis kogu perele
Loo pere ja lähedaste tervisekogukond, et kontrollida vererõhku, pulssi ja SpO2, päevaseid samme ja unekvaliteeti ühest lihtsast kohast. Nutikad mõõtmised ja meeldetuletused
Kasuta automaatseid meeldetuletusi, mis töötavad sujuvalt koos kella teadusliku unejälgimisega, et võtta optimaalsel ajal vererõhu näitu ja määrata Sulle parim ambulatoorse vererõhu jälgimise plaan. Iganädalased vererõhu aruanded
Ole kursis oma vererõhu muutuste ja tervisekontrolli andmetega ning saa näpunäiteid oma tervise juhtimise kohta. Huawei Health+
Ostes Huawei Watch D2 saad 3-kuulise Huawei Health+ liikmelisuse, mis annab juurdepääsu paljudele eksklusiivsetele eelistele, sealhulgas treeningutele algajatest edasijõudnuteni, juhendatud meditatsioonidele, "Püsi vormis" plaanile, unemuusikale ja hingamisharjutustele. 80+ treeningrežiimi
See kell muudab 80+ treeningrežiimiga lemmiktreeningutesse sukeldumise lihtsamaks kui kunagi varem. Sind toetavad kuue levinud tegevuse automaatne tuvastamine ja integreeritud GPS. Kuvatõmmis randmelt
Vajuta ülemist ja alumist nuppu korraga, et teha nutikella ekraanipilt ning selle jagamiseks ava oma telefoni pildigalerii. Bluetooth helistamine
Ühenda kell Bluetoothi kaudu telefoniga, et kõnedele vastata või neist keelduda ja vaadata kõnelogi mugavalt randmelt. Kohandatud kaardid
Sinu lemmikfunktsioonid on nüüd vaid ühe või kahe puudutuse kaugusel tänu käeulatuses olevatele rikkalikele multifunktsionaalsetele vahekaartidele.
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Health watch with a 1.82" AMOLED touch screen Blood pressure, ECG analysis & health monitoring Built-in GPS & 80+ workout modes Bluetooth calling, smartphone notifications & music Battery lasts up to 6 days
description_short_et - 1,82" AMOLED puuteekraaniga tervisekell Vererõhu mõõtmine, EKG analüüs jm tervisejälgimine Bluetooth helistamine, nutitelefoni märguanded & muusika Integreeritud GPS & 80+ treeningrežiimi Aku kestab kuni 6 päeva
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Часы для отслеживания здоровья с сенсорным AMOLED-экраном 1,82 дюймаИзмерение артериального давления, анализ ЭКГ и другой мониторинг здоровьяВызовы по Bluetooth, уведомления на смартфоне и музыкаВстроенный GPS и более 80 режимов тренировокБатарея держит до 6 дней
Design - Band colour - Black
Design - Band material - Fluoroelastomer
Design - International Protection (IP) code - IP68
Design - Market positioning - Smartwatch
Design - Shape - Rectangular
Design - Watch case colour - Aluminium
Design - Watch case material - Aluminium
Design - Watch case size - 38 mm
Dimensions - depth - 1.33
Dimensions - height - 4.8
Dimensions - weight - 40
Dimensions - width - 4.8
Dimensions and weight - Band size - 130 – 160 mm
Dimensions and weight - Band size - 161 – 210 mm
Dimensions and weight - Depth (mm) - 13.3
Dimensions and weight - Height (mm) - 48
Dimensions and weight - Weight (g) - 40
Dimensions and weight - Width (mm) - 38
Dimensions W x D x H, mm - 38 x 13.3 x 48
Display - Backlight - Yes
Display - Display diagonal - 4.62 cm (1.82")
Display - Display resolution - 408 x 480 pixels
Display - Display size - 1.82"
Display - Display technology - AMOLED
Display - Display type - AMOLED
Display - Display type - Digital
Display - DPI - 348 ppi
Display - Screen resolution - 480 × 408
Display - Touch screen - Yes
Display > Display type - AMOLED
Display diagonal, " - 1.82
Display resolution - 408 x 480
Display type - AMOLED
Displejs - Ekrāna izmērs - 1,82"
Displejs - Ekrāna izšķirtspēja - 480 × 408
Displejs - Ekrāna tips - AMOLED
Displejs - Izgaismojums - Jā
Displejs - Punktu skaits uz collu (DPI) - 348 ppi
Displejs - Skārienekrāns - Jā
EAN - 6942103131417
Eans - 6942103131417
Ekraan - Ekraani diagonaal - 1,82"
Ekraan - Ekraani lahutusvõime - 480 × 408
Ekraan - Ekraani tüüp - AMOLED
Ekraan - Punktitihedus - 348 ppi
Ekraan - Puutetundlik - Jah
Ekraan - Taustvalgus - Jah
Features - Accelerometer - Yes
Features - Call notifications - Yes
Features - Gyroscope - Yes
Features - Heart rate monitor - Yes
Features - Magnetometer - Yes
Features - Number of gyroscope axis - 9
Features - SMS notifications - Yes
Features > Contact pay - Yes
Features > Sleep monitoring - Yes
feature_group_en - Smartwatches
feature_group_et - Nutikellad
feature_group_lv - Viedpulksteņi
feature_group_ru - Смарт часы
Functions - microphone
Functions - speakers
Functions - Activity monitoring - Blood oxygen
Functions - Activity monitoring - Blood pressure
Functions - Activity monitoring - Calorie counter
Functions - Activity monitoring - Daily activity
Functions - Activity monitoring - Distance
Functions - Activity monitoring - Exercise timer
Functions - Activity monitoring - Heart rate
Functions - Activity monitoring - Pace
Functions - Activity monitoring - Sleep
Functions - Activity monitoring - Speed
Functions - Activity monitoring - Step count
Functions - Activity monitoring - Stress level
Functions - Activity monitoring - VO2 max
Functions - Notifications - Alarm
Functions - Notifications - Apps
Functions - Notifications - Calendar
Functions - Notifications - Calls
Functions - Notifications - E-mail
Functions - Notifications - SMS
Functions - Notifications - Social media
Functions - Notifications - Weather
Functions - sensors - accelerometer
Functions - sensors - barometer
Functions - sensors - blood oxygen sensor (SpO2)
Functions - sensors - Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Functions - sensors - GPS
Functions - sensors - Gyroscope
Functions - sensors - hall sensor
Functions - sensors - Heart Rate sensor
Functions - sensors - magnetometer
Functions - sensors - temperature sensor
Functions - Smart features - Accept incoming call
Functions - Smart features - Calling
Functions - Smart features - Music control
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Asinsspiediens
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Attālums
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Ikdienas aktivitāte
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Kaloriju skaitītājs
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Miegs
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Sirdsdarbības ritms
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Skābekļa daudzums asinīs
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Soļu skaits
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Stresa līmenis
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Temps
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Treniņa taimeris
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - VO2 max
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Ātrums
Funkcijas - Notifications - E-pasts
Funkcijas - Notifications - Kalendārs
Funkcijas - Notifications - Laikapstākļi
Funkcijas - Notifications - Lietojumprogrammas
Funkcijas - Notifications - Modinātājs
Funkcijas - Notifications - SMS
Funkcijas - Notifications - Sociālie mediji
Funkcijas - Notifications - Zvani
Funkcijas - Smart features - Mūzikas vadība
Funkcijas - Smart features - Zvana pieņemšana
Funkcijas - Smart features - Zvani
Funktsionaalsus - Märguanded - E-mail
Funktsionaalsus - Märguanded - Ilmateade
Funktsionaalsus - Märguanded - Kalender
Funktsionaalsus - Märguanded - Kõned
Funktsionaalsus - Märguanded - Rakendused
Funktsionaalsus - Märguanded - SMS
Funktsionaalsus - Märguanded - Sotsiaalmeedia
Funktsionaalsus - Märguanded - Äratus
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Kiirus
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Läbitud vahemaa
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Pulsisagedus
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Päevane aktiivus
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Põletatud kalorid
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Sammud
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Stressitase
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Tempo
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Treeningu kestus
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Uneaeg
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Vere hapnikusisaldus
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Vererõhk
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - VO2 max
Funktsionaalsus - Nutifunktsioonid - Helistamine
Funktsionaalsus - Nutifunktsioonid - Kõne vastu võtmine
Funktsionaalsus - Nutifunktsioonid - Muusika juhtimine
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - manufacturer - Huawei
General parameters - protection level - IP68
GPS - Yes
GrossWeight - 0.1200
GTIN - 6942103131417
Health and activity tracking - activity tracking
Health and activity tracking - sleep tracking
Health and activity tracking - stress level functions
Health and activity tracking - workout modes
Health and activity tracking - heart rate - wrist
Heart rate monitor - Yes
Height - 0.1220
Height - 90.000000
IP classification - IP68
Izmēri un svars - Augstums (mm) - 48
Izmēri un svars - Dziļums (mm) - 13,3
Izmēri un svars - Platums (mm) - 38
Izmēri un svars - Siksnas izmērs - 130 – 160 mm
Izmēri un svars - Siksnas izmērs - 161 – 210 mm
Izmēri un svars - Svars (g) - 40
Length - 0.0900
Length - 120.000000
LongDesc - Light and Slim DesignHUAWEI WATCH D2 mesmerises with its 1.82" AMOLED display and 1500-nit peak brightness, but it's even more than meets the eye — telling you about your health at a moment's notice.Design Your Own Watch FacesTurn your watch into a timeless timepiece, with style watch faces and an Always-on Display (AOD) at your beck and call. You can even personalise the watch face to keep your most-used features literally close at hand.6 With so many breathtaking watch faces to choose from, you can wear your heart on your sleeve and passions on your wrist!Ambulatory BloodPressure MonitoringStart a 24-hour auto-monitoring plan anytime, to see where your BP has been and where it's trending, even while you're asleep. High-level data like average SBP and DBP readings during the day, at night, and over the past 24 hours, as well as accurate pulse rates, provide a new level of insight.On-the-GoMeasurementsTake your BP the fast and easy way, on HUAWEI WATCH D2. You can also have the watch monitor your BP at regular intervals, whether you're sitting at your desk, watching a movie, or fast asleep.Intricate Stacked ArchitectureThe watch's brand-new TruSense system is bolstered by a high-precision pressure sensor, mini pump, and inflatable airbag, to provide precise BP measurements that don't miss a beat.Innovative Strap-Airbag UnibodyThe 2-in-1 design packs a 26.5 mm ultra-narrow mechanical airbag4 that fits snugly and inflates with ease. It's also sweat-wicking and skin-soothing, and can be removed and replaced with just a press of the Quick Release button.Holistic Health at Your FingertipsGet a handy Health Glance report in just a few moments, and browse 6 key indicators, with dynamic trends laid out for you in intuitive graphs and charts, to see what your body is telling you right away.Beat-by-Beat ECG AppNew and improved electrode technology has made ECG signal collection more accurate and responsive. Just touch the electrode on the side for 30 seconds to get real-time data that can help you screen for common heart conditions at the earliest opportunity.Health TrendsStay in the know day in and day out, with easy-to-follow analytical reports and intuitive visual data in Health Glance.Health for the Whole FamilyCreate a Health community of family and loved ones, to check BP, heart rate, SpO2, daily step counts, and sleep quality from one easy place.HUAWEI Health +Purchase a HUAWEI WATCH D2 and claim a 3-month membership for HUAWEI Health+, which gives you access to a wealth of exclusive benefits, including workouts from beginner to advanced, guided meditations, Stay Fit Plan, Sleep music, and Breathing exercises (T&Cs apply, see below).Smart Lifestyle Features80+ Exercise ModesThis watch makes it easier than ever to immerse yourself in your favourite workouts, with 80+ exercise modes,15 automatic detection of six common activities,16 and pinpoint GNSS positioning backing you up.Screenshot on WristPress the Up and Down buttons to take a watch screenshot,17 and go to your phone's Gallery to share it.Bluetooth CallingConnect the watch to your phone over Bluetooth to answer or reject calls and view call logs from the convenience of your wrist.Custom CardsYour favourite features are now just a tap or two away, thanks to the wealth of multi-function cards at your fingertips.
LongDescription EN - Sleek and lightweight design
The HUAWEI WATCH D2 stands out with its elegant design, featuring a 1.82-inch AMOLED display with a peak brightness of 1500 nits, providing clear health data at all times. The ultra-narrow 26.5 mm mechanical air cushion design offers extra comfort during wear.
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
Start a 24-hour blood pressure monitoring plan to track changes in your blood pressure, even while sleeping. Accurate data on daytime, nighttime, and 24-hour averages of systolic and diastolic blood pressure provide in-depth insights into your health.
Health indicators at your fingertips
The advanced Health Glance feature displays 9 key health metrics with a single touch, including heart rate, blood pressure, SpO2, and more, giving you a quick overview of your current health status.
80+ workout modes
Train more effectively with over 80 workout modes to choose from. The watch automatically detects the 6 most common activities and offers precise GNSS positioning for outdoor workouts.
Bluetooth calls and smart features
With Bluetooth call functionality, you can make calls directly from your wrist. The watch also includes built-in maps for quick access to favorite features and supports screenshot capture, enhancing convenience and usability.
LongDescription ET - Kerge ja õhuke disain
HUAWEI WATCH D2 paistab silma oma elegantse disainiga, mille 1.82-tolline AMOLED ekraan ja 1500-nitine tippheledus toovad igal hetkel terviseinfo sinu randmele. Kella ultra-narrow 26,5 mm mehaaniline õhkpadja disain pakub lisamugavust.
Ambulatoorne vererõhu jälgimine
Alusta 24-tunnist vererõhu jälgimisplaani, et näha oma vererõhu muutusi, isegi magamise ajal. Täpsed andmed päeva, öö ja 24 tunni keskmiste süstoolse ja diastoolse vererõhu kohta pakuvad sügavat ülevaadet sinu tervisest.
Tervise näitajad käeulatuses
Kellal on täiustatud Health Glance funktsioon, mis kuvab ühe puudutusega 9 põhiväärtust, nagu südame löögisagedus, vererõhk, SpO2 ja palju muud, et saaksid kohe oma tervise hetkeseisust ülevaate.
80+ treeningrežiimi
Treeni tõhusamalt kui kunagi varem, valides üle 80 erineva treeningrežiimi. Kell tuvastab automaatselt 6 kõige levinumat tegevust ja tagab täpse GNSS positsioneerimise.
Bluetooth-kõned ja nutikad funktsioonid
Bluetooth-kõnede funktsioon võimaldab helistada otse randmelt. Lisaks on kellal sisseehitatud kaardid, mis võimaldavad kiiret ligipääsu lemmikfunktsioonidele, ja ekraanitõmmise tegemise võimalus.
LongDescription LV - Viegls un plāns dizains
HUAWEI WATCH D2 apbur ar 1,82 collu AMOLED displeju un 1500 nitu maksimālo spilgtumu, kā arī spēju informēt par Jūsu veselību acumirklī. Veidojiet paši savu pulksteņa veidolu
Pārvērtiet savu pulksteni par neaizvietojamu kompanjonu ar stilīgiem pulksteņa veidoliem un funkciju vienmēr displejā (AOD). Varat pat personalizēt pulksteņa veidolu, lai jūsu visbiežāk izmantotās funkcijas būtu burtiski pie rokas. Ir pieejami daudz elpu aizraujoši pulksteņu veidoli, no kuriem izvēlēties, lai ikvienam būtu, kas sirdij tuvs! Ambulatorā asinsspiediena monitorēšana
Uzsāciet 24 stundu automātiskās uzraudzības plānu jebkurā laikā, pat guļot, lai redzētu savu asinsspiedienu, tā izmaiņas un iezīmes. Augsta līmeņa dati, piemēram, vidējie SBP un ​​DBP rādījumi dienas laikā, naktī un pēdējo 24 stundu laikā, kā arī precīzi pulsa rādītāji sniedz jaunu ieskatu. Mērījumi atrodoties ceļā
Izmēriet savu asinsspiedienu ātri un ērti ar HUAWEI WATCH D2. Varat arī likt pulkstenim regulāri kontrolēt asinsspiedienu neatkarīgi no tā, vai sēžat pie rakstāmgalda, skatāties filmu vai cieši guļat. Iespaidīga vairāku līmeņu arhitektūra
Pulksteņa pilnīgi jaunā TruSense sistēma ir aprīkota ar augstas precizitātes spiediena sensoru, mini sūkni un piepūšamiem gaisa spilveniem, lai nodrošinātu precīzus asinsspiediena mērījumus. Inovatīvs siksniņas un gaisa spilvena vienots korpuss
Divi vienā dizains ar 26,5 mm īpaši šauru mehānisko gaisa spilvenu4, kas cieši pieguļ un viegli piepūšas. Tas arī izvada sviedrus un nekairina ādu, un to var noņemt un nomainīt, vienkārši nospiežot pogu siksniņas ātrai noņemšanai. Holistiskā veselība jūsu rīcībā
Iegūstiet parocīgu veselības pārskata ziņojumu īsā laikā un pārlūkojiet līdz 9 galvenajiem veselības rādītājiem. Dinamiskas tendences, kas Jums izklāstītas intuitīvās diagrammās un grafikos, lai redzētu, ko Jūsu ķermenis vēlas Jums paziņot. EKG analīze
Jauna un uzlabota elektrodu tehnoloģija ir padarījusi EKG signālu iegūšanu precīzāku un atsaucīgāku. Vienkārši pieskarieties elektrodam pulksteņa sānā 30 sekundes, lai iegūtu reālā laika datus, kas var palīdzēt Jums noteikt sirds veselības stāvokļus pēc iespējas ātrāk. Veselība visai ģimenei
Izveidot veselības kopienu savai ģimenei un tuviniekiem, lai sekotu līdzi asinsspiedienam, sirdsdarbības ātrumam, SpO2, ikdienas soļu skaitam un miega kvalitātei ērti pārskatāmā vienumā. Savienojiet pārī, izmantojot lietotni HUAWEI Veselība.
Lietotne HUAWEI Veselība ir pieejama Android un iOS viedtālruņiem. Noklikšķiniet tālāk un uzziniet, kā viegli savienot valkājamas ierīces ar viedtālruņiem.
LongProductName - 1.82 inches AMOLED, 480 × 408 pixels, PPI 347, IP68 , 48 mm × 38 mm × 13.3 mm
LongSummaryDescription - Huawei Watch D2. Display diagonal: 4.62 cm (1.82"), Display technology: AMOLED, Display resolution: 408 x 480 pixels. Battery capacity: 524 mAh. Weight: 41 g. Band material: Fluoroelastomer, Band colour: Black
Manufacturer - HUAWEI
ManufacturerPartNumber - 55020DAC
manufacturer_code - 55020DAC
MediumDescription EN - HUAWEI WATCH D2 is a health-focused smartwatch offering ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, real-time health tracking, and smart lifestyle features. With a slim and lightweight design and a 1.82-inch AMOLED display, it’s a stylish and comfortable companion for everyday use. Featuring Bluetooth calls, over 80 workout modes, and broad compatibility with iOS and Android devices, it's the ideal choice for both health tracking and an active lifestyle.
• Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
• 1.82" AMOLED display
• 9 health indicators with a single touch
• 80+ workout modes
• Bluetooth calls and wide compatibility
MediumDescription ET - HUAWEI WATCH D2 on tervisejälgimisele keskenduv nutikell, mis pakub ambulatoorset vererõhu jälgimist, reaalajas tervisenäitajate jälgimist ning nutikaid elustiilifunktsioone. Õhuke ja kerge disain koos 1.82-tollise AMOLED ekraaniga muudab selle stiilseks ja mugavaks kaaslaseks igapäevaselt. Tänu Bluetooth-kõnedele, 80+ treeningrežiimile ja laiendatud ühilduvusele iOS- ja Android-seadmetega, on see ideaalne valik nii tervise jälgimiseks kui ka aktiivseks eluks.
• Ambulatoorne vererõhu jälgimine
• 1.82" AMOLED ekraan
• 9 terviseindikaatorit ühe puudutusega
• Kuni 80+ treeningrežiimi
• Bluetooth-kõned ja lai ühilduvus
MediumDescription LV - HUAWEI WATCH D2 ir uz veselību vērsts viedpulkstenis, kas piedāvā ambulatoro asinsspiediena uzraudzību, reāllaika veselības izsekošanu un vieda dzīvesveida funkcijas. Ar plāno un vieglo dizainu un 1,82 collu AMOLED displeju, tas ir stilīgs un ērts pavadonis ikdienas lietošanai. Ar Bluetooth zvaniem, vairāk nekā 80 treniņu režīmiem un plašu saderību ar iOS un Android ierīcēm tā ir ideāla izvēle gan veselības izsekošanai, gan aktīvam dzīvesveidam. • Ambulatorā asinsspiediena kontrole
• 1,82 collu AMOLED displejs
• 9 veselības rādītāji ar vienu pieskārienu
• 80+ treniņu režīmi
• Bluetooth zvani un plaša saderība
MPN - 55020DAC
Muu - Ilmastikukindlus - IP68
Muu - Ilmastikukindlus - Tolmukindel
Muu - Ilmastikukindlus - Veekindel
Muu - Komplekti sisu - Kasutusjuhend
Muu - Komplekti sisu - Kiirjuhend
Muu - Komplekti sisu - L-suuruses turvapadjaga rihm
Muu - Komplekti sisu - Laadimisdokk
Muu - Komplekti sisu - M-suuruses turvapadjaga rihm
Muu - Komplekti sisu - Nutikell
Muu - Komplekti sisu - Randme ümbermõõdu mõõdulint
Muu - Korpuse materjal - Alumiinium
Muu - Rihma materjal - Fluoroelastomeer
Muu - Töötemperatuur - 5 – 40 °C
Muu - Värvus - Hõbedane
Muu - Värvus - Must
Mõõdud ja kaal - Kaal (g) - 40
Mõõdud ja kaal - Kõrgus (mm) - 48
Mõõdud ja kaal - Laius (mm) - 38
Mõõdud ja kaal - Rihma pikkus - 130 – 160 mm
Mõõdud ja kaal - Rihma pikkus - 161 – 210 mm
Mõõdud ja kaal - Sügavus (mm) - 13,3
Name - Huawei Watch D2 (Luca-B19) black
Name - Huawei Watch D2 Czarny
Name - Huawei WATCH D2 LUCA-B19 | AMOLED | 1.82" | Black
Name EN - Huawei Watch D2 (Graphite Black)
Name ET - Huawei Watch D2, must
NameInWeb EN - Huawei Watch D2, black - Smart watch
NameInWeb ET - Huawei Watch D2, must - Nutikell
NameInWeb LV - Huawei Watch D2, melna - Viedpulkstenis
Name LV - Huawei Watch D2 (Graphite Black)
name_en - Huawei Watch D2, black
name_et - Huawei Watch D2, must
name_lv - Huawei Watch D2, black
name_ru - Huawei Watch D2, черный
NetWeight - 0.0700
Network - Mobile network connection - No
Networking > Bluetooth version - 5.2
Networks - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.2
NFC-support - Yes
Operating temperature range (T-T), °C - 5 - 40
Other - Band material - Fluoroelastomeer
Other - Body material - Aluminium
Other - Color - Black
Other - Color - Silver
Other - Operating temperature - 5 – 40 °C
Other - Package contents - Charging dock
Other - Package contents - L size strap with pad
Other - Package contents - M size strap with pad
Other - Package contents - Quick Start guide
Other - Package contents - Smartwatch
Other - Package contents - User manual
Other - Package contents - Wrist circumference ruler
Other - Weather sealing - Dustproof
Other - Weather sealing - IP68
Other - Weather sealing - Waterproof
Other features > Colour - Black
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - Yes
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 120.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 65.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 120.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 1846 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 190.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 10.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.20 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.01 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Accumulator
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - Charging base - Yes
Packaging content - Quick installation guide - Yes
Packaging content - Warranty card - Yes
Packaging data - Package depth - 90 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 120 mm
Packaging data - Package type - Box
Packaging data - Package weight - 382 g
Packaging data - Package width - 120 mm
Performance - Built-in camera - No
Performance - Built-in microphone - Yes
Performance - Built-in speaker(s) - Yes
Performance - Mobile operating systems supported - Android 10, Android 10.0, Android 11.0, Android 12.0, Android 13.0, Android 14.0, Android 7.1, Android 7.1.2, Android 8.0, Android 8.1, Android 9.0, iOS 13, iOS 13.4, iOS 14, iOS 14.5, iOS 15, iOS 16
PeriodofWarranty - 2 Y
Ports & interfaces - Bluetooth - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Bluetooth version - 5.2
Ports & interfaces - Headphone connectivity - Bluetooth
Ports & interfaces - Near Field Communication (NFC) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - USB port - No
Ports & interfaces - Wi-Fi - No
Power - Battery capacity - 524 mAh
Power - Battery life - 1 day (ABPM on)
Power - Battery life - 5 day(s)
Power - Battery life - 6 days
Power - Battery technology - Lithium Polymer (LiPo)
Power - Battery type - Built-in battery
Power - Charging - Wireless charging
Power - Charging time - 2 h
Power - Power source - Built-in lithium-ion battery
Power - Wireless charging - Yes
Processor - processor -
Producer - Huawei
ProducerCode - Luca-B19
ProductCode - 55020DAC
ProductionCountry - CN
ProductName - Watch D2
Programmatūra - Piemērotas operētājsistēmas - Android 8.0 or newer
Programmatūra - Piemērotas operētājsistēmas - iOS 13 vai jaunāka
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Screen - always-on screen
Screen - touch panel
Screen - brightness - 1500
Screen - display technology - AMOLED
Screen - panel resolution - 480x408
Screen - screen size - 1.82
Sensorid - Asendisensor - Jah
Sensorid - GPS - GPS
Sensorid - Kiirendusmõõtja - Jah
Sensorid - Kõrgusmõõtur - Jah
Sensorid - Pulsiandur - Integreeritud
Sensorid - Sammulugeja - Jah
Sensorid - Valgussensor - Jah
Sensors - Ambient light
Sensors - Barometer
Sensors - ECG
Sensors - Optical heart rate
Sensors - Accelerometer - Yes
Sensors - Akselerometrs - Jā
Sensors - Altimeter - Yes
Sensors - Altimetrs - Jā
Sensors - Gaismas sensors - Jā
Sensors - GPS - GPS
Sensors - Gyro sensor - Yes
Sensors - Heart rate monitor - Built-in
Sensors - Light sensor - Yes
Sensors - Sirds ritma monitors - Iebūvēts
Sensors - Soļu skaitītājs - Jā
Sensors - Step counter - Yes
Sensors - Žiro sensors - Yes
ShortDescription -
ShortSummaryDescription - Huawei Watch D2, 4.62 cm (1.82"), AMOLED, 41 g
Software - Suitable operating systems - Android 8.0 or newer
Software - Suitable operating systems - iOS 13 or newer
TariffNo - 85176200
Tarkvara - Sobivad operatsioonisüsteemid - Android 8.0 või uuem
Tarkvara - Sobivad operatsioonisüsteemid - iOS 13 või uuem
Technical details > ECG - Yes
Technical details > Gross weight - 0.25 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.05 kg
Technical details > Producer - Huawei
Technical details > Producer product name - WATCH D2 LUCA-B19
Technical details > Screen size - 1.82"
Title - Huawei Watch D2 4.62 cm (1.82") AMOLED 38 mm Digital 408 x 480 pixels Aluminium
Touch sensitive screen - Yes
Tīkli - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.2
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Volume - 0.00133956
Vooluallikas - Aku kestvus - 1 päev (ABPM sisse lülitatud)
Vooluallikas - Aku kestvus - 6 päeva
Vooluallikas - Laadimine - Juhtmevaba laadimine
Vooluallikas - Vooluallikas - Integreeritud liitium-ioon aku
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
WarrantyInfo -
Water resistant - Yes
Weight - 0.5
Weight - 0.490000
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 13.3 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 41 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 38 mm
Weight, g - 41
Wi-Fi - No
Width - 0.1220
Width - 120.000000
Дисплей - Размер экрана - 1,82"
Дисплей - Разрешение экрана - 480 × 408
Дисплей - Сенсорный экран - Да
Дисплей - Тип экрана - AMOLED
Дисплей - Точек на дюйм - 348 ppi
Дисплей - Фоновая подсветка - Да
Другое - Комплектация - Быстрая инструкция
Другое - Комплектация - Зарядный док
Другое - Комплектация - Ремешок подушки безопасности размера L
Другое - Комплектация - Ремешок подушки безопасности размера M
Другое - Комплектация - Руководство пользователя
Другое - Комплектация - Рулетка для измерения запястья
Другое - Комплектация - Умные часы
Другое - Материал корпуса - Алюминий
Другое - Материал ремня - Fluoroelastomeer
Другое - Погодная устойчивость - IP68
Другое - Погодная устойчивость - Водостойкий
Другое - Погодная устойчивость - Пылезащищенный
Другое - Рабочая температура - 5 – 40 °C
Другое - Цвет - Серебристый
Другое - Цвет - Черный
Питание - Зарядка - беспроводная зарядка
Питание - Питание - Встроенный литиевый аккумулятор
Питание - Срок службы аккумулятора - 1 день (ABPM всключен)
Питание - Срок службы аккумулятора - 6 дней
Программное обеспечение - Совместимые оп-системы - Android 8.0 или новее
Программное обеспечение - Совместимые оп-системы - iOS 13 или новее
Размеры и вес - Вес (г) - 40
Размеры и вес - Высота (мм) - 48
Размеры и вес - Глубина (мм) - 13,3
Размеры и вес - Длина ремня - 130 – 160 мм
Размеры и вес - Длина ремня - 161 – 210 мм
Размеры и вес - Ширина (мм) - 38
Сенсоры - GPS - GPS
Сенсоры - Аккселерометр - Да
Сенсоры - Альтиметр - Да
Сенсоры - Гироскоп - Да
Сенсоры - Датчик освещения - Да
Сенсоры - Датчик пульса - Built-in
Сенсоры - Шагомер - Да
Сети - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.2
Функции - Smart features - Звонки
Функции - Smart features - Принятие звонка
Функции - Smart features - Управление музыкой
Функции - Оповещания - SMS
Функции - Оповещания - Будильник
Функции - Оповещания - Е-мейл
Функции - Оповещания - Звонки
Функции - Оповещания - Календарь
Функции - Оповещания - Погода
Функции - Оповещания - Приложения
Функции - Оповещания - Социальная медия
Функции - Слежение за активностью - VO2 max
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Дневная активность
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Качество Сна
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Кровяное давление
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Кроость
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Пройденный путь
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Пульс
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Саженные калории
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Содержание кислорода в крови
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Таймер тренировок
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Темп
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Уровень стресса
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Шаги
392.08 €
Huawei D2, Black
Tālr. 67275758 gsm 26117175 (p.o.t.c.p. 9:00-18:00)
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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