Canon Pixma TS5151

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 878667 Product code: 2228C026
In stock 50 units
Warranty: 2 years
97.43 €
Delivery options More about shipping
  • Delivery to address in Riga 3.99 €: 03.04.2025
  • Delivery to address in Latvia 6.99 €: 03.04.2025
  • Delivery to parcel drop-off point at 9 Zemitāna Street: on Thuesday, 01.04.2025 after 15:00
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Max. print size: A4
  • Native resolution: 4800 x 1200 dpi
  • Print speed (monochrome): 13 ppm
  • Type: Inkjet
  • Cartridges: 4
Basic information
Max. print size A4

The size of paper that can be placed in the printer feeder and printed in the particular printer. If this index of the printer is, for example, A4 it means that this particular printer can print for sure also smaller size paper, for example, A5. This possibility has certain restrictions that can be found in the detailed specification of the printing size and type of paper supported.

Native resolution 4800 x 1200 dpi

The resolution of the printer determines the number of dots that the printer printing head can print horizontally and vertically. By applying various additional methods a printer can print a higher resolution result. This parameter indicates the natural resolution of the printer without using compression. A higher resolution means a higher image quality and detail.

Print speed (monochrome) 13 ppm

The average index of the number of black and white pages with 5% average coverage that can be printed by this printer per minute.

Type Inkjet

The type of printing is the main criterion for selecting the princter because it determines the printer application.

Ink - this technology will be suitable for the users who want to print colour photos at high quality. The costs per print-out are quite high, also ink cartridges dry out when the printer is on stand-by for a long time.

Black and white laser - the best type of printing from the economic point of view, produces good quality print-outs of black and white documents at the lowest cost per print-out. The best buy for the home and office needs. Printers of more expensive models have considerably bigger toner cartridges which will certainly pay back if more than ten pages per day are printed.

Colour laser - this technology allows to print black and white laser print-outs at the same costs per page as with the black and white laser printer and to produce colour print-outs at comparatively low costs per print-out.

The quality of the colour printing by this technology is much lower than with the ink printing, therefore this device is worth buying only if tens of colour graphics, models, product samples photos and colour logos have to be printed every day. This technology currently is not suitable for printing photos.

The size of paper that can be placed in the printer feeder and printed in the particular printer. If this index of the printer is, for example, A4 it means that this particular printer can print for sure also smaller size paper, for example, A5. This possibility has certain restrictions that can be found in the detailed specification of the printing size and type of paper supported.

ADF (automatic document feeder) Nav

ADF means automatic document feeding. This is implemented by means of a special scanner cover where it is possible to place several pages at once, for example, a pack of copied or scanned documents.

Auto Duplex function Ir

Double-sided printing that is quite often implemented as a semi-automated function which means that the printer prints one side of the page and then the user has to put all the pack of print-outs in the feeder manually.

There can also be Duplex printers that are able to turn the page during the printing process. Prior to buying the printer you should read the detailed specification about how the Duplex function is implemented.

Cartridges 4

The number of toners or cartridges that the particular printer has. In case of ink printing a higher number of cartridges means better printing quality and more economical replacement of cartridges.

Copier Ir

An option to place a printed document in the feeder and copy it.

Fax Nav

A possibility to connect the device to the phone line and phone for sending and receiving fax messages.

Scanner Ir

A possibility to place a printed paper in the feeder and to receive a scanned document in the computer as a file.

Ports and equipment
LAN interface Ir

A very useful function if the printer is used from various computers connected in a network. If there is LAN connection it is possible to place the printer at any place where the network and power connection is available and to produce print-outs from any computer without the necessity to connect the printer to any particular computer and to maintain this computer switched on.

LPT interface Nav

This is an obsolete standard and required only in few cases when a company uses DOS software that cannot print from any other ports except LPT. This type of connection is very slow, therefore in most cases a printer with LPT has also the much faster USB or LAN connection.

USB 2.0 interface Ir

The most stable, convenient and fastest connection of the printer if the printer is located close to the computer and is used for printing from one computer. The USB connection slot is available with almost all portable computers and desktop computers.

Wireless connections
Bluetooth Nav

A possibility to connect this printer to the computer via the Bluetooth wireless connection. Usually this type of connection is available for portable computers of average or expensive category. Desktop computers usually do not have the Bluetooth, therefore it will be necessary to buy a low priced USB Bluetooth transmitter for being able to use this functionality.

WiFi Ir

An excellent way of connecting a computer within a wireless network if you use exclusively wireless network connection at home or at office or if the printer is placed at a location where it is not possible to connect a LAN cable.

USB Cable
More detailed specification
Accessories included - Drukarka wielofunkcyjna seria PIXMA TS5151 Kasety FINE Przewód zasilający Instalacyjna płyta CD-ROM Instrukcje
Application - Home
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra izmēri - 10 × 15 cm
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra izmēri - 13 × 13 cm
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra izmēri - 13 × 18 cm
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra izmēri - 20 × 25 cm
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra izmēri - A4
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra izmēri - A5
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra izmēri - B5
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra izmēri - COM10
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra izmēri - DL
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra izmēri - LGL
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra izmēri - LTR
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra svars - 105 g/m²
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra tipi - Aploksnes
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra tipi - Dokumentu papīrs
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra tipi - Glancēts fotopapīrs
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra tipi - Matēts fotopapīrs
Atbalstītais papīrs - Papīra tipi - Parastais papīrs
barcode - 4549292090840
Brand - Canon
brand - Canon
BrandPartCode - 2228C026
Category - Biroja tehnika :: Multifunkcionālie (Daudzfunkciju) printeri
Category - Multifunction Printers
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Printers, 3D printers and plotters/Inkjet printer
category_en - Printers & accessories
category_et - Printerid ja tarvikud
category_lv - Printeri un piederumi
category_ru - Принтеры и принадлежности
Code - 2228C026
Color - White
Color printing - Yes
Connectors - 1 x USB (Typ B)
Copier specifications - Szybkość kopiowania: sFCOT: około 20 s, sESAT: około 4 obr./min Kopiowanie wielokrotne: 99 kopii (maks.) Funkcje kopiowania:Kopiowanie dokumentów, kopiowanie zdjęć, kopiowanie bez marginesów, kopiowanie dwustronne, kopiowanie 2 na 1 i 4 na 1, kopiowanie z usuwaniem ramki, kopiowanie dokumentów identyfikacyjnych Kopiowanie ze zmianą rozmiaru: 25-400% (co 1%) Dopasowanie do strony: A5 na A4, B5 na A4, A4 na A5 oraz A4 na B5
Copier specifications - Copy functions - 2 copies on one side
Copier specifications - Copy functions - 2-sided copy
Copier specifications - Copy functions - 4 copies on one side
Copier specifications - Copy functions - Borderless copy
Copier specifications - Copy functions - Document copying
Copier specifications - Copy functions - Frame removing
Copier specifications - Copy functions - ID-card copy
Copier specifications - Copy functions - Photo copy
Copier specifications - Number of copies - 99
Copying - Copier resize - 25 - 400%
Copying - Copying - Colour copying
Copying - Maximum number of copies - 99 copies
Depth - 315 mm
Desc - Krāsu tips: Krāsains, 1 mēneša noslodze: Nav informācijas, Drukāšanas tehnoloģija: Tintes, Izšķirtspēja: 4800 x 1200 dpi, Ātrums (melnbalts): 13 lpp/min, Ātrums (krāsains): 6.8 lpp/min, Operatīvā atmiņa: Nav zināms, Max papīra formāts: A4, Duplex režīms: Ir, Automātiskā dokumentu padeve (ADF): Nav, Pieslēguma tips: USB 2.0, Wifi: Ir, Tīkla pieslēgums (LAN): Nav, Faksa funkcionalitāte: Nav, Atmiņa faksam: Nav, Kopēšanas funkcionalitāte: Ir, Kopēšanas ātrums (melnbalts): Nav zināms, Kopēšanas ātrums (krāsains): Nav zināms, Skenēšanas funkcionalitāte: Ir, Skenēšanas izšķirtspēja: 1200 x 2400 dpi, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - Przystępne cenowo urządzenie wielofunkcyjne do użytku domowego, umożliwiające łatwe bezprzewodowe drukowanie, kopiowanie i skanowanie z poziomu urządzeń przenośnych.
Proste i niedrogie drukowanie w domu dzięki obsłudze zaawansowanej łączności
To małe, eleganckie, łatwe i przyjemne w obsłudze, przystępne cenowo, urządzenie wielofunkcyjne umożliwia bardzo proste drukowanie, skanowanie i kopiowanie atrakcyjnych obrazów i wyraźnych dokumentów w domu, a ponadto zapewnia zaawansowaną łączność bezprzewodową z innymi urządzeniami i usługami w chmurze.
Inteligentna łączność
Wystarczy pobrać aplikację Canon PRINT, aby z łatwością drukować i skanować bezprzewodowo za pomocą urządzeń inteligentnych (z systemem iOS lub Android). Można korzystać z wielu opcji połączeń, w tym z technologii Bluetooth*.
Wolność dzięki chmurze
Usługa PIXMA Cloud Link, dostępna w aplikacji Canon PRINT, zapewnia swobodę drukowania z serwisów społecznościowych i skanowania do usług pamięci masowej w chmurze**.
Wszechstronność i oszczędność
Ekonomiczne, opcjonalne pojemniki XL umożliwiają drukowanie większej liczby stron za te same pieniądze, a funkcja automatycznego druku dwustronnego pozwala oszczędzać papier. Podwójne podajniki umożliwiają jednoczesne korzystanie ze zwykłego papieru i nośników fotograficznych.
* Urządzenie wyposażone w niskoenergetyczną technologię Bluetooth (drukowanie i skanowanie przez Bluetooth jest dostępne tylko w urządzeniach z systemem Android). Nie można zagwarantować działania funkcji dostępnych za pomocą łączności Bluetooth i aplikacji Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHY na wszystkich smartfonach z systemem Android. Znak słowa i logo Bluetooth są zastrzeżonymi znakami towarowymi firmy Bluetooth SIG, a wykorzystanie ich przez firmę Canon Inc. odbywa się na mocy licencji. Inne znaki towarowe i nazwy handlowe są własnością odpowiednich firm.
** Funkcja skanowania do chmury jest dostępna tylko w przypadku używania oryginalnych atramentów firmy Canon.
description_en - The Canon PIXMA TS5151 all-in-one printer is economical and user-friendly
The compact and stylish family printer lets you print beautiful pictures and important documents at home. With smart wireless connectivity, you can access your devices, social networks, and cloud storage services. Enjoy controlling the printer from different angles with the color-tiled manual tilt panel and easy button navigation. Easily connect your printer to your iOS or Android smart device wirelessly
Download the AirPrint, Mopria or Canon Print application on your smartphone. The Canon PIXMA TS5151 all-in-one printer also allows cloud printing by scanning through the Pixma Cloud Link application. Get more for your money
With the Canon PIXMA TS515 all-in-one printer, you can automatically print to both sides of the paper to save it and use XL ink cartridges.
description_et - Canon PIXMA TS5151 kõik-ühes printer on ökonoomne ja kasutajasõbralik
Kompaktne ja stiilne pereprinter võimaldab Sul kodus printida ilusaid pilte ja tähtsaid dokumente. Nutika juhtmevaba ühendusega pääsed ligi oma seadmetele, sotsiaalsetele võrkudele ja pilvesalvestusteenustele. Naudi printeri juhtimist erinevate nurkade alt, kasutades värvilise ekraaniga käsitsi kallutatavat paneeli ja lihtsat nupuga navigeerimist. Ühenda printer hõlpsasti iOS või Android nutiseadmega traadita ühenduse kaudu Lae oma nutitelefonis alla AirPrint, Mopria või Canon Print rakendus. Canon PIXMA TS5151 kõik-ühes printer võimaldab ka pilvest printimist skännimist läbi Pixma Cloud Link rakenduse. Saa oma raha eest rohkem
Canon PIXMA TS515 kõik-ühes printeriga saad automaatselt printida kahepoolselt, et hoida kokku paberit ning kasutada XL tindikassette.
description_lv - Ekonomisks un lietotājam draudzīgs Canon PIXMA TS5151 viss vienā printeris Drukājiet skaistus attēlus un svarīgus dokumentus mājās ar šo kompakto un stilīgo ģimenes printeri. Izmantojiet viedo bezvadu savienojumu, lai ērti piekļūtu savām ierīcēm, sociālajiem tīkliem un mākoņglabāšanas pakalpojumiem. Ērti kontrolējiet printeri no dažādiem leņķiem, izmantojot manuāli noliecamu paneli ar krāsu simboliem un ērtas pogas naviģēšanai. Ērts bezvadu savienojums ar iOS vai Android viedierīci Lejuplādējiet savā viedtālrunī lietotni AirPrint, Mopria vai Canon Print. Canon PIXMA TS5151 viss vienā printeris ļauj drukāt arī no mākoņa, skenējot caur lietotni Pixma Cloud Link. Ekonomiski izdevīgs Ar Canon PIXMA TS515 viss vienā printeri varat taupīt papīru ar automātisko divpusējās drukāšanas funkciju un izmantot pēc izvēles pieejamās XL tintes kasetnes.
description_ru -
description_short_en - All-in-one inkjet printer Print documents and photos quickly High quality prints WiFi connectivity Compact design
description_short_et - Kõik-ühes tindiprinter Kiire dokumentide ja fotode printimine Kvaliteetsed väljatrükid WiFi ühenduvus Kompaktne disain
description_short_lv - Viss vienā tintes printeris Ātra dokumentu un foto druka Augstas kvalitātes izdrukas Wi-Fi savienojums Kompakts dizains
description_short_ru - Струйный принтер "все в одном" Быстрая печать документов и фотографий Качественная печать Совместимость WiFi Компактный дизайн
Design - Built-in display - Yes
Design - Color - White
Design - Depth (mm) - 315
Design - Display - LCD
Design - Height (mm) - 147
Design - Market positioning - Home & office
Design - Product colour - White
Design - Width (mm) - 425
Design > Colour of product - White
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 9900
dimension depth - 215 mm
dimension height - 445 mm
dimension weight - 8200 g
dimension width - 410 mm
Disain - Kõrgus (mm) - 147
Disain - Laius (mm) - 425
Disain - Sügavus (mm) - 315
Disain - Värvus - Valge
Dizains - Augstums (mm) - 147
Dizains - Dziļums (mm) - 315
Dizains - Krāsa - Balta
Dizains - Platums (mm) - 425
Duplex printing - Automatic
EAN - 4549292090840
ean - 4549292090840
EANCode - 4549292090840
Eans - 4549292090840
Extended warranty -
Extension options -
Fax - Faxing - No
Fax specifications -
Features > Product type - All-in-One
feature_group_en - Printers
feature_group_et - Printerid
feature_group_lv - Printeri
feature_group_ru - Принтеры
Format - 100 x 150 mm
Format - 130 x 130 mm
Format - 130 x 180 mm
Format - 200 x 250 mm
Format - A4
Functions - Copier
Functions - Printer
Functions - Scanner
General - Display - LCD
General - Type - All in one printer
Gross weight - 8.3 kg
GRUPPE1 - Printer/Copier/Fax
GRUPPE2 - Inkjet All In One
GTIN - 4549292090840
guarantee - 12
guarantee_type - external
Height - 147 mm
HSTNUMMER - 2228C026
ImageUrl -
Input & output capacity - Paper input type - Cassette
Input & output capacity - Paper input type - Cassette, Paper tray
Input & output capacity - Paper input type - Paper tray
Input & output capacity - Total input capacity - 100 sheets
Input capacity > Standard input capacity - 100 sheets
Koopiamasina tehnilised andmed - Koopiate arv - 99
Koopiamasina tehnilised andmed - Kopeerimisfunktsioonid - 2 ühel
Koopiamasina tehnilised andmed - Kopeerimisfunktsioonid - 4 ühel
Koopiamasina tehnilised andmed - Kopeerimisfunktsioonid - Dokumendi kopeerimine
Koopiamasina tehnilised andmed - Kopeerimisfunktsioonid - Foto kopeerimine
Koopiamasina tehnilised andmed - Kopeerimisfunktsioonid - ID-kaardi koopia
Koopiamasina tehnilised andmed - Kopeerimisfunktsioonid - Kahepoolne kopeerimine
Koopiamasina tehnilised andmed - Kopeerimisfunktsioonid - Raami kustutamine
Koopiamasina tehnilised andmed - Kopeerimisfunktsioonid - Ääristeta kopeerimine
Kopētāja specifikācijas - Kopiju skaits - 99
Kopētāja specifikācijas - Kopētāja funkcijas - 2 kopijas vienā pusē
Kopētāja specifikācijas - Kopētāja funkcijas - 4 kopijas vienā pusē
Kopētāja specifikācijas - Kopētāja funkcijas - Bezmalu kopija
Kopētāja specifikācijas - Kopētāja funkcijas - Divpusēja kopija
Kopētāja specifikācijas - Kopētāja funkcijas - Dokumentu kopēšana
Kopētāja specifikācijas - Kopētāja funkcijas - Fotokopija
Kopētāja specifikācijas - Kopētāja funkcijas - ID kartes kopija
Kopētāja specifikācijas - Kopētāja funkcijas - Rāmju noņemšana
Kulumaterjalid - Suure mahutavusega kassetid - CL-541XL
Kulumaterjalid - Suure mahutavusega kassetid - PG-540XL
Kulumaterjalid - Tindikassettide arv - 2
Kulumaterjalid - Tindi tüüp - CL-541
Kulumaterjalid - Tindi tüüp - PG-540
LargeDescHTML -
Link -
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 84433100
LongDesc - Canon PIXMA TS5150 SeriesAffordable, connected home All-In-One for simple wireless colour printing, copying and scanning from mobile devices.Simple affordable family printing with smart connectivityFun, affordable and easy, this small, stylish family All-In-One takes all the hassle out of printing, scanning and copying beautiful images and sharp documents at home with smart wireless connectivity to your devices and the cloud.Smart connectivitySimply download the Canon PRINT app for easy wireless print and scan using your smart device (iOS & Android). Enjoy a range of connectivity options including Bluetooth®*.Freedom of the cloudExperience the freedom to print from social media and scan to cloud storage services** using PIXMA Cloud Link accessed via the Canon PRINT app.Versatile and cost effectivePrint more pages for your money using cost effective optional XL inks and save on paper with auto 2-sided printing. Dual paper feeds handle both photo and paper media.Effortless controlControl, view and connect with ease using handy access buttons and a manual-tilt panel with 6.2 cm colour screen and a simplified interface that mirrors the Canon PRINT app.Affordable qualitySmall, stylish and affordable, this colour All-In-One features the FINE Cartridge system for durable quality and fast replacement. Ideal for quick and easy home use.
LongProductName - 4800 x 1200, 13.0ipm, RGB, 25 - 400%, 6.2 cm LCD, IEEE802.11 b/g/n
LongSummaryDescription - Canon PIXMA TS5151. Print technology: Inkjet, Printing: Colour printing, Maximum resolution: 4800 x 1200 DPI. Copying: Colour copying. Scanning: Colour scanning, Optical scanning resolution: 1200 x 2400 DPI. Maximum ISO A-series paper size: A4. Wi-Fi. Product colour: White
manufacturer_code - 2228C026
Materiāli - Piemērotas tintes - CL-541
Materiāli - Piemērotas tintes - PG-540
Materiāli - Tintes kasetņu skaits - 2
Materiāli - XL tintes kasetnes - CL-541XL
Materiāli - XL tintes kasetnes - PG-540XL
Max. printing speed (color) - 6.8 ipm
Max. printing speed (mono) - 13 ipm
Media kind - Envelopes
Media kind - Paper
Media kind - Photo paper
Model - PIXMA TS5151
Name - Canon Multifunctional printer | PIXMA TS5151 | Inkjet | Colour | All-in-One | A4 | Wi-Fi | White
Name - Canon Pixma TS5151 biała
Name - Daudzfunkciju printeris Canon Pixma TS5151 White
name - Multi printer PIXMA TS5151 white EUR 2228C026AA
name_en - Canon all-in-one printer PIXMA TS5151, white
name_et - Canon kõik-ühes printer PIXMA TS5151, valge
name_lv - Canon viss vienā printeris PIXMA TS5151, balts
name_ru - Canon принтер "все в одном" PIXMA TS5151, белый
Network - Mobile printing technologies - Apple AirPrint
Network - Mobile printing technologies - Apple AirPrint, Google Cloud Print, Mopria Print Service, PIXMA Cloud Link
Network - Mobile printing technologies - Google Cloud Print
Network - Mobile printing technologies - Mopria Print Service
Network - Mobile printing technologies - PIXMA Cloud Link
Network - Wi-Fi - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11g
Network - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Networking > Ethernet LAN - Yes
Networking > Wi-Fi - Yes
Operational conditions - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 10 - 80%
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 15 - 30 °C
Original consumables - Standardowe kasety z atramentem: PG-540 (czarny) CL-541 (kolorowy) Opcjonalne kasety z atramentem XL: PG-540XL (czarny) CL-541XL (kolorowy)
Other features -
Other features - PictBridge - Yes
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 495 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 455 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 220 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 50 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 1000 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 200 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 1.20 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.0495495 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Paper handling - Auto Document Feeder (ADF) media weight - 64 - 105 g/m²
Paper handling - Borderless printing media sizes - 10x15
Paper handling - Borderless printing media sizes - 10x15, 13x18, 13x13, 20x25
Paper handling - Borderless printing media sizes - 13x13
Paper handling - Borderless printing media sizes - 13x18
Paper handling - Borderless printing media sizes - 20x25
Paper handling - Envelopes sizes - Com-10
Paper handling - Envelopes sizes - Com-10, DL
Paper handling - Envelopes sizes - DL
Paper handling - ISO A-series sizes (A0...A9) - A4
Paper handling - ISO A-series sizes (A0...A9) - A4, A5
Paper handling - ISO A-series sizes (A0...A9) - A5
Paper handling - ISO B-series sizes (B0...B9) - B5
Paper handling - Maximum ISO A-series paper size - A4
Paper handling - Non-ISO print media sizes - Legal
Paper handling - Paper tray media types - Envelopes
Paper handling - Paper tray media types - Envelopes, Glossy paper, Photo paper, Plain paper
Paper handling - Paper tray media types - Glossy paper
Paper handling - Paper tray media types - Photo paper
Paper handling - Paper tray media types - Plain paper
Paper handling > Maximum print size - A4
Paper input tray -
Paper output tray -
Paper support - Paper sizes - 10 × 15 cm
Paper support - Paper sizes - 13 × 13 cm
Paper support - Paper sizes - 13 × 18 cm
Paper support - Paper sizes - 20 × 25 cm
Paper support - Paper sizes - A4
Paper support - Paper sizes - A5
Paper support - Paper sizes - B5
Paper support - Paper sizes - COM10
Paper support - Paper sizes - DL
Paper support - Paper sizes - LGL
Paper support - Paper sizes - LTR
Paper support - Paper types - Bond paper
Paper support - Paper types - Envelopes
Paper support - Paper types - Glossy photo papere
Paper support - Paper types - Matte photo paper
Paper support - Paper types - Plain paper
Paper support - Paper weight - 105 g/m²
Paper weight (max) - 300 g/m²
Paper weight (min) - 64 g/m²
Performance > Copying - Colour
Performance > Duplex functions - Yes
Performance > Faxing - No
Performance > Printing - Colour
Performance > Printing colours - Black, cyan, magenta, yellow
Performance > Print technology - Inkjet
Performance > Scanning - Colour
Photo printing - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Standard interfaces - USB 2.0, Wireless LAN
Ports & interfaces - USB port - Yes
Power - AC input frequency - 50 - 60 Hz
Power - AC input voltage - 100 - 240 V
Power - Power consumption (off) - 0.2 W
Power - Power consumption (scanning) - 11 W
Power - Power consumption (standby) - 0.7 W
Printera specifikācijas - Divpusējā druka - Jā
Printera specifikācijas - Drukas izšķirtspēja - 4800 × 1200 dpi
Printera specifikācijas - Drukas tehnoloģija - 2 FINE kasetnes (melna un krāsu)
Printera specifikācijas - Drukas ātrums - Color: 6.8 ipm
Printera specifikācijas - Drukas ātrums - Melnbalta: 13 attēli/min.
Printeri tehnilised andmed - Kahepoolne printimine - Jah
Printeri tehnilised andmed - Prindi lahutusvõime - 4800 × 1200 dpi
Printeri tehnilised andmed - Printimiskiirus - Mustvalge: 13 kujutist/min
Printeri tehnilised andmed - Printimiskiirus - Värviline: 6,8 kujutist/min
Printeri tehnilised andmed - Printimistehnoloogia - 2 FINE kassetti (must ja värviline)
Printer processor -
Printer specifications - Print resolution - 4800 × 1200 dpi
Printer specifications - Print speed - Black& white: 13 images/min
Printer specifications - Print speed - Color: 6.8 ipm
Printer specifications - Print technology - 2 FINE cartridges (black and color)
Printer specifications - Two sided printing - Yes
Printing - Duplex printing - Yes
Printing - Duplex printing mode - Auto
Printing - Maximum resolution - 4800 x 1200 DPI
Printing - Printing - Colour printing
Printing - Print speed (ISO/IEC 24734) colour - 6.8 ipm
Printing - Print speed (ISO/IEC 24734) mono - 13.8 ipm
Printing - Print technology - Inkjet
Printing supplies performance - Wydajność kaset (zwykły papier): Drukowanie kolorowych dokumentów A4 Czarny: 180 stron Czarny XL: 600 stron Kolorowy: 180 stron Kolorowy XL: 400 stron Wydajność kaset (zdjęcia): Drukowanie kolorowych zdjęć 10 × 15 cm Czarny: 2465* zdjęć Czarny XL: 7560* zdjęć Kolorowy: 69 zdjęć Kolorowy XL: 150 zdjęć * Szacowana dodatkowa wydajność
Printing type - Inkjet
Print resolution - 4800 x 2400 dpi
Print technology > Maximum resolution - 4800 x 1200 DPI
producer - Canon
Producer - Canon
producerCode - 2228C026
ProducerCode - 2228C026
Producer product family - Multifunctional printer
Producer product name - PIXMA TS5151
productName - Canon PIXMA TS5151 Multifunktionssystem 3-in-1 weiss
ProductName - TS5151
productSize - Normal
Safety warning - Hazard pictogram(s) - GHS07: Harmful
Scanner specifications - Typ skanera: Skaner płaski CIS do zdjęć i dokumentów Rozdzielczość skanera (optyczna): 1200 × 2400 dpi Szybkość skanowania arkuszy A4: W przybliżeniu 14 s Głębia kolorów przy skanowaniu (wejście / wyjście): Kolory: RGB (każdy kanał 16/8 bitów) / Skala szarości: 16/8 bitów Maksymalny format dokumentu: 216 × 297 mm
Scanner specifications - Maximum document size - 216 × 297 mm
Scanner specifications - Scanner resolution (optical) - 1200 × 2400 dpi
Scanner specifications - Scanner technology - CIS
Scanner specifications - Scanning speed - 14 s
Scanning - Input colour depth - 16 bit
Scanning - Maximum scan area - 216 x 297 mm
Scanning - Optical scanning resolution - 1200 x 2400 DPI
Scanning - Output colour depth - 16 bit
Scanning - Scanner type - Flatbed scanner
Scanning - Scanning - Colour scanning
Scanning - Scan technology - CIS
Scanning > Maximum scan resolution - 1200 x 2400 DPI
ShortDescription - atrament | kolor | A4 | druk | kopia | skan | dupleks | USB | WiFi
ShortSummaryDescription - Canon PIXMA TS5151, Inkjet, Colour printing, 4800 x 1200 DPI, Colour copying, A4, White
sizeX - 220
sizeY - 450
sizeZ - 500
Skenera specifikācijas - Maksimālais dokumenta izmērs - 216 × 297 mm
Skenera specifikācijas - Skenera izšķirtspēja (optiskā) - 1200 × 2400 dpi
Skenera specifikācijas - Skenera tehnoloģija - CIS
Skenera specifikācijas - Skenēšanas ātrums - 14 sek.
Skänneri tehnilised andmed - Maksimaalne dokumendi suurus - 216 × 297 mm
Skänneri tehnilised andmed - Skänneri kiirus - 14 s
Skänneri tehnilised andmed - Skänneri optiline lahutusvõime - 1200 × 2400 dpi
Skänneri tehnilised andmed - Skänneri tehnoloogia - CIS
Stck_Kart - 1
Stck_Pal - 50
Storno - Y
Supplies - Compatible ink types - CL-541
Supplies - Compatible ink types - PG-540
Supplies - Number of ink cartridges - 2
Supplies - XL ink cartridges - CL-541XL
Supplies - XL ink cartridges - PG-540XL
Supported operating systems - Android
Supported operating systems - iOS
Supported operating systems - Mac OS
Supported operating systems - Windows 7
Supported operating systems - Windows 8
Supported operating systems - Windows 8.1
Supported operating systems - Windows 10
Supported operating systems - Windows 10 Mobile
System Requirements - Windows: 3,1 GB miejsca na dysku twardym, Internet Explorer 8 Mac: połączenie z Internetem, 1,5 GB miejsca na dysku twardym, Safari 5 Ekran: XGA, 1024 × 768 pikseli
Technical details > Functions - Print, Copy, Scan
Technical details > Net weight - 7.1 kg
Technical details > Producer - Canon
Technical details > Warranty - 24 month(s)
Title - Canon PIXMA TS5151 Inkjet A4 4800 x 1200 DPI Wi-Fi
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberiformaadid - 10 × 15 cm
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberiformaadid - 13 × 13 cm
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberiformaadid - 13 × 18 cm
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberiformaadid - 20 × 25 cm
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberiformaadid - A4
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberiformaadid - A5
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberiformaadid - B5
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberiformaadid - COM10
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberiformaadid - DL
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberiformaadid - LGL
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberiformaadid - LTR
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberi kaal - 105 g/m²
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberitüübid - Dokumendipaber
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberitüübid - Läikiv fotopaber
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberitüübid - Matt fotopaber
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberitüübid - Tavapaber
Toetatud paberitüübid - Paberitüübid - Ümbrikud
vendpn - 2228C026
Vispārīgi - Display - LCD
Vispārīgi - Tips - Viss vienā printeris
Warranty -
Warranty - 24
WarrantyInfo - 2 years
warrantyLength - 24
warrantyType - F
Weight - 6.5 kg
weight - 8158
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 315 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 147 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 6.5 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width - 425 mm
width - 22
Width - 425 mm
Wireless communication - WiFi
Üldine - Ekraan - LCD
Üldine - Tüüp - Kõik-ühes printer
Дизайн - Высота (мм) - 147
Дизайн - Глубина (мм) - 315
Дизайн - Цвет - Белый
Дизайн - Ширина (мм) - 425
Материалы - Картриджи большой емкости - CL-541XL
Материалы - Картриджи большой емкости - PG-540XL
Материалы - Кол-во чернильных картриджей - 2
Материалы - Подходящие чернила - CL-541
Материалы - Подходящие чернила - PG-540
Общее - Display - LCD
Общее - Тип холодильника - Принтер все-в-одном
Поддерживаемая бумага - Вес бумаги - 105 г/м²
Поддерживаемая бумага - Размеры бумаги - 10 × 15 см
Поддерживаемая бумага - Размеры бумаги - 13 × 13 см
Поддерживаемая бумага - Размеры бумаги - 13 × 18 см
Поддерживаемая бумага - Размеры бумаги - 20 × 25 см
Поддерживаемая бумага - Размеры бумаги - A4
Поддерживаемая бумага - Размеры бумаги - A5
Поддерживаемая бумага - Размеры бумаги - B5
Поддерживаемая бумага - Размеры бумаги - COM10
Поддерживаемая бумага - Размеры бумаги - DL
Поддерживаемая бумага - Размеры бумаги - LGL
Поддерживаемая бумага - Размеры бумаги - LTR
Поддерживаемая бумага - Типы бумаги - Бумага для документов
Поддерживаемая бумага - Типы бумаги - Глянцевая бумага
Поддерживаемая бумага - Типы бумаги - Конверты
Поддерживаемая бумага - Типы бумаги - Матовая фото-бумага
Поддерживаемая бумага - Типы бумаги - Обычная бумага
Технические данные копира - Кол-во копий - 99
Технические данные копира - Функции копира - 2 копии на одной стороне
Технические данные копира - Функции копира - 4 копии на одной стороне
Технические данные копира - Функции копира - Двусторонее копирование
Технические данные копира - Функции копира - Копирование документов
Технические данные копира - Функции копира - Копия ID-карты
Технические данные копира - Функции копира - Копия без краев
Технические данные копира - Функции копира - Удаления рамок
Технические данные копира - Функции копира - Фотокопия
Технические данные принтера - Двусторонняя печать - Да
Технические данные принтера - Разрешение принтера - 4800 × 1200 dpi
Технические данные принтера - Скорость печати - Цветной: 6.8 изображений в минуту
Технические данные принтера - Скорость печати - Черно-белый: 13 изображений/мин
Технические данные принтера - Технология печати - 2 FINE кассеты (черная и цветная)
Технические данные сканера - Макисмальный размер документа - 216 × 297 мм
Технические данные сканера - Оптическое разрешение сканера - 1200 × 2400 dpi
Технические данные сканера - Скорость сканирования - 14 сек
Технические данные сканера - Технология сканера - CIS
97.43 €
Canon Pixma TS5151
Tālr. 67275758 gsm 26117175 (p.o.t.c.p. 9:00-18:00)
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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