Philips 55PML8709/12, 55"

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 1148271 Product code: 55PML8709/12
Can be ordered 21 units Availability: 14 days after order approval
Warranty: 2 years
615.66 €
Delivery options More about shipping
  • Delivery to address in Riga 3.99 €: 03.04.2025
  • Delivery to address in Latvia 6.99 €: 03.04.2025
  • Delivery to parcel drop-off point at 9 Zemitāna Street: 01.04.2025 after 15:00
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Color: Pelēka
  • Energy efficiency class: F
  • Screen resolution: 3840 x 2160 (4K Ultra HD)
  • Screen size: 55" (140 cm)
  • SMART TV: Is
  • Technology: LED
  • Audio power: 10W x 2
  • USB: 2
  • WiFi: Internal
All parameters
Backlight (Ambilight) : Not
Color : Pelēka
Curved screen : Not
Display update rate : 60 Hz
Energy efficiency class : F
HDR : Ir
Picture-In-Picture : Not
Screen resolution : 3840 x 2160 (4K Ultra HD)
Screen size : 55" (140 cm)
Technology : LED
VESA wall mount : 300x300 mm
Weight (with stand) : 15.5 kg
Weight (without stand) : 15.2 kg
Ports and equipment
Audio power : 10W x 2
Digital receiver : DVB-T/T2/T2-HD/C/S/S2
HDMI slots : 3
LAN (RJ-45) : Is
USB : 2
Wireless connections
WiFi : Internal
More detailed specification
3D support - No
Accessories included -
Aspect ratio - 16:9
Audio - Audio decoders - DTS:X, Dolby Atmos, Dolby Digital
Audio - Enhanced Audio Return Channel (eARC) - Yes
Audio - Number of speakers - 2
Audio - RMS rated power - 20 W
Audio - Sound modes - AI Sound
Audio system - Dwa głośniki pełnozakresowe 10 W Dolby Digital Dolby Atmos DTS:X
Bluetooth - Yes
Brand - Philips
Brand-specific features - Philips technologies (AV/TV) - Works With Control4, Works With Google Assistant, Works With Matter, Works with Amazon Alexa
BrandCode - PHILIPS
BrandPartCode - 55PML8709
Category - TVs
Code - 55PML8709/12
Connection - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.0
Depth - 82 mm
Depth with stand - 246 mm
Description - Niedrogi telewizor Mini-LED. Genialny i przyjazny dla budżetu. Niezależnie od źródła, zawsze perfekcja. Procesor P5 Philips. Procesor Philips P5 zapewnia obraz równie doskonały, jak Twoja ulubiona rozrywka. Szczegóły mają zauważalnie większą głębię. Kolory są żywe, a odcienie skóry naturalne. Kontrast jest niezwykle wyraźny i pozwala dostrzec każdy szczegół, a ruch pozostaje idealnie płynny. Technologia Quantum Dot zapewnia niesamowite kolory i kontrast. Odważniejsze kolory. Wyraźniejsza biel. Głębsza czerń. Technologia Quantum Dot Mini-LED zapewnia jasny, szczegółowy obraz z ostrym kontrastem i pozwala zobaczyć więcej kolorów niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej! Nasz silnik P5 udoskonala całe doświadczenie, zapewniając piękny, realistyczny obraz, który nie przytłacza. Rozrywka, którą kochasz, z niewielką pomocą Google. Co chcesz oglądać? Google TV łączy filmy, programy i wiele innych, spośród Twoich aplikacji i subskrypcji i organizuje je dla Ciebie. Otrzymasz sugestie na podstawie tego, co lubisz, możesz nawet użyć aplikacji Google TV w telefonie, aby stworzyć listę do obejrzenia poza domem. Dolby Atmos - kinowa jakość dźwięku Dolby Atmos zapewnia głębsze doznania, umieszczając dźwięki w przestrzeni wokół odbiorcy i nad nim. Czy jest to przelatujący nad głową statek kosmiczny, czy kroki osoby skradającej po cichu za Tobą, będziesz w samym centrum akcji. Gotowy do gry. VRR i niskie opóźnienie wejścia na dowolnej konsoli. Złącze HDMI VRR pozwala w pełni korzystać z możliwości konsoli dzięki szybkiej rozgrywce i płynnej grafice. Urządzenie obsługuje technologię VRR, ustawienie małego opóźnienia aktywuje się automatycznie po włączeniu konsoli. Łatwe łączenie się z inteligentnymi sieciami domowymi i asystentami głosowymi. Bezproblemowa zgodność z systemami Matter i Control4 ułatwia integrację telewizora 4K Mini-LED z istniejącą siecią inteligentnego domu. Za pomocą pilota do telewizora można również sterować dekoderem telewizji satelitarnej lub kablowej i aktywować Asystenta Google. Telewizor jest również zgodny z urządzeniami obsługującymi Alexę. Pilot z plastiku pochodzącego z recyklingu. Odpowiedzialne pakowanie. Dzięki niemal bezramkowemu ekranowi ten elegancki telewizor 4K Smart wygląda świetnie w każdym pomieszczeniu. Pilot do telewizora wykonany jest z plastiku pochodzącego z recyklingu, nasze opakowania są wykonane z kartonu z recyklingu z certyfikatem FSC, a wkładki są drukowane na papierze z recyklingu. Zgodność z Apple AirPlay. Przesyłaj strumieniowo do telewizora z telefonu iPhone, iPada lub Mac. Oglądaj filmy z aplikacji. Podziel się zdjęciami ze znajomymi w pokoju.
Design - Product colour - Grey
Design - Stand colour - Grey
Design - Stand type - Legs stand
Design - VESA mounting - Yes
Design > Colour of product - Grey
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimension depth - 825 mm
dimension height - 1360 mm
Dimensions - depth - 24.6
Dimensions - depth without stand - 8.2
Dimensions - height - 73.8
Dimensions - height without stand - 72
Dimensions - VESA size - 300 x 300
Dimensions - weight - 15.5
Dimensions - weight without stand - 15.2
Dimensions - width - 123.1
dimension weight - 19400 g
dimension width - 160 mm
Display - Display diagonal - 139.7 cm (55")
Display - Display diagonal (metric) - 139 cm
Display - Display resolution - 3840 x 2160 pixels
Display - Display technology - LED
Display - HD type - 4K Ultra HD
Display - LED backlight - Yes
Display - LED backlighting type - Mini LED
Display - Screen shape - Flat
Display - Supported graphics resolutions - 1920 x 1080 (HD 1080), 3840 x 2160
Display - Supported video modes - 576p, 720p, 1080p, 2160p
Display > Display - 3840 x 2160 pixels
Display > Display diagonal - 55"
Display > Display diagonal (metric) - 139 cm
EAN - 8718863044834
ean - 8718863044834
Energy label - Pobierz
Functions - Apple TV
functions - Automatic shutdown
Functions - Disney+
functions - ECO
functions - Light sensor
Functions - Netflix
Functions - screen mirroring
Functions - Smart TV
functions - Turn off (radio mode)
Functions - connection enhancement - Simply Share
Functions - smart home support - Google Home
General parameters - energy rating - F
General parameters - manufacturer - Philips
General parameters - model identificator - 55PML8709/12
General parameters - number of the regulation - 2019/2013
GrossWeight - 20.0000
Group - TV > TV > 52"-57"
GTIN - 8718863044834
guarantee - 36
guarantee_type - external
HD technology - Ultra HD/4K
Height - 0.8400
Height - 720 mm
Height with stand - 738 mm
Hotel mode - No
I/O connectors - 1 x Antenna input
I/O connectors - 1 x Audio out
I/O connectors - 1 x CI/Cl+ slot
I/O connectors - 2 x USB 2.0
I/O connectors - 3 x HDMI
Image technology - P5 Perfect Picture Engine
Interfaces - LAN (network, RJ45)
Interfaces - optical out
Interfaces - WiFi
Interfaces - HDMI - 3x
Interfaces - USB-A 2.0 - 2
Length - 1.3600
Link -
LongDescription EN - Affordable Mini-LED TV. Brilliant and budget-friendly.
Bolder colours. Crisper whites. Deeper blacks. Quantum Dot Mini-LED technology allows a bright, detailed picture with pin-sharp contrast—and you'll see more colours than ever before! Our P5 engine refines the whole experience for a beautifully lifelike picture that doesn't overwhelm. Whatever the source, always perfection. Philips P5 engine.
The Philips P5 engine delivers a picture as brilliant as the content you love. Details have noticeably more depth. Colours are vivid, while skin tones look natural. Contrast is so crisp you'll feel every detail. Motion is perfectly smooth. Entertainment you love, with a little help from Google.
What do you want to watch? Google TV brings together films, shows and more from across your apps and subscriptions, and organises them just for you. You'll get suggestions based on what you like, and you can even use the Google TV app on your phone to curate your watchlist on the go. Dolby Atmos for cinematic sound.
Dolby Atmos pulls you in deeper by placing sound effects in the space around and above you. Whether it's spaceships flying overhead or quiet footsteps sneaking up from behind, you'll feel like you're right in the middle of the action. Ready for gaming. VRR and low input lag on any console.
HDMI VRR lets you get the best from your console, with fast gameplay and smooth graphics. VRR is supported, and a low-input-lag setting activates automatically when you turn on your console. Easily connect to smart home networks and voice assistants.
Seamless compatibility with Matter and Control4 means you can easily integrate this 4K Mini-LED TV into your existing smart home network. You can also use the TV remote to control your satellite or cable box or wake the Google Assistant, and the TV is compatible with Alexa-enabled* devices too. Remote made from recycled plastic. Responsible packaging.
With its almost bezel-free screen, this sleek 4K smart TV looks great in any room. The TV remote is made from recycled plastic, our packaging uses FSC-certified recycled cardboard and the inserts are printed on recycled paper. Compatible with Apple AirPlay.
Stream effortlessly to your TV from your iPhone, iPad or Mac. Watch films from apps. Share photos with friends in the room.
LongDescription ET - Taskukohane Mini-LED teler. Hiilgav ja eelarvesõbralik.
Julgemad värvid. Teravamad valged toonid. Sügavamad mustad toonid. Kvantpunkt Mini-LED tehnoloogia pakub eredat ja detailset pilti koos täpselt terava kontrastiga. Näed rohkem värve kui kunagi varem! P5 mootor täiustab kogu kogemust, pakkudes elutruud pilti, mis ei ole üleliia intensiivne.
Täiuslikkus igal allikal. Philips P5 mootor.
Philips P5 mootor tagab pildi, mis on sama hämmastav kui sinu lemmiksisu. Detailid on märgatavalt sügavamad, värvid elavad ja nahatoonid loomulikud. Kontrastsus on nii terav, et tunnetad iga detaili. Liikumine on ideaalselt sujuv.
Meelelahutus, mida armastad, Google'i abil.
Mida tahad vaadata? Google TV koondab filmid, saated ja muu sisu sinu rakendustest ja tellimustest ning korraldab need just sinu jaoks. Saad isikupärastatud soovitusi vastavalt oma eelistustele ning Google TV rakenduse abil oma telefonis saad luua vaatamisnimekirju ka liikvel olles.
Dolby Atmos kinemaatilise heli jaoks.
Dolby Atmos viib sind sügavamale, asetades heliefektid sinu ümber ja kohale. Olgu tegemist kosmoselaevadega, mis lendavad üle pea, või vaikselt hiilivate sammudega selja tagant – tunned end otse tegevuse keskel.
Valmis mängimiseks. VRR ja madal sisendviivitus igal konsoolil.
HDMI VRR võimaldab konsoolist maksimumi võtta, pakkudes kiiret mängukogemust ja sujuvat graafikat. VRR on toetatud ja madala sisendviivituse režiim aktiveerub automaatselt, kui konsool sisse lülitatakse.
Lihtne ühendus nutikodu võrkudega ja häälabilistega.
Ühilduvus Matteri ja Control4-ga võimaldab sul selle 4K Mini-LED teleri hõlpsasti oma nutikodu võrku integreerida. Teleri kaugjuhtimispulti saab kasutada satelliidi- või digiboksiga ning Google Assistanti äratamiseks. Lisaks on teler ühilduv ka Alexa-toega* seadmetega.
Kaugjuhtimispult valmistatud taaskasutatud plastikust. Keskkonnasõbralik pakend.
Peaaegu raamivaba ekraan muudab selle elegantse 4K nutiteleri sobivaks igasse ruumi. Teleri kaugjuhtimispult on valmistatud taaskasutatud plastikust, pakendamiseks kasutatakse FSC-sertifikaadiga taaskasutatud pappi ning sisestused on trükitud taaskasutatud paberile.
Ühildub Apple AirPlay-ga.
Voogedasta oma telerisse vaevata oma iPhone’ist, iPadist või Macist. Vaata filme rakendustest või jaga fotosid sõpradega otse oma teleris.
LongDescription LV - Par pieņemamu cenu Mini-LED televizors. Izcils un budžetam draudzīgi.
Drosmīgākas krāsas. Tīrāks baltais. Dziļāki melnie toņi. Quantum Dot Mini-LED tehnoloģija nodrošina spilgtu, detalizētu attēlu ar asu kontrastu — un jūs redzēsiet vairāk krāsu nekā jebkad agrāk! P5 dzinējs uzlabo visu pieredzi, lai iegūtu reālistisku attēlu, kas pārsteidz. Lai kāds būtu avots, vienmēr pilnība. Philips P5 dzinējs.
Philips P5 dzinējs nodrošina tikpat izcilu attēlu kā saturs, kas jums patiks. Detaļās ir ievērojami vairāk dziļuma. Krāsas ir spilgtas, bet ādas toņi izskatās dabiski. Kontrasts ir tik izteiksmīgs, ka jūs sajutīsiet katru detaļu. Kustība ir ideāli gluda. Izklaide, kas jums patiks, ar nelielu Google palīdzību.
Ko tu gribi skatīties? Google TV apkopo filmas, pārraides un citu saturu no jūsu lietotnēm un abonementiem, kā arī organizē tos tieši jums. Jūs saņemsiet ieteikumus, pamatojoties uz to, kas jums patīk, un jūs pat varat izmantot Google TV lietotni savā tālrunī, lai izveidotu skatīšanās sarakstu, atrodoties ceļā. Dolby Atmos kinematogrāfiskai skaņai.
Dolby Atmos ievelk jūs dziļāk, izvietojot skaņas efektus telpā ap un virs jums. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai tie ir kosmosa kuģi, kas lido virs galvas, vai klusi soļi, kas ložņā no aizmugures, jūs jutīsities kā notikumu vidū. Gatavs spēlēm. VRR un zema ievades aizkave jebkurā konsolē.
HDMI VRR ļauj iegūt labāko no jūsu konsoles ar ātru spēli un vienmērīgu grafiku. Tiek atbalstīts VRR, un, ieslēdzot konsoli, automātiski tiek aktivizēts zemas ievades kavēšanās iestatījums. Viegli izveidojiet savienojumu ar viedajiem mājas tīkliem un balss palīgiem.
Nevainojama saderība ar Matter un Control4 nozīmē, ka varat viegli integrēt šo 4K Mini-LED televizoru esošajā viedajā mājas tīklā. Tālvadības pults izgatavota no pārstrādātas plastmasas. Atbildīgs iepakojums.
Šis elegantais 4K viedtelevizors ar praktiski bezrāmja ekrānu, izskatās lieliski jebkurā telpā. Televizora tālvadības pults ir izgatavota no pārstrādāta plastmasas un Philips iepakojumā ir izmantots FSC sertificēts, otrreizēji pārstrādāts kartons, un ieliktņi ir drukāti uz pārstrādāta papīra. Savietojams ar Apple AirPlay.
Straumējiet bez piepūles savā televizorā no sava iPhone, iPad vai Mac. Skatieties filmas no lietotnēm. Kopīgojiet fotoattēlus ar draugiem telpā.
LongSummaryDescription - Philips 55PML8709. Display diagonal: 139.7 cm (55"), Display resolution: 3840 x 2160 pixels, HD type: 4K Ultra HD, Display technology: LED, Screen shape: Flat, LED backlighting type: Mini LED. Smart TV. Digital signal format system: DVB-C, DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T, DVB-T HD, DVB-T2. Wi-Fi, Ethernet LAN. Product colour: Grey
Management features - Auto power off - Yes
Management features - ECO mode - Yes
Management features - Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) - Yes
Management features - Works with Amazon Alexa - Yes
Management features - Works with the Google Assistant - Yes
Max speaker power (total) - 20 W
MediumDescription EN - Get more from all you watch and play with our most affordable Mini-LED smart TV! The super-lifelike picture and realistic Dolby Atmos sound dial up the atmosphere. Quantum dot technology reveals colours so vibrant you can feel them. • 55" QD MiniLED TV
• P5 Perfect Picture Engine
• Google TV™
• Dolby Atmos sound
MediumDescription ET - Saa kätte rohkem sellest, mida vaatad ja mängid, Philipsi kõige taskukohasema Mini-LED nutiteleriga! Ülimalt elutruu pilt ja realistlik Dolby Atmos heli loovad kaasahaarava atmosfääri. Kvantpunkt-tehnoloogia toob esile värvid, mis on nii elavad, et neid saab peaaegu tunda.
• 55" QD MiniLED TV
• P5 Perfect Picture Engine
• Google TV™
• Dolby Atmos heli
MediumDescription LV - Iegūstiet vairāk no visa, ko skatāties un spēlējiet, izmantojot Philips vispieejamāko Mini-LED viedo televizoru! Īpaši reālistisks attēls un reālistiskā Dolby Atmos skaņa rada satriecošu atmosfēru. Kvantu punktu tehnoloģija atklāj krāsas tik dinamiskas, ka tās var sajust. • 55 collu QD MiniLED televizors
• P5 Perfect Picture Engine
• Google TV™
• Dolby Atmos skaņa
Model - 55PML8709/12
Name - Philips 4K QD Mini-LED TV | 55PML8709/12 | 55" | Smart TV | Google TV | Grey
name - Telewizor 55 cali MINI LED 55PML8709/12
Name EN - TV Philips 55" MINILED
Name ET - TV Philips 55" MINILED
NameInWeb EN - Philips 8709, 55", Ultra HD, MiniLED, gray - TV
NameInWeb ET - Philips 8709, 55", Ultra HD, MiniLED, hall - Teler
NameInWeb LV - Philips 8709, 55", Ultra HD, MiniLED, pelēka - Televizors
Name LV - TV Philips 55" MINILED
NetWeight - 17.0000
Network - Bluetooth - Yes
Network - Bluetooth version - 5.0
Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Other features -
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - Yes
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 840.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 160.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 1360.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 5 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 1600.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 400.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 2.00 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.02 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Battery
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.18 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:2:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging data - Package depth - 160 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 840 mm
Packaging data - Package width - 1360 mm
Panel type - MINI LED
Performance - Audio formats supported - AAC, FLAC, MP3, WAV
Performance - Game features - Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM), Variable Refresh Rate (VRR)
Performance - Image formats supported - BMP, GIF, HEIF, PNG
Performance - Processor cores - 4
Performance - Subtitle formats supported - ASS, SMI, SRT, SSA, SUB, TXT
Performance - Teletext - 1000 pages
Performance - Teletext function - Yes
Picture enhancement - HDR
Picture enhancement - picture enhancement systems -
Ports & interfaces - Audio Return Channel (ARC) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Common interface Plus (CI+) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) - EasyLink
Ports & interfaces - Digital audio optical out - 1
Ports & interfaces - Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 1
Ports & interfaces - HDCP - Yes
Ports & interfaces - HDCP version - 2.3
Ports & interfaces - HDMI ports quantity - 3
Ports & interfaces - HDMI version - 2.1
Ports & interfaces - USB 2.0 ports quantity - 2
Power - AC input frequency - 50/60 Hz
Power - AC input voltage - 220 - 240 V
Power - energy consumption - 77
Power - Energy consumption (HDR) per 1000 hours - 126 kWh
Power - Energy consumption (SDR) per 1000 hours - 77 kWh
Power - Energy efficiency class (HDR) - G
Power - Energy efficiency class (SDR) - F
Power - Energy efficiency scale - A to G
Power - HDR energy consumption - 126
Power - Power consumption (standby) - 0.5 W
Processor -
producer - Philips
ProductCode - 55PML8709/12
ProductionCountry - CH
ProductName - 55PML8709
Resolution - 3840 x 2160
Screen - display screen type - Mini LED
Screen - HDR energy rating - G
Screen - panel resolution - 3840х2160 4K UHD
Screen - refresh rate - 60
Screen - screen backlight - Mini LED
Screen - screen size - 55" / 140 cm
Screen size (diag.) - 55"
ShortSummaryDescription - Philips 55PML8709, 139.7 cm (55"), 3840 x 2160 pixels, LED, Smart TV, Wi-Fi, Grey
Smart TV - yes
Smart TV - Apple AirPlay 2 support - Yes
Smart TV - Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV (HbbTV) - Yes
Smart TV - Internet TV - Yes
Smart TV - Operating system installed - Google TV
Smart TV - Smart TV - Yes
Smart TV - Sound mirroring - Yes
Smart TV - Video apps - Apple TV, Disney+, Netflix, YouTube
Smart TV > Operating system installed - Google TV
Smart TV > Smart TV - Yes
Software - operating system - Google TV
Sound - channels - 2.0
Sound - Sound power (RMS) - 20
Sound - sound technology - Dolby Digital, Dolby Atmos, DTS:X
Special functions -
System TV - Google TV
TariffNo - 85287240
Technical details > Gross weight - 17.50 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 15.50 kg
Technical details > Producer - Philips
Technical details > Producer product family - 4K QD Mini-LED TV
Technical details > Producer product name - 55PML8709/12
Technologies -
Teletext (memory) -
Title - Philips 55PML8709 TV 139.7 cm (55") 4K Ultra HD Smart TV Wi-Fi Grey
TV tuner - DVB-C
TV tuner - DVB-S
TV tuner - DVB-S2
TV tuner - DVB-T2/HEVC (H.265)
TV tuner - DVB-T MPEG-4 (H.264)
TV tuner - Digital signal format system - DVB-C, DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T, DVB-T HD, DVB-T2
TV tuner - Tuner type - Digital
TV tuner > Digital signal format system - DVB-T/T2/T2-HD/C/S/S2
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
vendpn - 55PML8709/12
VESA - 300 x 300
Viewing angle, horizontal - 178 °
Viewing angle, vertical - 178 °
Volume - 0.18278400
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
Weight - 15.2 kg
Weight & dimensions - Depth (without stand) - 82 mm
Weight & dimensions - Depth (with stand) - 246 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height (without stand) - 720 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height (with stand) - 738 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight (without stand) - 15.2 kg
Weight & dimensions - Weight (with stand) - 15.5 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width (without stand) - 1231 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width (with stand) - 1231 mm
Weight with stand - 15.5 kg
Width - 0.1600
Width - 1231 mm
WiFi - Yes
Wireless LAN features > Wi-Fi - Yes
615.66 €
Philips 55PML8709/12, 55"
Tālr. 67275758 gsm 26117175 (p.o.t.c.p. 9:00-18:00)
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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