Speedlink Daroc

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 637121 Product code: SL-810005-BK
In stock >50 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
27.62 €
Delivery options More about shipping
  • Delivery to Latvian post office or parcel locker free of charge: 09.04.2025
  • Delivery to address in Riga 3.99 €: 09.04.2025
  • Delivery to address in Latvia 6.99 €: 09.04.2025
  • Delivery to Dateks.lv parcel drop-off point at 9 Zemitāna Street: 07.04.2025 after 15:00
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Connection Type: Cable
  • Speakers: 2.0 (Stereo)
All parameters
Color : Black
Connection Type : Cable
Frequency range max, Hz : 20000
Frequency range min, Hz : 150
Lighting : Nav
Lighting Colour : N/A
Power supply : USB
Resistance, Ω : 8
RMS Jauda (W) : 12W
Sensitivity, dB : N/A
Speaker type : Aktīvais
Speakers 2.0 (Stereo)

The number of speakers in the acoustic system determines the volume of sound of the system you have selected. If you want to just listen to music and watch films or want to place speakers on the computer table you should choose 2.0 Stereo or 2.1 (stereo+subwoofer) speakers. If you want to enjoy the Dolby digital spatial sound when you are watching DVD films or playing EAX games you should buy the system of speakers 5.1 or above.

Volume control : Built in
Weight, kg : 0.565
Sound card
More detailed specification
barcode - 4027301889475
brand - SpeedLink
category_en - Audio
category_et - Audio
category_lv - Audio
category_ru - Аудио
depth - 9
description_en - Save space and enjoy sleek design and maximum practicality with a set of compact DAROC Stereo Speakers. They’ll take up hardly any of your precious space, and with their understated design they’ll blend in with any interior. They also feature smart dual-input connectivity on the front for a headset or a set of headphones. This means you can leave the speakers connected to the PC via their two jack plugs and still make video/audio calls or even listen to music undistributed – a huge plus-point, giving you maximum flexibility and saving you from the hassle of having to crawl around under the desk to swap cables. Two 3.5 mm jack plugs for audio-output device connectivity Combined volume control and on/off knob Front headphone and mic jack Red operating status LED indicator Soft foam feet for non-slip grip Output power (RMS): 6 W, 12 W peak power Drivers: 2 × 2.5" (6.35 cm) Frequency: 150–20 000 Hz Impedance: 2 × 4Ω Connection: 2 × 3.5 mm jack plugs, USB-A connector USB/jack-plug cable length: 2 m Cable length between satellites: 1 m Dimensions: 78 × 87 × 165 mm (W × D × H) Weight: 565 g
description_et - Kompaktse disainiga Daroc stereokõlarid ühendavad endas stiilselt tagasihoidliku disaini ning täieliku praktilisuse. USB ja 2 × 3,5 mm pistikud võimaldavad kõlareid kasutada nii arvuti kui nutitelefoniga. Tänu oma kompaktsele disainile ei võta kõlarid laual liialt ruumi ning esipaneelil asetsevad kõrvaklapi- ja mikrofonipesad võimaldavad teisi häirimata maha pidada videokõnesid nii, et ei pea kõlareid arvuti tagant lahti ühendama – lihtsalt ühenda kõrvaklapid kõlaritega. USB ja 2 × 3,5 mm pistikud Pöördlüliti helitugevuse reguleerimiseks Esipaneelil kõrvaklapi- ja mikrofonipesad Punane LED indikaatortuli Pehmed libisemiskindlad jalad Võimsus: 6 W RMS, 12 W max Elemendid: 2 × 2,5" (6,35 cm) Sagedusdiapasoon: 150–20 000 Hz Takistus: 2 × 4Ω Kaabli pikkus: 2 meetrit Kõlaritevahelise kaabli pikkus: 1 meeter Mõõtmed: 78 × 87 × 165 mm Kaal: 565 g
description_lv - Taupiet vietu, izbaudiet nogludinātas formas un maksimālu praktiskumu ar kompaktajiem Speedlink DAROC stereo skaļruņiem. Šie skaļruņi tik tikko aizņem vērtīgo vietu uz jūsu rakstāmgalda, savukārt to minimālistiskais dizains lieliski ierakstās jebkurā interjerā. Skaļruņa priekšpusē pieejami divi ieejas savienojumi — mikrofonam un austiņām. Tādējādi varat atstāt skaļruņus savienotus ar datoru caur diviem spraudņiem un tai pat laikā veikt video/audio zvanus vai klausīties mūziku — milzīgs bonuss, kas nodrošina maksimālu elastību un aiztaupa kaitinošu vadu pārslēgšanu. Divi 3,5 mm ligzdas spraudņi savienojumam ar skaņas izvades ierīciKombinētā skaļuma un ieslēgšanas/izslēgšanas vadības pogaAustiņu un mikrofona ligzda priekšpusēSarkans darbības statusa LED indikatorsMīkstas putu kājiņas neslīdošai saķereiIzejas jauda (RMS): 6 W, 12 W maks. jaudaDraiveri: 2 × 2,5" (6,35 cm)Frekvenču diapazons: 150–20 000 HzPretestība: 2 × 4ΩSavienojums: 2 × 3,5 mm ligzdas spraudņi, USB-A savienotājsUSB/spraudņa kabeļa garums: 2 mKabeļa garums starp satelītskaļruņiem: 1 mIzmēri: 78 × 87 × 165 mm (plat. × dziļ. × augst.)Svars: 565 g
description_ru -
description_short_en - Compact stereo speakers Power: 6 W RMS Volume control & non-slip feet Headphone & mic jacks on the front Connection: USB & 2 × 3,5 mm plug
description_short_et - Kompaktsed stereokõlarid Võimsus: 6 W RMS Helitugevuse regulaator & libisemiskindlad jalad Esipaneelil kõrvaklapi- ja mikrofonipesad Ühendus: USB ja 2 × 3,5 mm pistik
description_short_lv - Kompakti stereo skaļruņiJauda: 6 W RMS Skaļuma vadība un neslīdošas kājiņas Austiņu un mikrofona ieeja priekšpusēSavienojums: USB un 2 x 3,5 mm spraudņi
description_short_ru -
feature_group_en - Speakers
feature_group_et - Kõlarid
feature_group_lv - Skaļruņi
feature_group_ru - Колонки
gross_weight - 0.71
Kõlar - Kaal - 565 g
Kõlar - Sagedusdiapasoon - 150 – 20 000 Hz
Kõlar - Võimsus - 6 W RMS
Kõlar - Ühendus - 2 × 3,5 mm
Kõlar - Ühendus - USB
manufacturer_code - SL-810005-BK
name_en - Speedlink speakers Daroc (SL-810005-BK)
name_et - Speedlink kõlarid Daroc (SL-810005-BK)
name_lv - Speedlink skaļruņi Daroc (SL-810005-BK)
name_ru - Speedlink колонки Daroc (SL-810005-BK)
net_weight - 0.638
Speaker - Connector - 2 × 3.5 mm
Speaker - Connector - USB
Speaker - Frekvenču diapazons - 150 – 20 000 Hz
Speaker - Frequency response - 150 – 20 000 Hz
Speaker - Izejas jauda - 6 W RMS
Speaker - Power output - 6 W RMS
Speaker - Savienojums - 2 × 3,5 mm
Speaker - Savienojums - USB
Speaker - Svars - 565 g
Speaker - Weight - 565 g
Колонк - Вес - 565 г
Колонк - Диапазон частот - 150 – 20 000 Гц
Колонк - Мощность - 6 W RMS
Колонк - Соединение - 2 × 3,5 мм
Колонк - Соединение - USB
27.62 €
Speedlink Daroc
Tālr. 67275758 gsm 26117175 (p.o.t.c.p. 9:00-18:00)
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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