Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 1142637 Product code: 5013701005
In stock 1 units
Warranty: 3 years
3,462.88 €
Delivery options More about shipping
  • Delivery to Smartpost free of charge: on Thuesday, 29.10.2024
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel machine free of charge: on Thuesday, 29.10.2024
  • Piegāde uz DPD Pickup Paku Skapi free of charge: on Thuesday, 29.10.2024
  • Delivery to Latvian post office, parcel locker or Circle K free of charge: on Thuesday, 29.10.2024
  • Delivery to address in Riga 3.99 €: on Thuesday, 29.10.2024
  • Delivery to address in Latvia 6.99 €: on Thuesday, 29.10.2024
  • Delivery to parcel drop-off point at 9 Zemitāna Street: on Friday, 25.10.2024 after 15:00
More detailed specification
AC Charging - 2900 Watts
AC Outputs Output power connectors - 4
AC output specs - 4000W; 6000w BOOST
Akupank - Aku tüüp - LiFePO4
Akupank - Laadimine - Autolaadijaga
Akupank - Laadimine - Päikesepaneeli kaudu
Akupank - Laadimine - Seinalaadija
Akupank - Laadimisaeg - 1 tund
Akupank - Mahutavus - 4096 Wh
Akupank - Muud sisendid - Autolaadija 12,6 V / 8 A 100 W
Akupank - Muud sisendid - Päikesepaneel
Akupank - Muud väljundid - 4 × AC
Akupank - Muud väljundid - DC5521 12,6 V
Akupank - Sisendpesad - Vahelduvvool
Akupank - USB väljund - 2,4 A
Akupank - USB väljund 2 - 5 A
Akupank - USB väljundpesade arv - 4
Akupank - Väljundpesad - AC
Akupank - Väljundpesad - DC
Akupank - Väljundpesad - USB
Akupank - Väljundpesad - USB-C
Akupank - Väljundvõimsus - 4000 W
barcode - 4895251622622
Battery - Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP)
Battery capacity - 4096 Wh
brand - EcoFlow
Car Power Output power connectors - 1
Category Code - PWS
category_en - Energy
category_et - Energia
category_lv - Enerģija
category_ru - Энергия
CnCode CnCode - 85076000
Cycle life - 4000
DC Charging - 2600 Watts
Description - EcoFlow DELTA Pro 3 Portable Power Station Powerful and Versatile - 4000W single-unit output to power almost all of your home appliances. Expandable Capacity - 4–12kWh, tailored to your energy needs. Quiet Operation - With a volume as low as 30 dB (under 2000W). Easy to Use - Plug-and-play design for hassle-free setup. Fast Charging - Charges 80% in just one hour. Multiple Charging Methods - Supports combo charging methods for maximum flexibility.
description_en - Powerful and Versatile: 4000 W single-unit output to power almost all of your home appliances. Expandable Capacity: 4–12 kWh, tailored to your energy needs. Quiet Operation: With a volume as low as 30 dB (under 2000W). Easy to Use: Plug-and-play design for hassle-free setup. Fast Charging: Charges 80% in just one hour. Multiple Charging Methods: Supports combo charging methods for maximum flexibility. Ensures Essential Appliances Keep Working
A single source to power almost all of your essential home appliances. Power high-demand appliances — from central AC to 1 HP water pump — with robust 4000 W output. Keep your kitchen buzzing and essential systems like garage doors running, all powered simultaneously and reliably by EcoFlow. Expandable Capacity up to 12 kWh
Easily run multiple appliances at the same time. Connect in parallel to expand power up to 12,000 W, supporting multiple high-power appliances simultaneously. No constant unplugging or switching required. A Comprehensive 10 ms UPS
Safeguard your data. It ensures swift 10 ms switch-overs, protecting your NAS systems, servers, and entertainment devices from power disruptions and keeping your technology safe and continuously powered. Quiet Comfort for Your Home and Neighbours
It's whisper-quiet with X-Quiet technology, ensuring a peaceful hum*, promising you a night of peaceful sleep even if you keep it beside your bed. It's so silent that you'll hardly notice it's there. Charge Fast, Everywhere
Introducing EcoFlow's groundbreaking X-Stream fast charging technology, setting a new industry standard. Charge from 0–80% in just one hour. With multi-charge combinations, enjoy up to 7000 W of super-fast charging. State-of-the-art LFP Tech
Crafted with automotive-grade LFP cells, the EcoFlow DELTA Pro 3 features the industry's first IP65-rated battery pack, ensuring resilience against impacts, water, dust, and fire risks. With 4000 cycles to 80%, that's power every day for 11 years*.
Experience dependable performance in any weather, ensuring peace of mind in every situation.
*Tested under controlled laboratory conditions with charging and discharging at 0.5C rate under 25℃ conditions BMS powered by ground-breaking X-Guard
Trust the Battery Management System powered by X-Guard to monitor your battery's 40 safety indicators 24/7, providing warnings and active protection around the clock. Manage it all through the app for smart, secure energy. Revolutionising Durable Construction
EcoFlow's pioneering Cell-to-Chassis (CTC) integration fortifies the EcoFlow DELTA Pro 3. This design, combined with a UL-certified 5VA grade fireproof shell, redefines industry standards for resilience and protection. 5 Years Warranty, Zero Worries
Outlasting and outperforming, EcoFlow offers a 5-year warranty across the board, surpassing traditional gas generators and aligning with the elite in portable power. Experience streamlined support from our customer service, ensuring swift solutions and minimal downtime. It's a commitment to quality, redefined. Capacity: 4096 Wh Battery Chemistry: LiFePo4 (LFP) Cycle Life: 4000 cycles to 80% capacity Connection: Wi-Fi 2.4GHz/Bluetooth/CAN Supports up to two DELTA Pro 3 Smart Extra Batteries/DELTA Pro Smart Extra Batteries Outputs: 4 × AC (4000 W max/8000 W surge) 1 × AC CEE 16A: 230V/16A 2 × USB-A, 5V 2.4 A/9V 2 A/12V 1.5 A (18 W max) 2 × USB-C, 5/9/12/15/20V 5A (100 W max) 1 × DC5521 (5 A max) 1 × Anderson Port (30 A max) Input: AC Charging 200-240V ~12.5A, 50/60Hz 2900 W max Solar charging 2600W, 2 ports (HPV: 30-150V/15A, 1600W max & LPV: 11-60V/20A, 1000 W max) Car Charging 12V 8A max/48V 20A max. Included: EcoFlow DELTA Pro 3 Portable Power Station EcoFlow AC Charging Cable Grip Protector
description_et - Võimas ja mitmekülgne: 4000 W väljund peaaegu kõigi Su koduseadmete toiteks. Laiendatav võimsus: 4–12 kWh, kohandatud Sinu energiavajadustele. Vaikne töö: helitugevusega kuni 30 dB (alla 2000 W). Lihtne kasutada: Plug-and-play disain probleemidevabaks seadistamiseks. Kiirlaadimine: laeb 80% vaid ühe tunniga. Mitu laadimismeetodit: toetab kombineeritud laadimismeetodeid maksimaalse paindlikkuse tagamiseks. Hoia oma olulised seadmed alati töös
Üksainus toiteallikas peaaegu kõigi oluliste kodumasinate toiteks. 4000 W võimsusega laadimisjaab tuleb toime ka nõudlike seadmetega – alates tsentraalsest kliimasüsteemist kuni veepumpadeni. Hoia töös kõik olulised süsteemid, nagu köögitehnika, garaažiuksed jm – kõik saavad töötavad samaaegselt ja usaldusväärselt tänu EcoFlow laadimisjaamale. Laiendatav võimsus kuni 12 kWh
Hoia mitmeid seadmeid korraga töös. Lisa laadimisjaamale lisaakusid, et suurendada võimsust kuni 12 000 W, toetades samaaegselt mitut suure võimsusega seadet. Pole vaja pidevat lahtiühendamist ega ümberlülitamist. Põhjalik 10 ms UPS
Kaitse oma andmeid. EcoFlow DELTA Pro 3 tagab kiired 10 ms ümberlülitused, kaitstes Sinu NAS-süsteeme, servereid ja meelelahutusseadmeid voolukatkestuste eest ning hoides Su tehnoloogia turvalisena ja pidevalt ühenduses. Vaikne mugavus
Tänu X-Quiet tehnoloogiale on laadimisjaam vaikne, vaid vaikse suminaga*, tagades rahuliku une isegi siis, kui hoiad seda voodi kõrval. See on nii vaikne, et Sa vaevalt märkad, et see seal on.
*Kuni 30 dB. Lae kiiresti, kõikjal
EcoFlow murranguline X-Stream kiirlaadimistehnoloogia loob uue tööstusstandardi. Lae 0–80% vaid ühe tunniga. Mitme laadimise kombinatsiooniga saad nautida kuni 7000 W ülikiiret laadimist. Kaasaegne LFP tehnoloogia
Autotööstuses kasutatavate LFP-elementidega valmistatud EcoFlow DELTA Pro 3 laadimisjaamal on tööstuse esimene IP65-reitinguga aku, mis tagab vastupidavuse löökide, vee, tolmu ja tuleohu vastu. 4000 tsükliga kuni 80% tähendab igapäevast tööd tervelt 11 aasta jooksul*. Naudi usaldusväärset jõudlust iga ilmaga, tagades meelerahu igas olukorras.
*Testitud kontrollitud laboritingimustes laadimise ja tühjendamise kiirusega 0,5C 25 °C tingimustes Murranguline X-Guard
Akuhaldussüsteem X-Guard võimaldab jälgida aku 40 ohutusnäidikut, pakkudes hoiatusi ja aktiivset kaitset ööpäevaringselt. Halda seda kõike telefonirakenduse kaudu. Revolutsiooniline vastupidav konstruktsioon
EcoFlow teedrajav Cell-to-Chassis (CTC) integratsioon tugevdab EcoFlow DELTA Pro 3 laadimisjaama. See disain koos UL-sertifikaadiga 5VA klassi tulekindla korpusega määratleb uuesti tööstuse vastupidavuse ja kaitse standardid. 5-aastane garantii, null muret
EcoFlow pakub 5-aastast üldist garantiid. Aku mahutavus: 4096 Wh Aku tüüp: LiFePo4 (LFP) Aku eluiga: 4000 tsüklit kuni 80% võimsuseni Ühendus: Wi-Fi 2,4 GHz/Bluetooth/CAN Toetab kuni kahte DELTA Pro 3 nutikat lisaakut/DELTA Pro nutikat lisaakut Väljundpesad: 4 × AC (4000 W max/8000 W tippvõimsus) 1 × AC CEE 16A: 230V/16A 2 × USB-A, 5 V 2,4 A / 9 V 2 A / 12 V 1,5 A (max 18 W) 2 × USB-C, 5/9/12/15/20V 5A (max 100 W) 1 × DC5521 (max 5 A) 1 × Anderson (max 30 A) Sisendpesad: Seinalaadija pesa 200-240V ~12,5A, 50/60HZ (2900 W max) Päikeselaadimine 2600W, 2 porti (HPV: 30-150V/15A, max 1600W ja LPV: 11-60V/20A, max 1000W) Autolaadimine 12V 8A max/48V 20A max Komplekti sisu: EcoFlow DELTA Pro 3 kaasaskantav laadimisjaam EcoFlow AC laadimiskaabel Käepideme kaitse
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Portable charging station 4096 Wh capacity & 4000 W output power Supports charging up to 13 devices simultaneously Charges to 80% in just one hour EcoFlow app, Bluetooth & WiFi
description_short_et - Kaasaskantav laadimisjaam 4096 Wh mahutavus & 4000 W väljundvõimsus Rohkelt väljundpesasid, ülivaikne ja turvaline töö Laeb 80%-ni kõigest ühe tunniga EcoFlow mobiilirakendus, Bluetooth & WiFi
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Портативная зарядная станцияЕмкость 4096 Втч и выходная мощность 4000 ВтМножество выходных розеток, чрезвычайно тихая и безопасная работаЗаряжается до 80% всего за часМобильное приложение EcoFlow, Bluetooth и Wi-Fi
Dimensions - 693×341×410 mm
Extra battery support - 2
feature_group_en - Power banks
feature_group_et - Akupangad
feature_group_lv - Lādētāji-akumulatori
feature_group_ru - Портативные аккумуляторы
Full Description Line - Power station|Battery Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP)|Capacity 4096 Wh|Max output 4000 Watts|4xAC Outputs|2xUSB-A|1xCar Power|2xUSB-C|Solar Charging 2600W, 2 ports: HPV: 30-150V/15A, 1600W max.; LPV: 11-60V/20A, 1000W max.|AC Charging 2900 Watts|DC Charging 2600 Watts|Cycle life 4000|Extra battery support 2|Wireless connections WLAN/Bluetooth|Dimensions 693×341×410 mm|Weight 51.5 kg
General - Color - Black
General - Height (mm) - 410
General - Length (mm) - 693
General - Package contents - Charging hub
General - Package contents - Grip protector
General - Package contents - Power cable
General - Package contents - Quick Start guide
General - Package contents - Safety guide
General - Package contents - Warranty card
General - Weight (g) - 51 500
General - Width (mm) - 341
Lādētājs-akumulators - Akumulatora tips - LiFePO4
Lādētājs-akumulators - Ieejas pieslēgvietas - Alternating current
Lādētājs-akumulators - Ietilpība - 4096 Wh
Lādētājs-akumulators - Izejas jauda - 4000 W
Lādētājs-akumulators - Izejas pieslēgvietas - AC
Lādētājs-akumulators - Izejas pieslēgvietas - DC
Lādētājs-akumulators - Izejas pieslēgvietas - USB
Lādētājs-akumulators - Izejas pieslēgvietas - USB-C
Lādētājs-akumulators - Other inputs - Car charger 12.6 V / 8 A 100 W
Lādētājs-akumulators - Other inputs - Solar panel
Lādētājs-akumulators - Other outputs - 4 × AC
Lādētājs-akumulators - Other outputs - DC5521 12.6 V
Lādētājs-akumulators - USB izeja - 2,4 A
Lādētājs-akumulators - USB izeja 2 - 5 A
Lādētājs-akumulators - USB pieslēgvietu skaits - 4
Lādētājs-akumulators - Uzlāde - Sienas lādētājs
Lādētājs-akumulators - Uzlāde - Solar panel
Lādētājs-akumulators - Uzlāde - Via car charger
Lādētājs-akumulators - Uzlādes laiks - 1 hour
manufacturer_code - 5013701005
name_en - EcoFlow charging station DELTA Pro 3
name_et - EcoFlow akupank-laadimisjaam DELTA Pro 3
name_lv - EcoFlow charging station DELTA Pro 3
name_ru - EcoFlow аккумуляторный банк-зарядная станция DELTA Pro 3
Power bank - Battery type - LiFePO4
Power bank - Capacity - 4096 Wh
Power bank - Charging - Solar panel
Power bank - Charging - Via car charger
Power bank - Charging - Wall charger
Power bank - Charging time - 1 hour
Power bank - Input ports - Alternating current
Power bank - Other inputs - Car charger 12.6 V / 8 A 100 W
Power bank - Other inputs - Solar panel
Power bank - Other outputs - 4 × AC
Power bank - Other outputs - DC5521 12.6 V
Power bank - Output ports - AC
Power bank - Output ports - DC
Power bank - Output ports - USB
Power bank - Output ports - USB-C
Power bank - Output power - 4000 W
Power bank - USB number of output ports - 4
Power bank - USB output - 2.4 A
Power bank - USB output 2 - 5 A
Product Type - Power station
Shipping box quantity - 1
Solar Charging - 2600W, 2 ports: HPV: 30-150V/15A, 1600W max.; LPV: 11-60V/20A, 1000W max.
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.164 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 55 kg
Unit Net Weight - 51.5 kg
USB-A Output power connectors - 2
USB-C Output power connectors - 2
Vendor Homepage -
Vispārīgi - Augstums (mm) - 410
Vispārīgi - Garums (mm) - 693
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Barošanas kabelis
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Grip protector
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Safety guide
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Uzlādes dokstacija
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Warranty card
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Īsā pamācība
Vispārīgi - Krāsa - Melna / sudrabota
Vispārīgi - Platums (mm) - 341
Vispārīgi - Svars (g) - 51 500
Warranty - 60 months
Wattage - 4000 Watts
Wireless connections - Bluetooth/WLAN
Üldine - Kaal (g) - 51 500
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Garantii kaart
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Kiirjuhend
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Käepideme kaitse
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Laadimisjaam
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Ohutusjuhis
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Toitekaabel
Üldine - Kõrgus (mm) - 410
Üldine - Laius (mm) - 341
Üldine - Pikkus (mm) - 693
Üldine - Värvus - Must
Общие характеристики - Вес (г) - 51 500
Общие характеристики - Высота (мм) - 410
Общие характеристики - Длина (мм) - 693
Общие характеристики - Комплектация - Быстрая инструкция
Общие характеристики - Комплектация - Гарантийная карта
Общие характеристики - Комплектация - Зарядный док
Общие характеристики - Комплектация - Защита ручки
Общие характеристики - Комплектация - Инструкция по безопасности
Общие характеристики - Комплектация - Кабель питания
Общие характеристики - Цвет - Черный
Общие характеристики - Ширина (мм) - 341
Портативный зарядный банк - USB Выход - 2,4 A
Портативный зарядный банк - USB Выход 2 - 5 A
Портативный зарядный банк - USB Количество портов - 4
Портативный зарядный банк - Время зарядки - 1 час
Портативный зарядный банк - Выходная мощность - 4000 W
Портативный зарядный банк - Емкость - 4096 Wh
Портативный зарядный банк - Зарядка - Настенная зарядка
Портативный зарядный банк - Зарядка - С автомобильной зарядкой
Портативный зарядный банк - Зарядка - Солнечная панель
Портативный зарядный банк - Прочие входы - Автомобильная зарядка 12.6 V / 8 A 100 W
Портативный зарядный банк - Прочие входы - Солнечная панель
Портативный зарядный банк - Прочие выходы - 4 × AC
Портативный зарядный банк - Прочие выходы - DC5521 12.6 V
Портативный зарядный банк - Разъемы входа - Переменный поток
Портативный зарядный банк - Разъемы выхода - AC
Портативный зарядный банк - Разъемы выхода - DC
Портативный зарядный банк - Разъемы выхода - USB
Портативный зарядный банк - Разъемы выхода - USB-C
Портативный зарядный банк - Тип аккумулятора - LiFePO4
3,462.88 €
Tālr. 67275758 gsm 26117175 (p.o.t.c.p. 9:00-18:00)
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