Accessories included - Computer mouse Unifying receiver USB-C charging cable (USB-A to USB-C) User documentation
Battery - Lithium-Ion polymer rechargeable
Battery Technology - Lithium Ion Polymer
Bluetooth Interface - Yes
Box Height (mm) - 221 mm
Box Length (mm) - 232 mm
Box Weight Brutto (kg) - 1.52 kg
Box Width (mm) - 173 mm
BrandCode - LOGITECH
Breite - 0.15
Cable Included - Charge Cable
Category - Datoru piederumi :: Perifērijas ierīces :: Datorpeles
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Mice and touchpads
Category 1 - Eingabegeräte
Category 2 - Mäuse
Category Code - MOU
Category_1 - Mice and Keyboards
Category_2 - Wireless Mice
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer peripherals > Mouses
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Peles
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Peles
Code - 910-005448
Color - Black
Color - Silver
Connection - Wireless
Connection - connector type - Bluetooth
Connection - connector type - USB-A
Connection - connector type - USB-C
Connection type - USB, Bluetooth
Connectivity Technology - Bluetooth
Depth - 79 mm
Depth (mm) - 120 mm
Desc - Tips: Optiskā, Pieslēgums: Bezvadu, Pieslēguma veids: Bluetooth, Kategorija: Ergonomiskās, Pogu skaits: 5, Krāsa: Melna, Barošana: Akumulators, DPI jutība: 4000 dpi, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description -
Description - ERGONOMICS MEETS PERFORMANCE MX Vertical is an advanced ergonomic mouse that combines science-driven design with the elevated performance of Logitech’s MX series. Rise above discomfort with a mouse designed to reduce muscle strain, decrease wrist pressure, and improve posture.
description_en - Logitech MX Vertical
Form Factor: Right Handed
Motion detection technology: Optical
Device interface: RF wireless communication + Bluetooth
Motion resolution: 4000 DPI
Button type: Push buttons
Scroll Type: Wheel
Power source: Batteries
Color: Graphite
description_lv - Logitech MX Vertical
Formas faktors: Labā roka
Kustības uztveršanas tehnoloģija: Optisks
Ierīces interfeiss: RF bezvadu sakari + Bluetooth
Kustības izšķirtspēja: 4000 DPI
Pogu veids: Spiedpogas
Ritināšanas veids: Ritenis
Jaudas avots: Baterijas
Krāsa: Grafīts
description_ru - Logitech MX Vertical
Форм-фактор: правша
Технология обнаружения движения: Оптическая
Интерфейс устройства: беспроводная радиочастотная связь + Bluetooth
Разрешение движения: 4000 точек на дюйм
Тип кнопки: Кнопки
Тип прокрутки: Колесо
Источник питания: Батареи
Цвет: Графит
Design - Ergonomic design - Yes
Design - Product colour - Graphite
Design > Colour of product - Graphite
Designation - CE+WEEE
Device Location - External
dimensionalWeight - 387
dimension depth - 90 mm
dimension height - 200 mm
Dimensions - 78.5 mm x 79 mm x 120 mm
Dimensions - 78.5 x 79 x 120 mm
Dimensions - depth - 12
Dimensions - height - 7.85
Dimensions - weight - 0.135
Dimensions - width - 7.9
dimension weight - 360 g
dimension width - 160 mm
DPI Adjustment Step - 50 dpi
EAN - 5099206081901
ean - 5099206081901
EAN Code - 5099206081901
EANCode - 5099206081901
Eans - 5099206081901
EAN_code - 5099206081901
Ergonomics - Cable length - 1.3 m
Ergonomics - Wireless range - 10 m
Ergonomics > Ergonomic design - Yes
Ergonomics > Rechargeable - Yes
External Color - Graphite
Frequency - 2.4 GHz
Full Description Line - USB 2.0|Bluetooth|Optical|1600 dpi|Number of buttons 4|Battery Lithium-Ion polymer rechargeable|Included Accessories Unifying receiver,USB-C charging cable (USB-A to USB-C),User documentation|Dimensions 78.5 mm x 79 mm x 120 mm|Weight 0.135 kg
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - device type - cordless mouse
General parameters - manufacturer - Logitech
Gewicht - 0.34
GrossWeight - 0.3600
Gross Weight Kg - 0,38
gross_weight - 0.12 kg
GRUPPE1 - Input Devices
GRUPPE2 - Mouse
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - external
Height - 0.1500
Height - 78.5 mm
Height (mm) - 78.5 mm
Hoehe - 0.09
HSTNUMMER - 910-005448
Illumination - No
Image -
Image -
Image -
Image -
ImageUrl -
Included Accessories - Unifying receiver,
USB-C charging cable (USB-A to USB-C),
User documentation
Included Accessories - User Guide Unifying Receiver
Input device > Scroll - Precision wheel
Interface -
WirelessUSB Type-CBluetooth
Interface - USB
Key/Button Functions - Back, Forward, DPI cycling button
Laenge - 0.2
LargeDescHTML - ERGONOMICS MEETS PERFORMANCEMX Vertical is an advanced ergonomic mouse that combines science-driven design with the elevated performance of Logitech’s MX series.
Rise above discomfort with a mouse designed to reduce muscle strain, decrease wrist pressure, and improve posture.NATURAL HANDSHAKE POSITIONMX Vertical’s natural handshake position reduces muscular strain by 10 percent1 and promotes a more ergonomic posture.57° VERTICAL ANGLE FOR IMPROVED WRIST POSTUREMX Vertical’s unique 57° vertical angle reduces the pressure on your wrist, while your thumb is positioned comfortably on the thumb rest.USER TESTED. ERGONOMIST-APPROVED.MX Vertical has been designed and tested with criteria set out by leading ergonomists – improving posture, lowering muscle strain, and reducing wrist pressure.4X LESS HAND MOVEMENTAdvanced optical tracking with a dedicated cursor speed switch results in 4x less hand movement2 – reducing muscle and hand fatigue.
Cursor speed and accuracy can be customized in Logitech Options.COMFORT FORM WITH TEXTURED SURFACEMX Vertical is shaped for the human hand and smooth to the touch.
Its unique form is designed to fit a variety of hand shapes and sizes, while the textured rubber surface assures a solid and natural grip.ELEVATED PERFORMANCELogitech’s MX mice are engineered for masters of their craft who want to get more done, more efficiently.
Logitech Flow allows you to seamlessly control multiple computers – and you can customize buttons, set application-specific functions, and adjust cursor speed via Logitech Options software.CURSOR SPEED SWITCHChange the speed and accuracy of your cursor for optimal control with a press of a button.
MX Vertical features a best-in-class 4000 DPI high-precision sensor, resulting in 4x less hand movement.2PREMIUM SCROLL WHEELGet things done quicker with a precision scroll wheel featuring a convenient middle click.FAST RECHARGINGStay powered for up to four months on a full charge – and get three hours of use from a one-minute quick charge. Use the USB-C charging cable to top up the power.3EASY-SWITCH™AND FLOW-ENABLEDPair up to three devices and effortlessly switch between them with the tap of a button or by simply moving the cursor from one screen to another with Logitech Flow.4THREE WAYS TO CONNECTConnect MX Vertical via the included USB-C charging cable, Logitech Unifying Receiver, or Bluetooth®.
For the best product experience with Bluetooth, please upgrade your computer’s operating system to the latest version.As compared with a traditional non-vertical mouse.As compared with a traditional mouse with 1000 DPI sensor.Battery life may vary based on user and computing conditions.Requires Logitech® Options™software, available at
Length - 0.0900
Link -
Localization - EMEA
LongDesc -
MX Vertical is an advanced ergonomic mouse that combines science-driven design with the elevated performance of Logitech’s MX series. Rise above discomfort with a mouse designed to reduce muscle strain, decrease wrist pressure, and improve posture. NATURAL HANDSHAKE POSITION
MX Vertical’s natural handshake position reduces muscular strain by 10 percent and promotes a more ergonomic posture. MX Vertical’s unique 57° vertical angle reduces the pressure on your wrist, while your thumb is positioned comfortably on the thumb rest. 4X LESS HAND MOVEMENT
Advanced optical tracking with a dedicated cursor speed switch results in 4x less hand movement – reducing muscle and hand fatigue. FAST RECHARGING
Stay powered for up to four months on a full charge – and get three hours of use from a one-minute quick charge. Use the USB-C charging cable to top up the power. THREE WAYS TO CONNECT
Connect MX Vertical via the included USB-C charging cable, Logitech Unifying Receiver, or Bluetooth®.
MX Vertical hiirt kasutades hoiad oma kätt naturaalses käesurumise asendis. See vähendab survet lihastele 10 protsendi võrra ning seega tagab palju ergonoomilisema käeasetuse. Hiirt kasutades on Sinu käsi 57° vertikaalse nurga all. 4X VÄHEM LIIKUMIST
Hiire ergonoomika koostöös arenenud optilise sensoriga tagab 4x vähem käeliigutusi. Sedasi suudad töötada kauem ning vähendada survet oma käele. KIIRLAADIMINE
Ühe laadimisega peab hiir vastu kuni 4 kuud ning kõigest 1-minutilise kiirlaadimisega saad juurde 3 tundi kasutamisaega. Hiire laadimine toimub komplektis oleva USC-C kaabli abil. KOLM VÕIMALUST ÜHENDAMISEKS
Ühenda MX Vertical oma arvuti külge kasutades USB-C kaablit, Logitech USB saatjat või Bluetooth'i.
LongDescription LV - Plaukstas dabiskais stāvoklis
MX Vertical Mouse nodrošina plaukstu dabisko stāvokli - līdzīgi kā rokasspiediena gadījumā - un samazina muskuļu slodzi par 10 procentiem, padarot plaukstas izvietojumu ērtāku. Vertikālais 57° leņķis nodrošina ērtu plaukstas stāvokli
MX Vertical modeļa iezīme ir dizains ar vertikālu 57° leņķi. Tā slodze uz rokas un plaukstas tiek samazināta, bet īkšķis ir ērti novietots. Roku kustību skaits samazinājās par 4 reizēm
Pateicoties progresīvai optiskās izsekošanas tehnoloģijai un īpašajam kursora ātruma pārslēdzim, ir izdevies samazināt rokas kustību skaitu 4 reizēs. Tas samazina muskuļu spriedzes līmeni un novērš nogurumu. Kursora ātrumu un precizitāti var pielāgot, izmantojot Logitech Options programmatūru. Augsta produktivitāte
Logitech MX sērijas peles ir paredzētas profesionāļiem, kuri vēlas veikt daudzus uzdevumus un sasniegt lieliskus rezultātus. Tās atbalsta Logitech Flow tehnoloģiju, kas ļauj ērti strādāt ar vairākiem datoriem vienlaicīgi. Turklāt, izmantojot Logitech Options programmatūru, varat pielāgot peles pogas, noteikt lietojumprogrammu funkcijas, kā arī iestatīt vēlamo kursora ātrumu. Kursora ātruma pārslēdzējs
Mainiet kursora ātrumu un pozicionēšanas precizitāti, optimizējot vadību, piespiežot tikai vienu pogu. MX Vertical pele ir aprīkota ar labākās klases sensoru ar 4000 dpi jutību, kas samazina roku kustību skaitu 4 reizēs. Uzlabots ritināšanas ritenis
Augstas precizitātes ritināšanas ritenis ļauj ātri pārvietoties pa datora ekrānu un to var izmantot kā centrālo pogu. Ātra uzlāde
Pilnībā uzlādēta pele darbojas līdz pat 4 mēnešiem bez papildu uzlādes. Bet uzlādējot to vienu minūti, jūs nodrošināsiet sev veselas 3 stundas darbības. Lai uzlādētu ierīci, izmantojiet USB kabeli. EASY-SWITCH ™ un FLOW tehnoloģiju atbalsts
Logitech Flow tehnoloģija ļauj savienot līdz trim ierīcēm un viegli pārslēgties starp tām, nospiežot pogu vai viegli pārvietojot kursoru no viena ekrāna uz citu. Trīs veidi, kā izveidot savienojumu
Pieslēdziet MX Vertical peli, izmantojot komplektācijā iekļauto USB-C uzlādes kabeli, Logitech Unifying uztvērēju vai Bluetooth® funkciju. Lai pilnībā izmantotu Bluetooth tehnoloģiju, atjauniniet datora operētājsistēmu uz jaunāko versiju.
Manufacturer - Logitech
Manufacturer Code - 910-005448
Manufacturer Name - Logitech
Manufacturer_code - 910-005448
Max&Min Movement Resolution - 400 dpi4000 dpi
MediumDescription EN - ERGONOMICS ELEVATED Next-level comfort with MX Vertical Advanced Ergonomic Mouse.
MediumDescription ET - Ergonoomika. Nüüd kõrgemal. Logitech MX Vertical on hiire ergonoomilise kasutamise uus tase. • 400-4000 DPI
• 240 mAh aku
• Bluetooth, USB saatja ja USB-C juhe
• Kiirlaadimine (1-minutilise laadimisega kuni 3 tundi kasutusaega)
MediumDescription LV - MX Vertical ir uzlabotas formas ergonomiskā pele, kas apvieno anatomiski izstrādātu dizainu un uzlabotu veiktspēju, kas atšķir visas ierīces Logitech MX datorpeles. Aizmirstiet par neērtībām - tagad jums ir pele, kas nodrošina dabiskāku rokas stāvokli, samazina muskuļu slodzi un samazina spiedienu uz plaukstu.
Model - 910-005448
Model - MX Vertical
Mouse - Bluetooth - Yes
Mouse - Buttons type - Pressed buttons
Mouse - Customizable movement resolution - Yes
Mouse - Device interface - RF Wireless+Bluetooth
Mouse - mouse connection type - USB-A / Bluetooth
Mouse - Movement detection technology - Optical
Mouse - Movement resolution - 4000 DPI
Mouse - Number of programmable buttons - 4
Mouse - Number of scroll wheels - 1
Mouse - operating range - 10
Mouse - Programmable mouse buttons - Yes
Mouse - Purpose - Office
Mouse - Recommended usage - Universal
Mouse - Scrolling directions - Vertical
Mouse - Scroll type - Wheel
Mouse - sensitivity - 4000
Mouse - sensor - laser
MouseCableLength - 10 m
Mouse Features - Scrolling WheelRechargeable
Mouse Type - Optical
MouseType - Optical
Movement Resolution - 1600 dpi
MPN - 910-005448
Name - Logitech MX Vertical
Name - Logitech MX Vertical - Maus - ergonomisch
Name - Logitech MX Vertical Ergonomic Black
Name - Logitech MX Vertical Wireless
Name - Logitech | Ergonomic Mouse | MX VERTICAL | Wireless | USB, Bluetooth | Graphite
name - Wireless mouse MX Vertical 910-005448
Name EN - Wireless Mouse Logitech MX Vertical Advanced Ergonomic
Name ET - Juhtmeta Hiir Logitech MX Vertical Advanced Ergonomic
NameInWeb EN - Logitech MX Vertical Advanced Ergonomic, black - Wireless Laser Mouse
NameInWeb ET - Logitech MX Vertical Advanced Ergonomic, must - Juhtmevaba laserhiir
NameInWeb LV - Logitech MX Vertical Advanced Ergonomic, melna - Bezvadu datorpele
Name LV - Bezv.pele Logitech MX Vertical Advanced Ergonomic
NetWeight - 0.1350
No. of buttons - 4
No. of scroll wheels - 1
Nominal Weight - 135 g
Number of buttons - 4
Number of Buttons - 4
NumberOfMouseButtons - 4
Other features -
Other features > Wireless connection - Yes
PackageContents - MouseUnifying USB receiverUSB-C charging cable (USB-A to USB-C)User documentation
PackageDimensions - -
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - Yes
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 78.5 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 120 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 79 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 491.00 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 45 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 5 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.05 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.022 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Battery
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00074418 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:6:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Package Type - Retail
PackageWeight - 0.250 kg
Packaging data - Cables included - USB Type-A to USB Type-C
Packaging data - Package height - 194 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 372 g
Packaging data - Package width - 152 mm
Packaging data - Quantity - 1
Packaging data - Receiver included - Yes
Packaging data - Receiver type - Unifying receiver
Packaging data - Unifying receiver - Yes
Packaging data - User guide - Yes
Packaging data - Wireless receiver interface - USB Type-A
Pack Height (mm) - 194 mm
Pack Length (mm) - 152 mm
Packs in Box - 4
Pack Weight Brutto (kg) - 0.2 kg
Pack Weight Netto (kg) - 0.1241 kg
Pack Width (mm) - 86 mm
Pieces in pack - 1
Pointing Device Technology - Optical
Power - Battery
Power - Built-in battery
Power - Battery capacity - 240 mAh
Power - Battery technology - Lithium Polymer (LiPo)
Power - Charging port type - USB Type-C
Power - Rechargeable - Yes
PowerFeatures - Rechargeable Li-Po battery (240 mAh)
ProdDesc - Logitech Mouse 910-005448 MX Vertical
producer - Logitech
Producer - Logitech
producerCode - 910-005448
ProducerCode - 910-005448
Producer product family - Ergonomic Mouse
Producer product name - MX VERTICAL
ProductCard -
ProductCategory - Klaviatūras un peles
ProductCode - 910-005448
ProductDescription - LOGITECH MX Vertical Bluetooth Mouse - GRAPHITE
productName - Logitech MX Vertical Advanced Ergonimic mouse RF Wireless+Bluetooth Optical 4000 DPI Right-hand
ProductPicture -
ProductPicture2 -
ProductPicture3 -
ProductPicture4 -
productSize - Normal
ProductType - Input Devices - Mouse Box
Range - 10 m
Requires Operating System - Apple Mac OS Microsoft Windows
Resoliution - 4000 dpi
Resolution - 1600 dpi
Resolution (max) - 4000 dpi
Resolution (min) - 400 dpi
Retail Packaging Net Weight Carton - 0.07 kg
Retail Packaging Net Weight Plastic - 0 kg
Sensor - Optical
Shape - Right-handed
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 20 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 9 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.357 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 15.5 cm
ShortDescription - Bezprzewodowa | 4000 dpi | ergonomiczna | unifying
Short description - Logitech Mouse MX Vertical Advanced Ergonomic
sizeX - 110
sizeY - 110
sizeZ - 160
Software - -
Software - additional software -
Software - operating system support - macOS 10.14 (Mojave)
Software - operating system support - Windows 7
Software - operating system support - Windows 8
Software - operating system support - Windows 10
Stck_Kart - 4
Stck_Pal - 588
Storno - Y
SystemRequirements - -
System requirements - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.13 High Sierra
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Enterprise
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Enterprise x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Home Basic
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Home Basic x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Home Premium
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Home Premium x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Professional
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Professional x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Starter
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Starter x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Ultimate
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Ultimate x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 Enterprise
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 Enterprise x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 Pro
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 Pro x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Education
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Education x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Enterprise
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Enterprise x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Home
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Home x64
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Pro
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Pro x64
TariffNo - 84716070
Technical details > Device type - Wireless
Technical details > Gross weight - 0.185 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.135 kg
Technical details > Number of buttons - 4
Technical details > Producer - Logitech
title_en - Logitech MX Vertical Ergonomic Wireless Mouse
title_lv - Logitech MX Vertical Ergonomic Bezvadu Datorpele
title_ru - Logitech MX Vertical Ergonomic Беспроводная Компьютерная Мышь
Unit Box Height - 0.09
Unit Box Length - 0.2
Unit Box Width - 0.155
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.00279 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.357 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.135 kg
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Usage - Notebook
Usage - Office
USB 2.0 Interface - Yes
Vendor Homepage -
vendpn - 910-005448
Volume - 0.00270000
Warranty - -
Warranty - 24 months
warrantyLength - 24
Warranty Products Returnable - Yes
Warranty Term (month) - 24 mēneši
warrantyType - G
Warranty validation Criteria - Serial Number
Weight - 0,30
weight - 0.1 kg
Weight - 0.34
Weight - 0.135 kg
Weight - 135 g
weight - 336
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 120 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 78.5 mm
Weight & dimensions - Receiver depth - 6.6 mm
Weight & dimensions - Receiver height - 1.84 cm
Weight & dimensions - Receiver weight - 2 g
Weight & dimensions - Receiver width - 1.44 cm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 135 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 79 mm
Width - 0.2000
Width - 120 mm
Width (mm) - 79 mm
WirelessCompatibility - Yes