Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 1123565 Product code: RZ01-05140100-R3G1
In stock >50 units
Warranty: 2 years
119.66 €
Delivery options More about shipping
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Main product parameters All parameters
  • Use: Gaming
  • Color: Melna
  • Connection type: Wireless
  • Connection type: USB cable
  • Connection type: USB Wireless
  • Type: Optical
Basic information
Use Gaming

The application is a guide to determine whether the mouse is more suitable for a desktop or a laptop.

Notebook mice are small in size and therefore suitable for working on the move.

If you will be using your laptop mostly at a specific workstation, it is advisable to buy a desktop mouse, which has a standard size, so it is more comfortable for long periods of time at the computer. Standard mice are connected to the laptop with a cord for long-lasting stable operation. Wireless mice, on the other hand, require periodic battery changes.

Gaming mice have more buttons, more precise optics and better resolution. For more advanced gaming, Dateks.lv recommends a gaming mouse with wired data transmission.

For everyday use, Dateks.lv recommends a laser mouse with PS/2 or USB connectivity.

Color Melna
The colour of the mouse surface. This parameter is approximate and can slightly differ from the actual colour of the mouse.
Number of buttons : Eight Core
Lighting : Nav
Illumination colour : Nav
Ports and equipment
Connection type Wireless

Datu pārraide nosaka, kā pele savienota ar datoru.

Vada savienojums ir klasisks, ātrs un pārbaudīts veids (elektriskais kabelis ar USB vai PS/2 kontaktu).

Savukārt bezvadu savienojums prasa periodisku bateriju maiņu, vai akumulatora uzlādi, toties piedāvā brīvību lietot peli neraizējoties par brīžiem traucējošo vadu. Šādas peles ir ideālas darbam ar portatīvo datoru, pie kura tās tiek pievienotas ar bluetooth vai infrared palīdzību. Taču jāņem vērā, ka parasti tās sver nedaudz vairāk par vadu pelēm, tām ne vienmēr ir stabils savienojums.

Connection type : USB cable, USB Wireless
Manufacturer of switches : Razer
Switch model : Razer Optical Mouse Switches Gen-3
Weight (g) : 55
Cord length (m) : N/A
Type Optical

There are optical and laser mice.

A laser mouse has a higher accuracy and low energy consumption, they can also operate on glass and mirror surfaces.

Optic mice are currently used most often due to their attractive quality/price ratio. They do not have any mechanical parts, therefore they are fast and accurate.

Susceptibility (DPI) : 26000
Sensor manufacturer : Razer
Sensor model : Razer Focus X 26K Optical Sensor
Polling Rate (Hz) : 8000
More detailed specification
barcode - 8886419334552
Battery - battery life up to - 100
Bezvadu - Bezvadu tehnoloģija - 2.4 GHz
Bezvadu - Izturība - 100 stundas
Bezvadu - Uzlāde - izmantojot USB-C pieslēgvietu
brand - Razer
BrandCode - RAZER
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Mice and touchpads
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer peripherals > Mouses
category_en - Peripherals
category_et - Lisaseadmed
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Peles
category_lv - Papildus ierīces
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Peles
category_ru - Дополнительные устройства
Code - RZ01-05140100-R3G1
Connection - connector type - USB-C
Connection type - USB / 2.4 GHz
description_en - Form factor: Right hand
Motion capture technology: Optical
Device interface: RF Wireless + USB Type-C
Motion resolution: 26000 DPI
Type of buttons: Push-buttons
Number of buttons: 8
Type of scrolling: Wheel
Acceleration (max.): 40g
Power source: Cable
Product color: Black
description_en - For the pro
The GOAT of esports mice returns in true winning form. All hail the Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed. From its ultra-lightweight ergonomics to top-tier wireless response, go for glory with a mouse that’s the winning pick for the world's best players. Ergonomic Design With Smooth-Touch Texture
The mouse's shape has been optimized with the aid of top esports pros to provide the most natural grip, coated with a smooth-touch finish for greater feel—a detail well-loved by the community. 55 g Ultra-Lightweight Design
Get the perfect mix of speed and control with one of our lightest esports mouse tested and validated by pros. Pull off swipes with precision thanks to a mass-centralized design optimized for balance. Razer™ Focus X 26k Optical Sensor
Unrivalled Precision and Responsiveness. Enjoy responsive, pixel-precise aim with a sensor that flawlessly tracks your movement with 99.6% resolution accuracy and 26K DPI. Dynamic Sensitivity: Enable deeper control of your DPI output and mouse input to best suit your playstyle. Smart Tracking: Auto-calibrates to maintain a consistent lift-off distance on all surfaces. More Features Razer Hyperspeed Wireless: Experience lightning-fast, ultra-low-latency gaming with industry-leading wireless performance. Up To 100 Hours Of Battery Life: Power through your most intense scrimming and tournament schedule. 8 programmable buttons: including scroll wheel functions and bottom DPI switch. Razer Optical Mouse Switches Gen-3: 90-million click lifecycle with 0.2 ms actuation and no debounce delay. Multi-Device Support: Free up a USB port by connecting your wireless mouse and keyboard to a single dongle—a feature that can be activated in our latest Razer HyperSpeed peripherals. Compatible With Razer Hyperpolling: Upgradeable to true 8000 Hz wireless polling rates for the fastest wireless response. *HyperPolling Wireless Dongle not included Razer HyperShift: Effectively double your inputs at the touch of a button, as you activate an additional set of custom keybinds and DPI stage on the mouse.
description_et - Profitasemel mängurihiir
E-spordi hiirte legend naaseb tõelises võitjavormis. Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed'il on ülikerge ergonoomiline disain ja tippklassi juhtmevaba reageerimisvõime – see hiir on maailma parimate mängijate võidukas valik. Ergonoomiline disain ja sileda viimistlusega tekstuur
Hiire kuju on optimeeritud koostöös tippmängijatega, et pakkuda kõige loomulikumat haaret. Sileda ja pehme viimistlusega kate parandab kasutusmugavust – detail, mida kogukond kõrgelt hindab. 55 g ülikerge disain
Saavuta ideaalne kiiruse ja kontrolli tasakaal ühe Razeri kõige kergema e-spordi hiirega, mis on testitud ja heaks kiidetud profimängijate poolt. Täpsed liigutused on kerged tänu massi keskendatud disainile, mis tagab suurepärase tasakaalu. Razer™ Focus X 26k optiline sensor
Ületamatu täpsus ja reageerimisvõime. Naudi kiiret ja piksli-täpsusega sihtimist sensoriga, mis jälgib liikumist laitmatult, 99,6% lahutusvõime täpsusega ja 26K DPI-ga. Dünaamiline tundlikkus: kohanda DPI väljundit ja hiire sisendit vastavalt oma mängustiilile. Nutikas jälgimine: kalibreerib automaatselt, et säilitada ühtlane tõstmiskaugus kõigil pindadel. Veel funktsioone Razer Hyperspeed Wireless: naudi ülikiiret, väga madala latentsusega mängukogemust tipptasemel juhtmevaba tehnoloogiaga. Kuni 100 tundi akukestvust: piisavalt jaksu ka kõige intensiivsemate treeningute ja turniiride jaoks. 8 programmeeritavat nuppu: nende hulgas kerimisratta funktsioonid ja alumine DPI lüliti. Razer Gen-3 optilised lülitid: 90 miljoni klõpsuga elutsükkel, 0,2 ms aktiveerimisaeg, ilma debounce viivituseta. Mitme seadme tugi: vabasta USB pesa, ühendades juhtmevaba hiire ja klaviatuuri ühe dongliga – funktsioon, mida saab aktiveerida uusimates Razer HyperSpeed seadmetes. Razer Hyperpolling ühilduvus: koos HyperPolling Wireless Dongle'iga tagatakse veelgi kiirem reageerimisvõime ja parem signaali terviklikkus. Razer HyperShift: kahekordista oma sisendid ühe nupuvajutusega, aktiveerides hiirel kohandatud lisaklahvistiku ja DPI taseme.
description_lv -
description_lv - Formas faktors: Labā roka
Kustības uztveršanas tehnoloģija: Optisks
Ierīces interfeiss: RF Wireless + USB Type-C
Kustības izšķirtspēja: 26000 DPI
Pogu veids: Spiedpogas
Pogu skaits: 8
Ritināšanas veids: Ritenis
Paātrinājums (maks.): 40g
Jaudas avots: Kabelis
Produkta krāsa: Melns
description_ru -
description_ru - Форм-фактор: Правый
Технология захвата движения: оптическая
Интерфейс устройства: RF Wireless + USB Type-C
Разрешение движения: 26000 DPI
Тип кнопок: Кнопочные
Количество кнопок: 8
Тип прокрутки: Колесико
Ускорение (макс.): 40g
Источник питания: Кабель
Цвет товара: Черный
description_short_en - 8-button wireless gaming mouse Precise 26 000 dpi Focus X 26K optical sensor Fast Razer HyperSpeed Wireless technology Razer HyperShift double key functions Battery lasts up to 90 hours
description_short_et - 8-nupuline juhtmevaba mängurihiir Ülitäpne 26 000 dpi Focus X 26K optiline sensor Kiire Razer HyperSpeed Wireless tehnoloogia Razer HyperShift topelt klahvifunktsioonid Aku kestab kuni 100 tundi
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru -
Design > Colour of product - Black
Dimensions - depth - 4.13
Dimensions - height - 12.22
Dimensions - weight - 55
Dimensions - width - 6.48
EAN - 8886419334552
Eans - 8886419334552
feature_group_en - Mice
feature_group_et - Hiired
feature_group_lv - Peles
feature_group_ru - Мышки
General - Color - Black
General - Height (mm) - 41.3
General - Length (mm) - 122,2
General - Package contents - Mouse
General - Package contents - USB - USB-C cable
General - Package contents - Wireless USB transmitter
General - System requirements - Free USB port
General - Weight (g) - 55
General - Width (mm) - 64.8
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - device type - cordless mouse
General parameters - manufacturer - Razer
GrossWeight - 0.1890
gross_weight - 0.1 kg
Height - 0.1600
Hiir - Andmeedastus - 8000 Hz HyperPolling
Hiir - Hiire disain - Paremakäeline
Hiir - Hiire tüüp - Juhtmevaba hiir
Hiir - Kerimisrullik - Jah
Hiir - Kiirendus - 40G
Hiir - Klahvide arv - 8
Hiir - Liides - USB-C
Hiir - Muud omadused - Libisemiskindel pealispind
Hiir - Profiilid - Jah (kuni 5 profiili)
Hiir - Sensori tundlikkus - 26 000 dpi
Hiir - Sensori tüüp - Optiline
Hiir - Sensori tüüp - Razer Focus X 26K
Input device > Movement detection technology - Optical
Input device > Programmable mouse buttons - 8
Juhtmevaba - Aku vastupidavus - 100 tundi
Juhtmevaba - Juhtmevaba tehnoloogia - 2,4 GHz
Juhtmevaba - Laadimine - USB-C pesa kaudu
Length - 0.0550
LongDescription EN - Ergonomic and lightweight design
The Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed is built for optimal grip and comfort. Its smooth-textured, ergonomic design and feather-light weight of just 55g make it easy to control even in intense gaming situations.
Precision and speed
With the Razer™ Focus X 26K optical sensor, mouse movements are incredibly precise and smooth. It delivers 99.6% resolution accuracy and allows for dynamic sensitivity adjustment to match your gaming style.
Wireless freedom
Razer HyperSpeed Wireless technology provides an ultra-fast, lag-free connection, giving you complete freedom without the constraints of a cable. With up to 100 hours of battery life, you can game worry-free, even during long tournaments.
LongDescription ET - Ergonoomiline ja kerge disain
Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed on loodud pakkuma optimaalset käepidet ja mugavust. Selle sujuva tekstuuriga ergonoomiline disain ja ainult 55 g kaal tagavad, et saad hiirt kergesti ja täpselt juhtida isegi intensiivsetes mänguolukordades.
Täpsus ja kiirus
Tänu Razer™ Focus X 26K optilisele sensorile on hiire liigutused erakordselt täpsed ja sujuvad. See tagab 99,6% lahutusvõime täpsuse ja võimaldab dünaamilist tundlikkuse reguleerimist vastavalt sinu mängustiilile.
Juhtmevaba vabadus
Razer HyperSpeed Wireless tehnoloogia tagab ülikiire ja viivitusteta juhtmevaba ühenduse, pakkudes sulle täielikku vabadust ilma kaabli piiranguteta. Kuni 100-tunnine aku kestvus tähendab, et saad muretult mängida ka pikematel turniiridel.
LongDescription LV - Ergonomisks un viegls dizains
Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed ​​ir radīts optimālai saķerei un komfortam. Tā gludās tekstūras, ergonomiskais dizains un vieglais svars, tikai 55 g, padara to viegli vadāmu pat intensīvās spēļu situācijās. Precizitāte un ātrums
Ar Razer™ Focus X 26K optisko sensoru peles kustības ir neticami precīzas un vienmērīgas. Tas nodrošina 99,6% izšķirtspējas precizitāti un ļauj dinamiski pielāgot jutību atbilstoši jūsu spēles stilam. Bezvadu brīvība
Razer HyperSpeed ​​Wireless tehnoloģija nodrošina īpaši ātru savienojumu bez kavēšanās, sniedzot jums pilnīgu brīvību bez vadu ierobežojumiem. Ar līdz pat 100 stundu akumulatora darbības laiku, varat bez raizēm spēlēt pat garākos turnīrs.
manufacturer_code - RZ01-05140100-R3G1
MediumDescription EN - Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed is a wireless gaming mouse favored by professionals, combining an ultra-lightweight design with exceptional control. Designed with input from top eSports players, this ergonomic mouse delivers superior comfort and precision. With Razer HyperSpeed Wireless technology and a 26K DPI optical sensor, it ensures ultra-fast and accurate responses, while the 100-hour battery life offers uninterrupted gaming.
• 55g ultra-lightweight design
• Razer™ Focus X 26K optical sensor
• Razer HyperSpeed wireless technology
• Up to 100 hours of battery life
• 90 million click lifecycle
MediumDescription ET - Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed on professionaalide eelistatud juhtmevaba mängurihiir, mis ühendab endas ülimalt kerge disaini ja erakordse juhtimise. See ergonoomiline hiir on loodud spetsiaalselt e-spordi tippmängijate abiga, pakkudes suurepärast mugavust ja täpsust. Razer HyperSpeed Wireless tehnoloogia ja 26K DPI optiline sensor tagavad ülimalt kiire ja täpse reageerimise, samas kui kuni 100-tunnine aku kestvus võimaldab mängida muretult.
• 55 g ultrakerge disain
• Razer™ Focus X 26K optiline sensor
• Razer HyperSpeed juhtmevaba tehnoloogia
• Kuni 100 tundi aku tööaega
• 90 miljoni kliki elutsükkel
MediumDescription LV - Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed ​​ir profesionāļu iecienīta bezvadu spēļu datorpele, kas apvieno īpaši vieglu dizainu ar izcilu vadāmību. Šī ergonomiskā datorpele ir izstrādāta ar labāko eSporta spēlētāju iesaisti, nodrošinot izcilu komfortu un precizitāti. Ar Razer HyperSpeed ​​Wireless tehnoloģiju un 26K DPI optisko sensoru tā nodrošina īpaši ātru un precīzu reakciju, savukārt 100 stundu akumulatora darbības laiks nodrošina nepārtrauktu spēlēšanu. • 55 g īpaši viegls dizains
• Razer™ Focus X 26K optiskais sensors
• Razer HyperSpeed ​​bezvadu tehnoloģija
• Akumulatora darbības laiks līdz 100 stundām
• 90 miljonu klikšķu dzīves cikls
Model - Razer
Mouse - Acceleration - 40G
Mouse - Interfaces - USB-C
Mouse - mouse connection type - USB-A
Mouse - Mouse design - Right-handed
Mouse - Mouse type - Wireless mouse
Mouse - Number of keys - 8
Mouse - Other - Non-slip surface
Mouse - Polling rate - 8000 Hz HyperPolling
Mouse - Profiles - Yes (up to 5 profiles)
Mouse - programmable buttons - 8
Mouse - Scroll wheel - Yes
Mouse - sensitivity - 26000
Mouse - sensor - optical
Mouse - Sensor sensitivity - 26 000 dpi
Mouse - Sensor type - Optical
Mouse - Sensor type - Razer Focus X 26K
Name - Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed
Name - Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed | Wireless/Wired | Gaming Mouse | USB / 2.4 GHz | Black
Name EN - Wireless Mouse Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed
Name ET - Juhtmeta Hiir Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed
NameInWeb EN - Razer DeathAdder V3 Hyperspeed, black - Wireless Mouse
NameInWeb ET - Razer DeathAdder V3 Hyperspeed, must - Juhtmevaba hiir
NameInWeb LV - Razer DeathAdder V3 Hyperspeed, melna - Bezvadu datorpele
Name LV - Wireless Mouse Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed
name_en - Razer wireless mouse DeathAdder V3 Hyperspeed, black
name_et - Razer juhtmevaba hiir DeathAdder V3 Hyperspeed, must
name_lv - Razer wireless mouse DeathAdder V3 Hyperspeed, black
name_ru - Razer wireless mouse DeathAdder V3 Hyperspeed, black
NetWeight - 0.1060
Other features > Wireless connection - Yes
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 58.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 175.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 108.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 788 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 200.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 70.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.27 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Pele - Aptaujas biežums - 8000 Hz HyperPolling
Pele - Interfeisi - USB-C
Pele - Mouse design - Right-handed
Pele - Other - Non-slip surface
Pele - Paātrinājums - 40G
Pele - Peles tips - Bezvada pele
Pele - Profili - Jā (līdz 5 profiliem)
Pele - Ritināšanas ritenītis - Jā
Pele - Sensora jutība - 26 000 dpi
Pele - Sensora tips - Optiskais
Pele - Sensora tips - Razer Focus X 26K
Pele - Taustiņu skaits - 8
Producer - Razer
ProducerCode - RZ01-05140100-R3G1
ProductCode - RZ01-05140100-R3G1
ProductionCountry - CN
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
ShortDescription -
Software - additional software -
Software - operating system support - macOS
Software - operating system support - macOS 10.14 (Mojave)
Software - operating system support - macOS 10.15 (Catalina)
Software - operating system support - macOS 11 (Big Sur)
Software - operating system support - macOS 12
Software - operating system support - Windows
Software - operating system support - Windows 7
Software - operating system support - Windows 8
Software - operating system support - Windows 10
Software - operating system support - Windows 11
TariffNo - 84716070
Technical details > Device type - Gaming Mouse
Technical details > Gross weight - 0.47 kg
Technical details > Handedness - Right
Technical details > Net weight - 0.20 kg
Technical details > Number of buttons - 8
Technical details > Producer - Razer
Technical details > Producer product name - DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed
Technical details > Type - Wireless/Wired
title_en - Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed Wireless Gaming Mouse
title_lv - Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed Bezvadu Speļu Pele
title_ru - Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed Беспроводная игровая мышь
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Vispārīgi - Augstums (mm) - 41.3
Vispārīgi - Garums (mm) - 122,2
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Pele
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - USB - USB-C cable
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Wireless USB transmitter
Vispārīgi - Krāsa - Melna / sudrabota
Vispārīgi - Platums (mm) - 64.8
Vispārīgi - Sistēmas prasības - Brīvs USB ports
Vispārīgi - Svars (g) - 55
Volume - 0.00088000
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
weight - 0.05 kg
Weight & dimensions > Mouse weight - 55 g
Weight & dimensions > Weight - 55 g
Width - 0.1000
Wireless - Battery life - 100 hours
Wireless - Charging - via USB-C port
Wireless - Wireless technology - 2.4 GHz
Üldine - Kaal (g) - 55
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Hiir
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - USB - USB-C kaabel
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - USB juhtmevaba vastuvõtja
Üldine - Kõrgus (mm) - 41,3
Üldine - Laius (mm) - 64,8
Üldine - Nõuded arvutile - Vaba USB pesa
Üldine - Pikkus (mm) - 122,2
Üldine - Värvus - Must
Беспроводной - Беспроводная технология - 2,4 ГГц
Беспроводной - Выносливость - 100 часов
Беспроводной - Зарядка - через USB-C port
Мышка - Дизайн мыши - Для праворуких
Мышка - Интерфейс - USB-C
Мышка - Колесико - Да
Мышка - Профили - Да (до 5 профилей)
Мышка - Прочие свойства - Противоскользящая поверхность
Мышка - Тип датчика - Razer Focus X 26K
Мышка - Тип датчика - Оптический сенсор
Мышка - Тип мышки - Проводная мышь
Мышка - Ускорение - 40G
Мышка - Частота данных - 8000 Hz HyperPolling
Мышка - Число клавиш - 8
Мышка - Чувствительность сенсора - 26 000 dpi
Общие характеристики - Вес (г) - 55
Общие характеристики - Высота (мм) - 41.3
Общие характеристики - Длина (мм) - 122,2
Общие характеристики - Комплектация - USB - USB-C кабель
Общие характеристики - Комплектация - Беспроводной адаптер USB
Общие характеристики - Комплектация - Мышка
Общие характеристики - Системные требования - Свободный USB порт
Общие характеристики - Цвет - Черный
Общие характеристики - Ширина (мм) - 64,8
119.66 €
Razer DeathAdder V3 HyperSpeed
Tālr. 67275758 gsm 26117175 (p.o.t.c.p. 9:00-18:00)
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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