Huawei BAND 10 PINK

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 1200119 Product code: 55020EEK
In stock >50 units
Warranty: 2 years
58.95 €
Delivery options More about shipping
  • Delivery to Smartpost free of charge: on Wednesday, 02.04.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel machine free of charge: on Wednesday, 02.04.2025
  • Piegāde uz DPD Pickup Paku Skapi free of charge: on Wednesday, 02.04.2025
  • Delivery to Latvian post office or parcel locker free of charge: on Wednesday, 02.04.2025
  • Delivery to address in Riga 3.99 €: on Wednesday, 02.04.2025
  • Delivery to address in Latvia 6.99 €: on Wednesday, 02.04.2025
  • Delivery to parcel drop-off point at 9 Zemitāna Street: on Monday, 31.03.2025 after 15:00
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Color: Rozā
  • Display size: 1.47"
All parameters
Average battery life : 14 dienas
Color : Rozā
Display size : 1.47"
Water resistance (m) : 50m
More detailed specification
ANT+ - No
barcode - 6942103149030
Baterija - Darbības laiks - 3 days (always on display)
Baterija - Darbības laiks - Līdz 14 dienām
Baterija - Enerģijas avots - Iebūvēts litija akumulators
Baterija - Uzlāde - Magnētiskā uzlāde
Baterija - Uzlādes laiks - 45 minutes
Battery - fast charging
Battery - wireless charging
Battery - Battery life - 3 days (always on display)
Battery - Battery life - Up to 14 days
Battery - battery life up to - 192
Battery - Charging - Magnetic charging
Battery - Charging time - 45 minutes
Battery - Power source - Built-in lithium-ion battery
Battery performance, mAh - 180
Battery type - Lithium-Polymer
Bluetooth - Yes
Bluetooth version - 5.0
Brand - Huawei
brand - Huawei
BrandCode - HUAWEI
BrandPartCode - 55020EEK
Category - Activity Trackers
category_en - Sports watches
category_et - Spordikellad
category_lv - Sporta pulksteņi
category_ru - Спортивные часы
Climate - operating temperature - 0 - 35
Clock - casing material - polymer
Clock - compatible with - Android
Clock - compatible with - EMUI
Clock - compatible with - HarmonyOS
Clock - compatible with - iOS
Clock - included in the set - cable
Clock - watch type - smartwatch
Code - 55020EEK
Connectivity - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.0
Connectivity - Mobile app - Huawei Health
Connectivity - Suitable operating systems - Android 9.0 or newer
Connectivity - Suitable operating systems - iOS 13 or newer
Data exchange - WiFi
Data exchange - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.0
Description - HUAWEI BAND 10 PINK
description_en - Streamlined metallic design Comfortable all-day wearing Pro-level sleep analysis Average sleep HRV and Sleep insights Emotional wellbeing assistant AI-powered fitness monitoring 100 workout modes Fast charging Robust battery life Compatible with Android & iOS Sharp-Angled Splendour
Feel the textured surfaces and stunning detail of a crafted aluminium alloy case, polished by CNC drilling and cutting processes to look marvellous. Wear All Day, Wear With Ease
Designed for an airy fit and paired with skin-friendly fluoroelastomer straps, Huawei Band 10 can be worn at all hours without wearing you down, whether you're active or resting. Wondrous Watch Faces
Turn your band into a timeless timepiece with the emotion-themed Huahua the Panda, Starry Vista, Joy Spring, Super Watch, Gallery or Style watch face. Take your wrist fashion to the next level with customisable styles, features, and Always on Display (AOD) to make each design uniquely yours. New Sleep Metrics
See how your sleep and lifestyle habits are influencing your long-term health with average sleep HRV, the highly sensitive indicator. Benefit from timely notifications whenever your health metrics stray from your personal ranges. Wake Up to New Insights Keep tabs on your heart rate, SpO2, respiratory rate, and any abnormal breathing while you're snoozing away, for peace of mind all the time. Get personalised sleep analysis and tips that take into account all of your health, fitness, stress, and sleep schedule data. Hear what your body is telling you through physiological data, with high-level insights and trend analysis on sleep duration, quality rating, deep sleep ratio, and more, to see right away if those tailored tips are doing the trick. Better at Bedtime
Get handy bedtime reminders and slumber away free from distraction, with considerate features like Sleep mode.
Clear your mind with calming services like white noise and mindful meditation,11 to rest easy every night. Where Emotional wellbeing is Valued
The Emotional wellbeing app keeps you plugged in to your mental wellness, with timely tips that help harness the power of positive thinking, and perceptive pet-themed watch faces that show you your mood in the moment. Stressed out or feeling down? Swipe left to start a breathing exercise or workout, and put your mind and body at ease. See your emotions laid out for you by day, week, month, and year, and benefit from tailored sleep and fitness tips to keep body, mind, and soul in a good state. Pulse Wave Arrhythmia Analysis
Stay on top of your heart health, with timely alerts on potential A-⁠fib and premature beat risks, powered by the PPG sensor. Heart Rate and SpO2 at a Glance
Stay on top of the beat, even when you're running or exercising, and get better heart rate readings, with our best-in-house multi-channel module and smart fusion algorithm. SpO2 measurements are faster. Stress Management
Track and manage daily trials and tribulations, and try out calming breath exercises to help ease your mind. A Wealth of Women Health Features
See your cycles on an easy-to-track monthly calendar, with period reminders and fertile window predictions. Health Records for the Whole Family
Create a Health community for your loved ones, to stay up to date with their heart rate, SpO2, daily step count, and sleep quality in one easy place. 100 Workout Modes
Work out without being weighed down, but with all the features you'd expect on a high-powered smart band. Whether it's a sprint, swim, or summer walk, Huawei Band 10 tracks every move and provides a wealth of data at your fingertips. Ultra-Accurate Swimming Data
Swim to win, with accurate stroke data and lap counts (95% accuracy guaranteed) powered by an advanced nine-axis sensor and AI-enhanced stroke identification technology, and robust 5 ATM water resistance. Light up Your Rings
Set your own daily goals for Move, Exercise, and Stand. Get real-time nudges to keep you motivated as you tackle each task, to turn good intentions into lasting healthy lifestyle routines. Smart Living Fits, On Your Wrist Catch Can't-Miss Calls. Get notified of phone and in-app calls even when the band is muted, and send preset messages when you need to decline calls, with just a tap or two on your wrist. Never Forget a Meet. Stay informed with calendar events and new messages delivered straight to your wrist, with a helpful unread message icon to remind you in case you missed something. Lost? Found! Locate your phone fast, thanks to the Find Phone feature in the shortcut menu, which plays a ringtone to help you with the search. Handy Tools Incoming call notifications Multi-coloured flashlight Timer Alarm Remote shutter Audio controls Find phone Do Not Disturb Weather Sunrise and sunset Stopwatch Moon phase Heart rate broadcasts Find band Lock screen password Wear Longer, Charge Faster
Charge for five minutes and use for two days, or charge for the full 45 minutes to fill your band to the brim! Enjoy up to 8 days of battery life given typical use, and up to 14 days if necessary when you need it most.
Broadly Compatible
Huawei Band 10 is compatible with both iOS and Android, for greater ease of use.
Built to Outlast the Elements
This band can handle some of the most challenging conditions you might ever encounter, with its 50 m water resistance, versatile features, and ability to withstand eight stringent durability tests.
description_et - Elegantne metalne disain Mugav igapäevaseks kandmiseks Tipptasemel uneanalüüs Keskmine une HRV ja uneanalüüs Emotsionaalse heaolu assistent AI põhinev treeningu jälgimine 100 treeningrežiimi Vastupidav aku ja kiirlaadimine Ühildub Androidi ja iOS seadmetega Teravnurgeline elegants
Naudi hoolikalt töödeldud alumiiniumisulamist korpuse tekstuuri ja silmapaistvaid detaile- Huawei Band 10 on loodud igapäevaseks kandmiseks ning varustatud nahasõbraliku fluoroelastomeerist rihmaga. See sobib nii aktiivseteks hetkedeks kui ka puhkamiseks. Imelised ekraanidisainid
Muuda oma aktiivsusmonitor stiilseks aksessuaariks, valides Huahua Panda, Starry Vista, Joy Spring, Super Watch, Gallery või Style sihverplaadi. Kohandatavad disainid, funktsioonid ja alati aktiivne ekraan (AOD) annavad võimaluse kella täiesti enda meele järgi seada. Uued unenäitajad
Vaata, kuidas su uni ja eluviis mõjutavad pikaajalist tervist, kasutades tundlikku keskmise une HRV näitajat. Saad ka teavitusi, kui su tervisenäitajad jäävad väljapoole isiklikke normipiire. Ärka uute teadmistega Jälgi oma südame löögisagedust, SpO2 taset, hingamissagedust ja võimalikke hingamisprobleeme une ajal, et magada rahulikult. Personaalne uneanalüüs ja soovitused põhinevad tervise-, fitnessi-, stressi- ja uneandmetel. Tänu füsioloogilistele andmetele saad sügavuti mõista oma une kestust, kvaliteeti, sügava une osakaalu ja muid näitajaid ning hinnata, kas soovitused toovad soovitud tulemusi. Parema une heaks. Saa kasulikud meeldetuletused magamaminekuks ja kasuta häirimatut unerežiimi. Lõõgastu valge müra või teadliku meditatsiooniga, et igal ööl paremini puhata. Emotsionaalne heaolu on esikohal
Emotsionaalse heaolu rakendus aitab sul jälgida oma meeleolu, pakkudes positiivset mõtlemist toetavaid näpunäiteid. Armsad loomateemalised sihverplaadid kuvavad hetkelist meeleolu. Tunned end stressis või masendununa? Libista vasakule, et alustada hingamisharjutust või treeningut ning lõõgastu. Vaata oma emotsioone päeva, nädala, kuu ja aasta lõikes ning saa isikupärastatud une- ja fitnessisoovitusi keha ja vaimu tasakaalu hoidmiseks. Pulsilainete rütmihäire analüüs
Püsi kursis oma südame tervisega, saades õigeaegseid hoiatusi võimalike kodade virvendusarütmia (A-fib) ja enneaegsete südamelöökide riskide kohta. Südame löögisagedus ja SpO2 ühe pilguga
Jälgi oma südame tööd ka treeningu ajal ning saa täpsemad mõõtmistulemused tänu mitmekanalilisele andmemoodulile ja nutikale algoritmile. Vere hapnikutaseme (SpO2) mõõtmine on kiirem kui kunagi varem. Stressihaldus
Jälgi ja halda igapäevaseid stressiallikaid ning kasuta rahustavaid hingamisharjutusi meelerahu saavutamiseks. Naistele mõeldud tervisefunktsioonid
Vaata oma menstruaaltsüklit hõlpsasti jälgitavalt kuupõhiselt kalendrilt ning saa meeldetuletusi ja viljaka perioodi prognoose. Terviseandmed kogu perele
Loo terviseandmete kogukond, et hoida silma peal oma lähedaste südame löögisagedusel, SpO2 tasemel, igapäevasel sammuloenduril ja une kvaliteedil – kõik ühes kohas. 100 treeningrežiimi
Treenimine ei pea olema koormav – Band 10 pakub kõiki vajalikke funktsioone ja mitte midagi üleliigset. Olgu su meelisalaks sprint, ujumine või suvine jalutuskäik, see nutivõru jälgib su liikumist ja pakub põhjalikke andmeid. Täpsed ujumisandmed
Uju võiduni tänu täpsele tõmmete loendamisele ja ringiarvestusele (95% täpsus), mille tagavad täiustatud üheksateljelised andurid ja AI-toega ujumistehnika tuvastus. 5 ATM veekindlus teeb sellest suurepärase kaaslase igas vees. Täida eesmärgid
Sea isiklikud igapäevased eesmärgid liikumiseks, treenimiseks ja püsti olemiseks ning saa reaalajas meeldetuletusi, mis motiveerivad tervislikke harjumusi looma. Nutikas elu sinu randmel Olulised kõned – saad märguandeid telefoni- ja rakendusesisestest kõnedest ka siis, kui nutivõru on hääletu. Vajadusel saad kõne tagasi lükata eelseadistatud sõnumiga. Ära unustage kohtumisi – kalendriüritused ja uued sõnumid jõuavad otse randmele, kusjuures loetud ja lugemata teated on hõlpsasti eristatavad. Kadunud? Leia üles! – leia telefon kiiresti tänu otsetee menüüs olevale "Leia telefon" funktsioonile, mis paneb telefoni helisema. Kasulikud tööriistad Sissetulevate kõnede teavitused Värviline taskulamp Taimer ja äratuskell Telefonikaamera juhtimine Helikontroll Mitte segada režiim Ilmateade Päikesetõus ja -loojang Stopper Kuu faasid Südame löögisageduse edastamine Leia kell Lukustuse parool Kanna kauem, lae kiiremini
Lae 5 minutit ja kasuta 2 päeva, või lae täis vaid 45 minutiga! Tüüpilise kasutuse korral peab Band 10 aku vastu kuni 8 päeva ja vajadusel isegi kuni 14 päeva.
*Alati aktiivse ekraani režiimis kestab aku kuni 3 päeva. Lai ühilduvus
Huawei Band 10 töötab nii iOS kui ka Android seadmetega, pakkudes mugavat kasutuskogemust. Vastupidavus ka ekstreemsetes tingimustes
See nutivõru peab vastu ka karmimates oludes, olles 50 meetri sügavuseni veekindel ning läbinud 8 ranget vastupidavustesti.
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Activity tracker with a large 1.47" AMOLED touch screen Improved activity, health and sleep tracking 100 workout modes & built-in heart rate monitor Smart notifications on your wrist Waterproof & battery lasts up to 14 days
description_short_et - Suure 1,47" AMOLED ekraaniga aktiivsusmonitor Täiustatud aktiivsuse, tervise ja une jälgimine 100 treeningrežiimi & integreeritud pulsiandur Nutitelefoni märguanded otse randmel Veekindel & aku kestab kuni 14 päeva
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Трекер активности с большим 1,47-дюймовым AMOLED-экраномРасширенное отслеживание активности, здоровья и сна100 режимов тренировок и встроенный пульсометрУведомления со смартфона прямо на вашем запястьеВодонепроницаемый и работающий от батареи до 14 дней
Design - Band colour - Pink
Design - Band material - Fluoroelastomer
Design - Device type - Wristband activity tracker
Design - Form factor - Rectangle
Design - Product colour - Pink
Design - Water resistance - 5 ATM
Design - Wrist size range - 120 - 190 mm
Design > Colour of product - Pink
Design > Waterproof - Yes
Design > Waterproof up to - 50 m
Dimensions & weight - Band size - 120 – 190 mm
Dimensions & weight - Depth (mm) - 8,99
Dimensions & weight - Height (mm) - 43,45
Dimensions & weight - Weight (g) - 14
Dimensions & weight - Width (mm) - 24.86
Dimensions - depth - 0.9
Dimensions - height - 4.345
Dimensions - strap size - 130 - 210
Dimensions - weight - 14
Dimensions - width - 2.486
Dimensions W x D x H, mm - 43.45 x 24.86 x 8.99
Display - Backlight - Yes
Display - Display size - 1.47"
Display - Display type - AMOLED
Display - Screen resolution - 194 × 368
Display - Touch screen - Yes
Display > Display - 194 x 368 pixels
Display > Display type - 1.47 inch AMOLED
Display > Touchscreen - Yes
Display diagonal, " - 1.47
Display resolution - 194 x 368
Display type - AMOLED
Displejs - Ekrāna izmērs - 1,47"
Displejs - Ekrāna izšķirtspēja - 194 × 368
Displejs - Ekrāna tips - AMOLED
Displejs - Izgaismojums - Jā
Displejs - Skārienekrāns - Jā
EAN - 6942103149030
Ekraan - Ekraani diagonaal - 1,47"
Ekraan - Ekraani lahutusvõime - 194 × 368
Ekraan - Ekraani tüüp - AMOLED
Ekraan - Puutetundlik - Jah
Ekraan - Taustvalgus - Jah
Features - Accelerometer - Yes
Features - Active minutes - Yes
Features - Alarm clock - Yes
Features - Blood oxygen sensor - Yes
Features - Caller ID - Yes
Features - Calories burned - Yes
Features - Do not disturb function - Yes
Features - Eat & drink - Yes
Features - Find my phone function - Yes
Features - Gyroscope - Yes
Features - Heart rate monitor - Yes
Features - Heart rate sensor type - Optical
Features - Pedometer - Yes
Features - Personal goals - Yes
Features - Quality of sleep - Yes
Features - Stopwatch - Yes
Features - Timer - Yes
Features - Vibrating alert - Yes
Features - Weather display - Yes
Features - Workout tracking - Yes
feature_group_en - Activity trackers
feature_group_et - Aktiivsusmonitorid
feature_group_lv - Aktivitātes trekeri
feature_group_ru - Трекеры активности
Functions - microphone
Functions - speakers
Functions - Activity monitoring - Blood oxygen
Functions - Activity monitoring - Calorie counter
Functions - Activity monitoring - Daily activity
Functions - Activity monitoring - Distance
Functions - Activity monitoring - Emotional wellness
Functions - Activity monitoring - Exercise timer
Functions - Activity monitoring - Heart rate
Functions - Activity monitoring - Sleep
Functions - Activity monitoring - Speed
Functions - Activity monitoring - Step count
Functions - Activity monitoring - VO2 max
Functions - Notifications - Alarm
Functions - Notifications - Apps
Functions - Notifications - Calendar
Functions - Notifications - Calls
Functions - Notifications - E-mail
Functions - Notifications - Social media
Functions - Notifications - Weather
Functions - sensors - accelerometer
Functions - sensors - blood oxygen sensor (SpO2)
Functions - sensors - Gyroscope
Functions - sensors - Heart Rate sensor
Functions - sensors - Light Sensor
Functions - sensors - magnetometer
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Attālums
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Emotional wellness
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Ikdienas aktivitāte
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Kaloriju skaitītājs
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Miegs
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Sirdsdarbības ritms
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Skābekļa daudzums asinīs
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Soļu skaits
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Treniņa taimeris
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - VO2 max
Funkcijas - Aktivitātes uzraudzīšana - Ātrums
Funkcijas - Notifications - E-pasts
Funkcijas - Notifications - Kalendārs
Funkcijas - Notifications - Laikapstākļi
Funkcijas - Notifications - Lietojumprogrammas
Funkcijas - Notifications - Modinātājs
Funkcijas - Notifications - Sociālie mediji
Funkcijas - Notifications - Zvani
Funktsionaalsus - Märguanded - E-mail
Funktsionaalsus - Märguanded - Ilmateade
Funktsionaalsus - Märguanded - Kalender
Funktsionaalsus - Märguanded - Kõned
Funktsionaalsus - Märguanded - Rakendused
Funktsionaalsus - Märguanded - Sotsiaalmeedia
Funktsionaalsus - Märguanded - Äratus
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Emotsionaalne heaolu
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Kiirus
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Läbitud vahemaa
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Pulsisagedus
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Päevane aktiivus
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Põletatud kalorid
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Sammud
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Treeningu kestus
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Uneaeg
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - Vere hapnikusisaldus
Funktsionaalsus - Mõõdetavad parameetrid - VO2 max
General - Band material - Fluoroelastomeer
General - Color - Pink
General - Operating temperature - 0 – 35 °C
General - Package contents - Activity monitor
General - Package contents - Chargin cable
General - Weather sealing - Waterproof (up to 50 m)
General parameters - colour - pink
General parameters - manufacturer - Huawei
General parameters - protection level - 5ATM
GPS - Yes
GrossWeight - 0.0400
GTIN - 6942103149030
Health and activity tracking - activity tracking
Health and activity tracking - sleep tracking
Health and activity tracking - stress level functions
Health and activity tracking - swim workout mode
Health and activity tracking - women's health tracking
Health and activity tracking - workout modes
Health and activity tracking - heart rate - wrist
Heart rate monitor - Yes
Height - 0.1220
Height - 145.000000
IP classification - 5 ATM
Izmēri un svars - Augstums (mm) - 43,45
Izmēri un svars - Dziļums (mm) - 8,99
Izmēri un svars - Platums (mm) - 24,86
Izmēri un svars - Siksnas izmērs - 120 – 190 mm
Izmēri un svars - Svars (g) - 14
Length - 0.0380
Length - 90.000000
Link -
LongDesc - Sharp-Angled SplendourFeel the textured surfaces and stunning detail of a crafted aluminium alloy case, polished by CNC drilling and cutting processes1 to look marvellous.Wear All Day, Wear With EaseDesigned for an airy fit and paired with skin-friendly fluoroelastomer straps, HUAWEI Band 10 can be worn at all hours without wearing you down, whether you're active or resting.Wondrous Watch FacesTurn your band into a timeless timepiece with the emotion-themed Huahua the Panda, Starry Vista, Joy Spring, Super Watch, Gallery or Style watch face.8 Take your wrist fashion to the next level with customisable styles, features, and Always on Display (AOD) to make each design uniquely yours.Where Emotional wellbeing is ValuedThe Emotional wellbeing app keeps you plugged in to your mental wellness, with timely tips that help harness the power of positive thinking, and perceptive pet-themed watch faces that show you your mood in the moment.Stressed out or feeling down? Swipe left to start a breathing exercise or workout, and put your mind and body at ease.See your emotions laid out for you by day, week, month, and year,13 and benefit from tailored sleep and fitness tips to keep body, mind, and soul in a good state.100 Workout ModesWork out without being weighed down, but with all the features you'd expect on a high-powered smart band. Whether it's a sprint, swim, or summer walk, HUAWEI Band 10 tracks every move and provides a wealth of data at your fingertips.Wear Longer, Charge FasterCharge for five minutes and use for two days, or charge for the full 45 minutes to fill your band to the brim! Enjoy up to 8 days of battery life given typical use, and up to 14 days if necessary when you need it most.Broadly CompatibleHUAWEI Band 10 is compatible with both iOS and Android, for greater ease of use.Built to Outlast the ElementsThis band can handle some of the most challenging conditions you might ever encounter, with its 50 m water resistance, versatile features, and ability to withstand eight stringent durability tests.
LongDescription EN - Stylish and lightweight design
With an ultra-thin 8.99mm body and weighing only 15g, it ensures all-day comfort. The fluoroelastomer straps are skin-friendly and durable.
AI-powered sleep analysis
Measures sleep quality, heart rate variability, and breathing patterns to provide personalized sleep insights and recommendations.
Health and emotional well-being tracking
Accurate heart rate and SpO2 monitoring, stress level assessment, and an emotional well-being assistant offering relaxation exercises and mood analysis.
100+ workout modes and precise swimming tracking
Train in a variety of ways—jogging, cycling, strength training, yoga, and more. The AI-powered swimming mode ensures up to 95% accuracy in tracking strokes and laps.
Smart features for daily use
Receive notifications for calls, messages, and calendar events, control music, use the “Find My Phone” feature, and remotely activate the camera shutter.
Long battery life and fast charging
A 5-minute charge provides 2 days of use, while a full charge in 45 minutes offers up to 14 days of battery life.
Durable and water-resistant
With 5 ATM water resistance, the Huawei Band 10 is suitable for swimming. It has been tested in extreme conditions to ensure durability in daily use.
LongDescription ET - Stiilne ja kerge disain
Õhuke 8,99 mm korpus ja vaid 15 g kaal tagavad mugava kandmise terve päeva vältel. Fluoroelastomeerist rihmad on nahasõbralikud ja vastupidavad.
AI-toega uneanalüüs
Mõõdab unekvaliteeti, südame löögisageduse varieeruvust ja hingamisrütmi, et pakkuda isikupärastatud uneanalüüsi ja soovitusi.
Tervise ja emotsionaalse heaolu jälgimine
Täpne südame löögisageduse ja SpO2 jälgimine, stressitaseme hindamine ning emotsionaalse heaolu assistent, mis pakub lõõgastusharjutusi ja meeleoluanalüüsi.
100+ treeningrežiimi ja täpne ujumisandmete jälgimine
Treeni mitmekülgselt – sörk, rattasõit, jõutreening, jooga ja palju muud. AI-toega ujumisrežiim tagab kuni 95% täpsusega löökide ja ringide lugemise.
Nutifunktsioonid igapäevaseks kasutuseks
Märguanded kõnedest, sõnumitest ja kalendrisündmustest, muusika juhtimine, "Leia telefon" funktsioon ja kaugpääs kaamera päästikule.
Pikem aku kestvus ja kiirlaadimine
5-minutiline laadimine annab 2 päeva kasutusaega, täislaadimine 45 minutiga tagab kuni 14 päeva tööaja.
Vastupidav ja veekindel
5 ATM veekindlus võimaldab kasutada Huawei Band 10 ka ujumisel. Testitud erinevates ekstreemsetes tingimustes, et tagada vastupidavus igapäevastele oludele.
LongProductName - Band 10, Pink
LongSummaryDescription - Huawei Band 10. Display type: AMOLED, Display diagonal: 3.73 cm (1.47"), Display resolution: 194 x 368 pixels. Device type: Wristband activity tracker, Form factor: Rectangle, Product colour: Pink. Heart rate sensor type: Optical. Top Wi-Fi standard: Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac). Battery life: 14 day(s)
Manufacturer - Huawei
ManufacturerPartNumber - 55020EEK
manufacturer_code - 55020EEK
MediumDescription EN - Huawei Band 10 is a stylish and lightweight smart band that provides accurate health and fitness tracking, smart daily features, and long-lasting battery life. With AI-powered sleep monitoring, stress management, and support for over 100 workout modes, it helps simplify everyday life.
• Aluminum alloy body and ergonomic design
• AI-powered sleep and health monitoring
• 100+ workout modes, including 5 ATM water resistance for swimming
• Up to 14-day battery life and fast charging
• Compatible with both Android and iOS devices
MediumDescription ET - Huawei Band 10 on stiilne ja kerge nutikell, mis pakub täpseid tervise- ja treeningandmeid, nutikaid igapäevaseid funktsioone ja pikaajalist aku kestvust. Tänu AI-toega unemonitooringule, stressihaldusele ja üle 100 treeningrežiimi toele aitab see igapäevaelu lihtsamaks muuta.
• Alumiiniumisulamist korpus ja ergonoomiline disain
• AI-toega une- ja tervisemonitooring
• 100+ treeningrežiimi, sealhulgas ujumiseks sobiv 5 ATM veekindlus
• Kuni 14-päevane aku kestvus ja kiire laadimine
• Ühildub nii Androidi kui ka iOS seadmetega
Mõõdud ja kaal - Kaal (g) - 14
Mõõdud ja kaal - Kõrgus (mm) - 43,45
Mõõdud ja kaal - Laius (mm) - 24,86
Mõõdud ja kaal - Rihma pikkus - 120 – 190 mm
Mõõdud ja kaal - Sügavus (mm) - 8,99
Name - Huawei Band 10 | 1.47 inch AMOLED | Touchscreen | Heart rate monitor | Waterproof | Bluetooth | Pink
Name EN - Huawei Band 10, Pink
Name ET - Huawei Band 10, roosa
NameInWeb EN - Huawei Band 10, pink - Smart watch
NameInWeb ET - Huawei Band 10, roosa - Nutikell
Name LV - Huawei Band 10, Pink
name_en - Huawei Band 10, pink
name_et - Huawei Band 10, roosa
name_lv - Huawei Band 10, pink
name_ru - Huawei Band 10, pink
NetWeight - 0.0300
NFC-support - No
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 35 °C
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - Yes
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 15.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 60.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 30.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 4673 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 190.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 10.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.20 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.007 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Accumulator
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:2:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - Charging base - Yes
Packaging content - Quantity per pack - 1 pc(s)
Performance - Colour display - Yes
Performance - Display diagonal - 3.73 cm (1.47")
Performance - Display resolution - 194 x 368 pixels
Performance - Display type - AMOLED
Performance - Pixel density - 282 ppi
Performance - Touchscreen - Yes
Performance > Heart rate monitor - Yes
PeriodofWarranty - 2 Y
Ports & interfaces - Bluetooth - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Bluetooth version - 5.0
Ports & interfaces - Top Wi-Fi standard - Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Ports & interfaces - Wi-Fi - Yes
Ports & interfaces > Bluetooth - Yes
Power - Battery life - 14 day(s)
Power > Battery life - 14 day(s)
Processor - processor -
ProductCode - 55020EEK
ProductionCountry - CN
ProductName - 10
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Savienojamība - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.0
Savienojamība - Mobilā lietotne - Huawei Health
Savienojamība - Piemērotas operētājsistēmas - Android 9.0 or newer
Savienojamība - Piemērotas operētājsistēmas - iOS 13 vai jaunāka
Screen - touch panel
Screen - display technology - AMOLED
Screen - panel resolution - 194x368
Screen - screen size - 1.47
Sensori - Akselerometrs - Jā
Sensori - GPS - No
Sensori - Sirds ritma monitors - Iebūvēts
Sensori - Soļu skaitītājs - Jā
Sensori - Žiro sensors - Yes
Sensorid - Asendisensor - Jah
Sensorid - GPS - Ei
Sensorid - Kiirendusmõõtja - Jah
Sensorid - Pulsiandur - Integreeritud
Sensorid - Sammulugeja - Jah
Sensors - Accelerometer - Yes
Sensors - GPS - No
Sensors - Gyro sensor - Yes
Sensors - Heart rate monitor - Built-in
Sensors - Step counter - Yes
ShortSummaryDescription - Huawei Band 10, Wristband activity tracker, 3.73 cm (1.47"), AMOLED, Pink
Strap, mm - 16
System requirements - Mobile operating systems supported - Android 10, Android 10.0, Android 11.0, Android 12.0, Android 13.0, Android 14.0, iOS 13, iOS 13.4, iOS 14, iOS 14.5, iOS 15, iOS 16
TariffNo - 91021200
Technical details > Gross weight - 0.21 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.01 kg
Technical details > Producer - Huawei
Technical details > Producer product name - Band 10
Title - Huawei Band 10 AMOLED Wristband activity tracker 3.73 cm (1.47") Pink
Toide - Aku kestvus - 3 päeva (alati aktiivne ekraan)
Toide - Aku kestvus - Kuni 14 päeva
Toide - Laadimine - Magnetiline laadimine
Toide - Laadimisaeg - 45 minutit
Toide - Vooluallikas - Integreeritud liitiumioonaku
Touch sensitive screen - Yes
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Vispārīgi - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - Ūdensdrošība (līdz 50 m dziļumam)
Vispārīgi - Darba temperatūra - 0 – 35 °C
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Aktivitātes trekeris
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Uzlādes kabelis
Vispārīgi - Krāsa - Rozā
Vispārīgi - Siksnas materiāls - Fluorelastomērs
Volume - 0.00042188
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
WarrantyInfo -
Water resistant - Yes
Weight - 0.110000
Weight & dimensions - Thickness - 8.99 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 14 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 24.9 mm
Weight, g - 15
Width - 0.0910
Width - 40.000000
Wrist band swap - Yes
Wrist size, mm - 120?190 mm (pink/white/purple strap) and 130?210 mm (other colours)
Ühenduvus - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.0
Ühenduvus - Nutiseadme rakendus - Huawei Health
Ühenduvus - Sobivad operatsioonisüsteemid - Android 9.0 või uuem
Ühenduvus - Sobivad operatsioonisüsteemid - iOS 13 või uuem
Üldine - Ilmastikukindlus - Veekindel (kuni 50 m sügavusel)
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Aktiivsusmonitor
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Laadimiskaabel
Üldine - Rihma materjal - Fluoroelastomeer
Üldine - Töötemperatuur - 0 – 35 °C
Üldine - Värvus - Roosa
Батарея - Время зарядки - 45 минут
Батарея - Зарядка - Магнитная зарядка
Батарея - Питание - Встроенный литиевый аккумулятор
Батарея - Срок службы аккумулятора - 3 дня (всегда активный экран)
Батарея - Срок службы аккумулятора - До 14 дней
Дисплей - Размер экрана - 1,47"
Дисплей - Разрешение экрана - 194 × 368
Дисплей - Сенсорный экран - Да
Дисплей - Тип экрана - AMOLED
Дисплей - Фоновая подсветка - Да
Общее - Комплектация - Кабель для зарядки
Общее - Комплектация - Трекер активности
Общее - Материал ремня - Fluoroelastomeer
Общее - Погодная устойчивость - Водонепроницаемость (до 50 м)
Общее - Рабочая температура - 0 – 35 °C
Общее - Цвет - Розовый
Размеры и вес - Вес (г) - 14
Размеры и вес - Высота (мм) - 43,45
Размеры и вес - Глубина (мм) - 8,99
Размеры и вес - Длина ремня - 120 – 190 мм
Размеры и вес - Ширина (мм) - 24,86
Сенсоры - GPS - Нет
Сенсоры - Аккселерометр - Да
Сенсоры - Гироскоп - Да
Сенсоры - Датчик пульса - Built-in
Сенсоры - Шагомер - Да
Соединение - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.0
Соединение - Мобильное приложение - Huawei Health
Соединение - Совместимые оп-системы - Android 9.0 или новее
Соединение - Совместимые оп-системы - iOS 13 или новее
Функции - Оповещания - Будильник
Функции - Оповещания - Е-мейл
Функции - Оповещания - Звонки
Функции - Оповещания - Календарь
Функции - Оповещания - Погода
Функции - Оповещания - Приложения
Функции - Оповещания - Социальная медия
Функции - Слежение за активностью - VO2 max
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Дневная активность
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Качество Сна
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Кроость
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Пройденный путь
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Пульс
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Саженные калории
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Содержание кислорода в крови
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Таймер тренировок
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Шаги
Функции - Слежение за активностью - Эмоциональное благополучие
58.95 €
Huawei BAND 10 PINK
Tālr. 67275758 gsm 26117175 (p.o.t.c.p. 9:00-18:00)
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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