XO G18

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 1018899 Product code: GSM175801
In stock 1 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
24.96 €
Delivery options More about shipping
  • Delivery to Smartpost free of charge: 02.04.2025
  • Delivery to Omniva parcel machine free of charge: 02.04.2025
  • Piegāde uz DPD Pickup Paku Skapi free of charge: 02.04.2025
  • Delivery to Latvian post office or parcel locker free of charge: 02.04.2025
  • Delivery to address in Riga 3.99 €: 02.04.2025
  • Delivery to address in Latvia 6.99 €: 02.04.2025
  • Delivery to Dateks.lv parcel drop-off point at 9 Zemitāna Street: on Monday, 31.03.2025 after 15:00
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Color: Grey
  • Color: White
  • Microphone: Ir
  • Port: Bluetooth
  • Type: In-Ear
All parameters
Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) : Nav
Color : Grey, White
Connection type : True Wireless
Frequency range max, Hz : N/A
Frequency range min, Hz : N/A
Illumination colour : Nav
Lighting : Nav
Microphone : Ir
Microphone type : Fixed
Number of channels : Stereo
Port Bluetooth

The headphones connection to the computer. A cable for a long-term and stable sound experience is the most popular type of connection.

If you want to enjoy the wireless freedom you should choose wireless or bluetooth headphones, still in this case you have to accept the regular replacement of batteries or charging of a battery pack. A computer sound card is required for connecting headphoes to the computer. Prior to buying bluetooth headphones you should verify that your computer has a bluetooth receiver. If there is no receiver ask our managers whether the receiver is included with the selected model of headphones.

Resistance, Ω : N/A
Sensitivity, dB : N/A
Type In-Ear
The type of application of headphones. If headphones are used only for chatting via Skype, ICQ or another communication network we recommend to buy headphones with a microphone.
Weight, g : N/A
More detailed specification
category_en - Audio, photo and video > Audio > Headphones > Headphones (Bluetooth)
category_lv - Audio, foto un video > Audiotehnika > Austiņas > Austiņas (Bluetooth)
category_ru - Audio, foto un video > Audiotehnika > Austiņas > Austiņas (Bluetooth)
description_en - XO Bluetooth earphones G18 OWS white XO G18 are on-ear Bluetooth 5.2 TWS earphones with a charging box. The earphones support TWS (True Wireless Stereo) technology - both earphones connect to each other to create a wireless stereo set. A portable box with a built-in battery, in addition to the charging function, allows you to safely store the earphones in your pocket, bag or backpack. Free your hands and listen to music, Internet radio, while working, walking, training or driving a car. The XO G18 TWS earphones are an ideal solution for users of smartphones, computers, notebooks, tablets and other Bluetooth-enabled devices. They are compatible with most Android and iOS devices. The earphones also have a microphone, so you can easily make voice calls. The duration of calls/listening to music on a full charge is approximately 360 minutes (depending on the volume level), thanks to the use of energy-saving Bluetooth 5.2 technology.
description_lv - XO Bluetooth austiņas G18 OWS baltas XO G18 ir Bluetooth 5.2 TWS austiņas ar lādēšanas kasti. Austiņas atbalsta TWS (True Wireless Stereo) tehnoloģiju – abas austiņas savieno viena ar otru, lai izveidotu bezvadu stereo komplektu. Pārnēsājama kaste ar iebūvētu akumulatoru, papildus uzlādes funkcijai, ļauj droši glabāt austiņas kabatā, somā vai mugursomā. Atbrīvojiet rokas un klausieties mūziku, interneta radio, strādājot, ejot, trenējoties vai vadot automašīnu. Austiņas XO G18 TWS ir ideāls risinājums viedtālruņu, datoru, piezīmjdatoru, planšetdatoru un citu Bluetooth iespējotu ierīču lietotājiem. Tie ir saderīgi ar lielāko daļu Android un iOS ierīču. Austiņām ir arī mikrofons, lai ērti veiktu balss zvanus. Sarunu/mūzikas klausīšanās ilgums ar pilnu uzlādi ir aptuveni 360 minūtes (atkarībā no skaļuma līmeņa), pateicoties enerģiju taupošajai Bluetooth 5.2 tehnoloģijai.
description_ru - Bluetooth-наушники XO G18 OWS белые XO G18 — это накладные наушники Bluetooth 5.2 TWS с зарядным устройством. Наушники поддерживают технологию TWS (True Wireless Stereo) — оба наушника подключаются друг к другу, образуя беспроводную стереосистему. Портативная коробка со встроенным аккумулятором, помимо функции зарядки, позволяет безопасно хранить наушники в кармане, сумке или рюкзаке. Освободите руки и слушайте музыку, интернет-радио во время работы, прогулки, тренировки или вождения автомобиля. Наушники XO G18 TWS — идеальное решение для пользователей смартфонов, компьютеров, ноутбуков, планшетов и других устройств с поддержкой Bluetooth. Они совместимы с большинством устройств Android и iOS. В наушниках также есть микрофон, поэтому вы можете легко совершать голосовые вызовы. Продолжительность разговоров/прослушивания музыки на полной зарядке составляет примерно 360 минут (в зависимости от уровня громкости) благодаря использованию энергосберегающей технологии Bluetooth 5.2.
EAN - 6920680846337
gross_weight - 0.09 kg
Model - XO-G18
Producer - XO
title_en - XO G18 Bluetooth TWS Earphones
title_lv - XO G18 Bluetooth TWS Austiņas
title_ru - XO G18 Bluetooth TWS Hаушники
weight - 0.05 kg
24.96 €
XO G18
Tālr. 67275758 gsm 26117175 (p.o.t.c.p. 9:00-18:00)
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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