Apraksts - INHALATOR / COMPRESSOR NEBULIZER is a compact medical device designed to efficiently deliver a medicine assigned by a doctor to the lung bronchi. With proper use and maintenance, it will provide reliable operation (treatment) for many years. The product has been designed to provide effective treatment for asthma, allergies and other respiratory diseases. Creates a stream of air passing through a clean conduit to the atomiser. When the air enters the nebuliser, it transforms the assigned medication into a spray mist for ease of inhalation.
category_en - Health and beauty > Health Products > Inhalators
category_lv - Skaistumam un veselībai > Veselības produkti > Inhalatori
category_ru - Skaistumam un veselībai > Veselības produkti > Inhalatori
Citas funkcijas - - Power supply: 220V, 50 Hz
- Current: 0.8A
- Volume / volume per drug: 10 ml
- Size of particles: 0.5 to 10 um
- Medium spray level: 0.4ml / min
- compressor pressure range: 44 to 55 psi (300 to 380 KPa / 3 to 3.8 bar)
- Working pressure range: 8 to 16 Psi (50 to 100 KPa / 0.5 to 1.0 bar)
- Operating temperature range: 10 ° C to 40 ° C (50 ° F to 104 ° F)
- Operating humidity range: 10 to 95% RH
- Storage temperature range: -20 ° C to 70 ° C (-4 ° F to 158 ° F)
Compressor nebulizer should be used under the supervision of a licensed physician and / or therapist, respiratory specialist.
description_lv - Inhalatora kompresors Esperanza BREEZE ir kompakta medicīnas ierīce, kas paredzēta efektīvai ārsta nozīmētu zāļu inhalācijas ievadīšanai. Produkts ir izstrādāts, lai nodrošinātu efektīvu astmas, alerģiju un citu elpceļu slimību ārstēšanu. Ierīce attīra gaisa plūsmu, kas, nokļūstot caur šļūteni uz izsmidzinātāju, pārvērš parakstītās zāles par aerosolu ieelpošanai. Pareizi lietojot un apkopjot, BREEZE inhalators nodrošinās uzticamu darbību daudzus gadus.
description_lv - Inhaler compressor Esperanza BREEZE is a compact medical device designed for effective inhalation delivery of a drug assigned by a doctor. The product has been designed to provide effective treatment for asthma, allergies and other respiratory diseases. The device cleans the air stream, which, passing through the hose to the atomizer, converts the prescribed drug into a spray for inhalation. With proper use and maintenance, the BREEZE inhaler will ensure reliable operation for many years.
description_ru - Ингалятор компрессорный Esperanza BREEZE– компактное медицинское устройство, предназначенное для эффективной ингаляционной доставки назначенного врачом лекарственного препарата. Продукт был разработан для эффективного лечения астмы, аллергии и других респираторных заболеваний. Устройство очищает поток воздуха, который, проходя по шлангу к распылителю, преобразует назначенный препарат в спрей для ингаляций. При правильном использовании и обслуживании ингалятор БРИЗ обеспечит надежную работу в течение многих лет.
dimensijas dziļums - 155 mm
dimensionalWeight - 1417
ean - 5901299914007
EAN - 5901299914007
Enerģija - barošanas avota tips - AC
Enerģijas padeve - maiņstrāvas ieejas spriegums - 220 V
garantija - 24
garantijas_tips - ārējais
garantijaType - G
gross_weight - 2.4 kg
guaranteeLength - 24
Iekļautie piederumi - - Sprayer
- Air line
- Mask for adults
- Mask for children
- Mouthpiece
Izmēri -
izmērs augstums - 245 mm
izmērs platums - 220 mm
izmērs svars - 1654 g
Jauda - maiņstrāvas ieejas frekvence - 50 Hz
Krāsa - Black
Krāsa - Violeta
Krāsa - White
Max flow - 12 l/min
Modelis - ECN001
Packaging content - Adult mask - Jā
Packaging content - Children's mask - Jā
Packaging content - Mouthpiece - Jā
producerCode - ECN001
productName - Esperanza ECN001 nebulizer Mesh nebuliser
productSize - Parasts
ražotājs - Esperanza
Ražotājs - Esperanza
sizeX - 225
sizeY - 150
sizeZ - 210
svars - 2.3 kg
svars - 1645
Technical details - Built-in handle - Nē
Technical details - Designed for children - Jā
Technical details - Maximum fill volume - 10 ml
Technical details - Maximum pressure - 3.8 bar
Technical details - Nebulisation capacity - 0.4 ml/min
Technical details - Nebulizer technology - Mesh nebuliser
Tehniskā informācija - Darba spiediens - 1.3 bar
Tehniskā informācija - Gaisa plūsma - 8 l/min
Tehniskā informācija - Iebūvēts displejs - Nē
Tehniskā informācija - Produkta krāsa - Daudzkrāsains
Tehniskā informācija - Trokšņa līmenis - 65 dB
Tehniskās detaļas - Produkta dizains - Galda virsma
Tehniskās detaļas - Viegli lietojams - Jā
Tips - Piston pneumatic
title_lv - Esperanza ECN001 Inhalators
title_lv - Esperanza ECN001 Inhaler
title_ru - Esperanza ECN001 Ингалятор
Trokšņi - 55 dB
vendpn - ECN001
Description - INHALATOR / COMPRESSOR NEBULIZER is a compact medical device designed to efficiently deliver a medicine assigned by a doctor to the lung bronchi. With proper use and maintenance, it will provide reliable operation (treatment) for many years. The product has been designed to provide effective treatment for asthma, allergies and other respiratory diseases. Creates a stream of air passing through a clean conduit to the atomiser. When the air enters the nebuliser, it transforms the assigned medication into a spray mist for ease of inhalation.
category_en - Health and beauty > Health Products > Inhalators
category_lv - Skaistumam un veselībai > Veselības produkti > Inhalatori
category_ru - Skaistumam un veselībai > Veselības produkti > Inhalatori
Other features - - Power supply: 220V, 50 Hz
- Current: 0.8A
- Volume / volume per drug: 10 ml
- Size of particles: 0.5 to 10 um
- Medium spray level: 0.4ml / min
- compressor pressure range: 44 to 55 psi (300 to 380 KPa / 3 to 3.8 bar)
- Working pressure range: 8 to 16 Psi (50 to 100 KPa / 0.5 to 1.0 bar)
- Operating temperature range: 10 ° C to 40 ° C (50 ° F to 104 ° F)
- Operating humidity range: 10 to 95% RH
- Storage temperature range: -20 ° C to 70 ° C (-4 ° F to 158 ° F)
Compressor nebulizer should be used under the supervision of a licensed physician and / or therapist, respiratory specialist.
description_lv - Inhalatora kompresors Esperanza BREEZE ir kompakta medicīnas ierīce, kas paredzēta efektīvai ārsta nozīmētu zāļu inhalācijas ievadīšanai. Produkts ir izstrādāts, lai nodrošinātu efektīvu astmas, alerģiju un citu elpceļu slimību ārstēšanu. Ierīce attīra gaisa plūsmu, kas, nokļūstot caur šļūteni uz izsmidzinātāju, pārvērš parakstītās zāles par aerosolu ieelpošanai. Pareizi lietojot un apkopjot, BREEZE inhalators nodrošinās uzticamu darbību daudzus gadus.
description_en - Inhaler compressor Esperanza BREEZE is a compact medical device designed for effective inhalation delivery of a drug assigned by a doctor. The product has been designed to provide effective treatment for asthma, allergies and other respiratory diseases. The device cleans the air stream, which, passing through the hose to the atomizer, converts the prescribed drug into a spray for inhalation. With proper use and maintenance, the BREEZE inhaler will ensure reliable operation for many years.
description_ru - Ингалятор компрессорный Esperanza BREEZE– компактное медицинское устройство, предназначенное для эффективной ингаляционной доставки назначенного врачом лекарственного препарата. Продукт был разработан для эффективного лечения астмы, аллергии и других респираторных заболеваний. Устройство очищает поток воздуха, который, проходя по шлангу к распылителю, преобразует назначенный препарат в спрей для ингаляций. При правильном использовании и обслуживании ингалятор БРИЗ обеспечит надежную работу в течение многих лет.
dimension depth - 155 mm
dimensionalWeight - 1417
ean - 5901299914007
EAN - 5901299914007
Power - Power source type - AC
Power - AC input voltage - 220 V
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - external
warrantyType - G
gross_weight - 2.4 kg
warrantyLength - 24
Accessories included - - Sprayer
- Air line
- Mask for adults
- Mask for children
- Mouthpiece
Dimensions -
dimension height - 245 mm
dimension width - 220 mm
dimension weight - 1654 g
Power - AC input frequency - 50 Hz
Color - Black
Color - Violet
Color - White
Max flow - 12 l/min
Model - ECN001
Packaging content - Adult mask - Yes
Packaging content - Children's mask - Yes
Packaging content - Mouthpiece - Yes
producerCode - ECN001
productName - Esperanza ECN001 nebulizer Mesh nebuliser
productSize - Normal
producer - Esperanza
Producer - Esperanza
sizeX - 225
sizeY - 150
sizeZ - 210
weight - 2.3 kg
weight - 1645
Technical details - Built-in handle - No
Technical details - Designed for children - Yes
Technical details - Maximum fill volume - 10 ml
Technical details - Maximum pressure - 3.8 bar
Technical details - Nebulisation capacity - 0.4 ml/min
Technical details - Nebulizer technology - Mesh nebuliser
Technical details - Operating pressure - 1.3 bar
Technical details - Airflow - 8 l/min
Technical details - Built-in display - No
Technical details - Product colour - Multicolour
Technical details - Noise level - 65 dB
Technical details - Product design - Tabletop
Technical details - Easy to use - Yes
Type - Piston pneumatic
title_lv - Esperanza ECN001 Inhalators
title_en - Esperanza ECN001 Inhaler
title_ru - Esperanza ECN001 Ингалятор
Noise - 55 dB
vendpn - ECN001