Aizdevums - 0.24
Barošana - USB barošana - Jā
Barošana > USB barošana - Jā
BrandPartCode - 470-ABBT
Bruto svars - 0.036 kg
Citas funkcijas - Ātrās palaišanas ceļvedis - Jā
Citas funkcijas > Ethernet LAN datu pārraides ātrums - 10,100,1000 Mbit/s
Citas funkcijas > Izmēri (WxDxH) - 2,03 cm x 15,2 cm x 1,52 cm (WxDxH) mm
Citas funkcijas > Savienojamības tehnoloģija - Wired
Darbības rādītāji > Tīkla standarts - IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802
Dizains - iekšējais - Nē
Dizains - komponents - PC/Laptops
Dizains - Produkta krāsa - Black
Dizains - Saderīgie produkti - Alienware Alpha ASM100 Chromebook 11 3180 Chromebook 11 3189 Chromebook 13 3380 Dimension 1100 Dimension 2300 Dimension 2300 Dimension 2350 Dimension 2400 Dimension 2400C Dimension 3000 Dimension 4500 Dimension 4500s Dimension 4600 (APG videokarte) Dimension 4600 (integrētā grafika) Dimension 4600C Dimension 4700 Dimension 4700 Dimension 4700C Dimension 5100 Dimension 5100 Dimension 5100C Dimension 5150 Dimension 5150c Dimension 8300 Dimension 8400 Dimension 9200 Dimension 9200C Dimension C521 Dimension E520 Dimension E521 Inspiron 1150 Inspiron 3847 Inspiron 400 Inspiron 518 Inspiron 519 Inspiron 530 Inspiron 530s Inspiron 531 Inspiron 531s Inspiron 537 Inspiron 537s Inspiron 545 Inspiron 545s Inspiron 545s ST Inspiron 546 Inspiron 546s Inspiron 546s 560 Inspiron 560s Inspiron 570 Inspiron 580 Inspiron 580s Inspiron 620 Inspiron 620s Inspiron 620s Inspiron 660 Inspiron 660s Inspiron One 23 (2330) Inspiron One 23 (2350) Inspiron One 2320 Inspiron Zino HD 410 Latitude 3180 Latitude 3189 Latitude 3380 Optiplex 160 OptiPlex 170L DT OptiPlex 210L DT OptiPlex 3010 OptiPlex 3011 AIO OptiPlex 3020 Micro OptiPlex 3020 SFF OptiPlex 3030 AIO Optiplex 320 DT Optiplex 320 MT OptiPlex 330 DT OptiPlex 330 MT OptiPlex 360 DT OptiPlex 380 DT OptiPlex 380 MT Optiplex 380 SFF OptiPlex 390 DT OptiPlex 580 DT OptiPlex 7010 MT OptiPlex 7010 SFF OptiPlex 7010 USFF OptiPlex 7020 MT OptiPlex 7020 SFF Optiplex 740 DT Optiplex 740 MT OptiPlex 745 DT OptiPlex 745 MT OptiPlex 745 SFF OptiPlex 745 USFF OptiPlex 745c OptiPlex 755 DT Optiplex 755 Energy Smart DT Optiplex 755 Energy Smart USFF OptiPlex 755 MT OptiPlex 755 SFF OptiPlex 760 DT OptiPlex 760 USFF Optiplex 780 DT Optiplex 780 MT Optiplex 780 SFF Optiplex 780 USFF OptiPlex 790 DT OptiPlex 9010 OptiPlex 9010 AIO OptiPlex 9010 MT OptiPlex 9010 SFF OptiPlex 9020 AIO OptiPlex 9020 Micro Optiplex 9020 MT Optiplex 9020 SFF OptiPlex 9030 AIO OptiPlex 980 DT OptiPlex 990 DT OptiPlex FX160 OptiPlex GX260 DT OptiPlex GX260 DT OptiPlex GX270 DT OptiPlex GX520 DT OptiPlex GX60 DT OptiPlex GX620 DT OptiPlex GX620 MT OptiPlex GX620 SFF OptiPlex GX620 USFF OptiPlex SX260 DT OptiPlex SX270 DT OptiPlex SX280 DT OptiPlex XE DT Optiplex XE SFF OptiPlex XE2 MT Optiplex XE2 SFF Precision M20 Precision M2300 Precision M2400 Precision M2800 Precision M3800 Precision M4300 Precision M4400 Precision M4500 Precision M4600 Precision M4700 Precision M4800 Precision M50 Precision M60 Precision M6300 Precision M6400 Precision M65 Precision M6500 Precision M6600 Precision M6700 Precision M6800 Precision M70 Precision M90 Precision R7910 Precision Workstation T1700 SFF Precision Workstation T5810 Precision Workstation T7810 Precision Workstation T7910 Studio 1457 Studio 1458 Studio 1536 Studio 1555 Studio 1557 Studio 1558 Studio 1569 Studio 1735 Studio 1737 Studio 1745 Studio 1747 Studio 1749 Studio 540ST Studio XPS 7100 Vostro 200 ST Vostro 220 Vostro 230 MT Vostro 230 ST Vostro 320 All-in-One Vostro 330 Vostro 400 Vostro 410 Vostro 420 Vostro 430 Vostro 460 Vostro 470 XPS 200 XPS 210 XPS 400 XPS 410 XPS 420 XPS 430 XPS 600 XPS 625 XPS 630 XPS 700 XPS 710 XPS 720 XPS 720 H2C XPS 720 Red XPS 730 XPS 8300 XPS 8500 XPS 8700 XPS One 27 (2710) XPS One A2420
Dizains > Formas faktors - Ārējais
EAN - 5397063566679
EANCode - 5397063566679
EAN_kods - 5397063566679
Funkcijas > Datu pārsūtīšanas ātrums (maks.) - 1000 Mbit/s
Funkcijas > Iekšējais - Nē
Funkcijas > Produkta krāsa - Black
Garantija - 12
GarantijaInformācija -
GRUPA1 - Kabeļi
GRUPA2 - USB kabelis
GTIN - 5397063566679
Iepakojuma apraksts > Iepakojuma daudzums - 1,00 pcs
Iepakojuma elementi > EEIA nodoklis - Jā
Iepakojuma funkcijas > Paletes daudzums - 4571 pcs
Iepakojuma iezīmes > Akumulators ar pildījumu - Nē
Iepakojuma iezīmes > Papīrs/kartons - 18 g
Iepakojuma saturs - Rokasgrāmata - Jā
Iepakojuma saturs > Iekļauto produktu skaits - 1 gab.
Iepakojuma saturs > Rokasgrāmata - Jā
Iepakojuma saturs > Ātrā lietošanas pamācība - Jā
Iepakojuma īpašības > Bruto augstums (mm) - 250 mm
Iepakojuma īpašības > Bruto dziļums (mm) - 14 mm
Iepakojuma īpašības > Bruto platums (mm) - 108 mm
Iepakojuma īpašības > Taras svars (kg) - 0.018 kg
Iepakojuma īpašības > Tilpums (m3) - 0.000378 m³
Kategorija - Tīkla kartes
Kategorija_1 - Kabeļi
Kategorija_2 - Tīkla kabeļi
Kods - 470-ABBT
Komplekta funkcijas > WEE klasifikācija - CL109:5:2017-04-01
LongDesc - Dell USB 3.0 Ethernet adapteris ļauj pievienot Ethernet portu datoram vai galddatoram, izmantojot esošo USB ieeju. Adapteris atbalsta līdz pat gigabitu Ethernet datu pārraides ātrumu, ļauj jums baudīt ātrāku tiešsaistes satura straumēšanu, sākot no ziņu un sporta tiešraidēm un beidzot ar radio straumēšanu un izklaides vietnēm, kurās tiek atskaņoti jūsu iecienītākie televīzijas raidījumi un filmas. Adapterī ir iebūvēts draiveris, kas atvieglo iestatīšanu, tādējādi novēršot nepieciešamību instalēt draiverus no kompaktdiska vai lejupielādēt tos no cita avota.
LongProductName - Adapteris - USB A 3.0 uz Ethernet (PXE Boot)
LongSummaryDescription - DELL 470-ABBT. Savienojamības tehnoloģija: Vadu, host interfeiss: USB, interfeiss: Ethernet. Maksimālais datu pārsūtīšanas ātrums: Maksimālā datu pārraides ātrums: 1000 Mbit/s. USB barošana. Izstrādājuma krāsa: melna
Loģistikas dati - Harmonizētās sistēmas (HS) kods - 85176990
Nosaukums - DELL 470-ABBT tīkla karte Ethernet 1000 Mbit/s
Nosaukums - Dell adapteris USB-A 3.0 (vīriešu)> Gigabit Ethernet (sieviešu) (melns)
Nosaukums - Dell | USB-A 3.0 uz Ethernet (PXE Boot) | Melns | Adapteris
Pieslēgvietas un saskarnes - Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) pieslēgvietas - 1
Plašs - 0.17
Procesors > Kopnes tips - SuperSpeed USB 3.0
Produkta nosaukums - 470-ABBT
Ražotāja produkta nosaukums - USB-A 3.0 uz Ethernet (PXE Boot)
Ražotāja_kods - 470-ABBT
Ražotājs - Dell
Saite -
Savienojamie porti un interfeisi > Uzņēmēja interfeiss - USB
Savienojamie porti un saskarnes - Uzņēmēja saskarne - USB
Savienojamība > Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) porti - 1
Savienojamības porti un saskarnes - Interfeiss - Ethernet
Savienojamības porti un saskarnes - USB versija - 3.2 1. paaudzes (3.1 1. paaudzes 1)
Savienojamības tehnoloģija - Savienojamības tehnoloģija - Wired
Savienojumi un saskarnes > Interfeisa tips - Ethernet 10Base-T, Ethernet 100Base-TX, Ethernet 1000Base-T
Savienojumi un saskarnes > Interfeiss - Ethernet
ShortSummaryDescription - DELL 470-ABBT, vadu, USB, Ethernet, 1000 Mbit/s, melns
Starling - Y
Stck_Kart - 15
Stck_Pal - 44
Svars - 0,05
Svars un izmēri - Augstums - 15.2 mm
Svars un izmēri - Dziļums - 152 mm
Svars un izmēri - Platums - 20.3 mm
Svars un izmēri > Augstums - 1.52 cm
Svars un izmēri > Dziļums - 15.2 cm
Svars un izmēri > Platums - 2.03 cm
Tehniskā informācija > Atbalstītie protokoli - 10Mb LAN, 100Mb LAN, GigE
Tehniskā informācija > Garantija - 1 gada garantija gads(-i)
Tehniskā informācija > Garantija - 12 mēneši
Tehniskā informācija > Neto svars - 0.018 kg
Tehniskā informācija > Ražotājs - Dell
Tehniskā informācija > Tips - Adapteris
Tehniskā_details - Veids: LAN adapteris, 1x ārējais vadu (savienojuma kabelis nav noņemams) Interfeiss: Savienojums: 1x USB-A 3.0 (savienojams ar kabeli, 5 Gb/s, kabeļa garums 15 cm): RJ-45 Pārraide: 1x RJ-45 (10/?100/?1000Base-T) Barošanas avots: Barošanas avots: tikai caur pieslēgumu Izmēri: 20x15x152 mm (WxHxL, ieskaitot kabeli) Savietojamība: universāla Piezīme: USB nomenklatūra.
Tīklošana > Ethernet LAN - Jā
Tīklošana > Kabeļu tehnoloģija - 10/100/1000BaseT(X)
Tīkls - Ethernet interfeisa tips - Gigabit Ethernet
Tīkls - Ethernet LAN - Jā
Tīkls - Ethernet LAN datu pārraides ātrums - 10,100,1000 Mbit/s
Tīkls - kabeļu tehnoloģija - 10/100/1000BaseT(X)
Tīkls - Maksimālais datu pārsūtīšanas ātrums - 1000 Mbit/s
Tīkls - Tīklošanas standarti - IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3ab, IEEE 802.3u
Zīmols - DELL
Laenge - 0.24
Power - USB powered - Yes
Power > USB powered - Yes
BrandPartCode - 470-ABBT
Gross weight - 0.036 kg
Other features - Quick start guide - Yes
Other features > Ethernet LAN data rates - 10,100,1000 Mbit/s
Other features > Dimensions (WxDxH) - 2.03 cm x 15.2 cm x 1.52 cm (WxDxH) mm
Other features > Connectivity technology - Wired
Performance > Networking standards - IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802
Design - Internal - No
Design - Component for - PC/Laptop
Design - Product colour - Black
Design - Compatible products - Alienware Alpha ASM100
Chromebook 11 3180
Chromebook 11 3189
Chromebook 13 3380
Dimension 1100
Dimension 2300
Dimension 2350
Dimension 2400
Dimension 2400C
Dimension 3000
Dimension 4500
Dimension 4500s
Dimension 4600 (APG Video Card)
Dimension 4600 (Integrated Graphics)
Dimension 4600C
Dimension 4700
Dimension 4700C
Dimension 5100
Dimension 5100C
Dimension 5150
Dimension 5150c
Dimension 8300
Dimension 8400
Dimension 9200
Dimension 9200C
Dimension C521
Dimension E520
Dimension E521
Inspiron 1150
Inspiron 3847
Inspiron 400
Inspiron 518
Inspiron 519
Inspiron 530
Inspiron 530s
Inspiron 531
Inspiron 531s
Inspiron 537
Inspiron 537s
Inspiron 545
Inspiron 545s
Inspiron 545s ST
Inspiron 546
Inspiron 546s
Inspiron 560
Inspiron 560s
Inspiron 570
Inspiron 580
Inspiron 580s
Inspiron 620
Inspiron 620s
Inspiron 660
Inspiron 660s
Inspiron One 23 (2330)
Inspiron One 23 (2350)
Inspiron One 2320
Inspiron Zino HD 410
Latitude 3180
Latitude 3189
Latitude 3380
Optiplex 160
OptiPlex 170L DT
OptiPlex 210L DT
OptiPlex 3010
OptiPlex 3011 AIO
OptiPlex 3020 Micro
OptiPlex 3020 SFF
OptiPlex 3030 AIO
Optiplex 320 DT
Optiplex 320 MT
OptiPlex 330 DT
OptiPlex 330 MT
OptiPlex 360 DT
OptiPlex 380 DT
OptiPlex 380 MT
Optiplex 380 SFF
OptiPlex 390 DT
OptiPlex 580 DT
OptiPlex 7010 MT
OptiPlex 7010 SFF
OptiPlex 7010 USFF
OptiPlex 7020 MT
OptiPlex 7020 SFF
Optiplex 740 DT
Optiplex 740 MT
OptiPlex 745 DT
OptiPlex 745 MT
OptiPlex 745 SFF
OptiPlex 745 USFF
OptiPlex 745c
OptiPlex 755 DT
Optiplex 755 Energy Smart DT
Optiplex 755 Energy Smart USFF
OptiPlex 755 MT
OptiPlex 755 SFF
OptiPlex 760 DT
OptiPlex 760 USFF
Optiplex 780 DT
Optiplex 780 MT
Optiplex 780 SFF
Optiplex 780 USFF
OptiPlex 790 DT
OptiPlex 9010
OptiPlex 9010 AIO
OptiPlex 9010 MT
OptiPlex 9010 SFF
OptiPlex 9020 AIO
OptiPlex 9020 Micro
Optiplex 9020 MT
Optiplex 9020 SFF
OptiPlex 9030 AIO
OptiPlex 980 DT
OptiPlex 990 DT
OptiPlex FX160
OptiPlex GX260 DT
OptiPlex GX270 DT
OptiPlex GX520 DT
OptiPlex GX60 DT
OptiPlex GX620 DT
OptiPlex GX620 MT
OptiPlex GX620 SFF
OptiPlex GX620 USFF
OptiPlex SX260 DT
OptiPlex SX270 DT
OptiPlex SX280 DT
OptiPlex XE DT
Optiplex XE SFF
OptiPlex XE2 MT
Optiplex XE2 SFF
Precision M20
Precision M2300
Precision M2400
Precision M2800
Precision M3800
Precision M4300
Precision M4400
Precision M4500
Precision M4600
Precision M4700
Precision M4800
Precision M50
Precision M60
Precision M6300
Precision M6400
Precision M65
Precision M6500
Precision M6600
Precision M6700
Precision M6800
Precision M70
Precision M90
Precision R7910
Precision Workstation T1700 SFF
Precision Workstation T5810
Precision Workstation T7810
Precision Workstation T7910
Studio 1457
Studio 1458
Studio 1536
Studio 1555
Studio 1557
Studio 1558
Studio 1569
Studio 1735
Studio 1737
Studio 1745
Studio 1747
Studio 1749
Studio 540ST
Studio XPS 7100
Vostro 200 ST
Vostro 220
Vostro 230 MT
Vostro 230 ST
Vostro 320 All-in-One
Vostro 330
Vostro 400
Vostro 410
Vostro 420
Vostro 430
Vostro 460
Vostro 470
XPS 200
XPS 210
XPS 400
XPS 410
XPS 420
XPS 430
XPS 600
XPS 625
XPS 630
XPS 700
XPS 710
XPS 720
XPS 720 H2C
XPS 720 Red
XPS 730
XPS 8300
XPS 8500
XPS 8700
XPS One 27 (2710)
XPS One A2420
Design > Form factor - External
EAN - 5397063566679
EANCode - 5397063566679
EAN_code - 5397063566679
Features > Data transfer rate (max) - 1000 Mbit/s
Features > Internal - No
Features > Colour of product - Black
Warranty - 12
WarrantyInfo -
GRUPPE1 - Cables
GRUPPE2 - Usb Cable
GTIN - 5397063566679
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Package features > Palette Qty - 4571 pc(s)
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 18 g
Packaging content - Manual - Yes
Packaging content > Number of products included - 1 pc(s)
Packaging content > Manual - Yes
Packaging content > Quick start guide - Yes
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 250 mm
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 14 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 108 mm
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.018 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.000378 m³
Category - Network Cards
Category_1 - Cables
Category_2 - Network Cables
Code - 470-ABBT
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
LongDesc - The Dell USB 3.0 to Ethernet adapter enables you to add an Ethernet port to your computer or desktop using an existing USB input. Supporting up to Gigabit Ethernet data speeds, the adapter lets you enjoy faster streaming of online content, from news and live sports outlets to streaming radio and entertainment sites playing your favorite television shows and movies. The adapter contains a built-in driver for easy setup, eliminating the need to install drivers from a CD or download them from another source.
LongProductName - Adapter- USB A 3.0 to Ethernet (PXE Boot)
LongSummaryDescription - DELL 470-ABBT. Connectivity technology: Wired, Host interface: USB, Interface: Ethernet. Maximum data transfer rate: 1000 Mbit/s. USB powered. Product colour: Black
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 85176990
Title - DELL 470-ABBT network card Ethernet 1000 Mbit/s
Name - Dell Adapter USB-A 3.0 (male)> Gigabit Ethernet (female) (Black)
Name - Dell | USB-A 3.0 to Ethernet (PXE Boot) | Black | Adapter
Ports & interfaces - Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 1
Breite - 0.17
Processor > Bus type - SuperSpeed USB 3.0
ProductName - 470-ABBT
Producer product name - USB-A 3.0 to Ethernet (PXE Boot)
Manufacturer_code - 470-ABBT
Manufacturer - Dell
Link -
Ports & interfaces > Host interface - USB
Ports & interfaces - Host interface - USB
Ports & interfaces > Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 1
Ports & interfaces - Interface - Ethernet
Ports & interfaces - USB version - 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1)
Ports & interfaces - Connectivity technology - Wired
Ports & interfaces > Interface type - Ethernet 10Base-T, Ethernet 100Base-TX, Ethernet 1000Base-T
Ports & interfaces > Interface - Ethernet
ShortSummaryDescription - DELL 470-ABBT, Wired, USB, Ethernet, 1000 Mbit/s, Black
Storno - Y
Stck_Kart - 15
Stck_Pal - 44
Weight - 0,05
Weight & dimensions - Height - 15.2 mm
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 152 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width - 20.3 mm
Weight & dimensions > Height - 1.52 cm
Weight & dimensions > Depth - 15.2 cm
Weight & dimensions > Width - 2.03 cm
Technical details > Supported protocols - 10Mb LAN, 100Mb LAN, GigE
Technical details > Warranty - 1 year warranty year(s)
Technical details > Warranty - 12 month(s)
Technical details > Net weight - 0.018 kg
Technical details > Producer - Dell
Technical details > Type - Adapter
Technical_details - Type: LAN adapter, 1x external wired (connection cable not detachable) Interface: 1x USB-A 3.0 (plug via cable, 5Gb/?s, 15cm cable length) Connection: 1x RJ-45 Transmission: 1x RJ-45 (10/?100/?1000Base-T) Power supply: Power Supply only via connection Dimensions: 20x15x152mm (WxHxL, incl. cable) Compatibility: universal Note: USB nomenclature
Networking > Ethernet LAN - Yes
Networking > Cabling technology - 10/100/1000BaseT(X)
Network - Ethernet interface type - Gigabit Ethernet
Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
Network - Ethernet LAN data rates - 10,100,1000 Mbit/s
Network - Cabling technology - 10/100/1000BaseT(X)
Network - Maximum data transfer rate - 1000 Mbit/s
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3ab, IEEE 802.3u
Brand - DELL